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Jeremiah Johnson is Back - Claiming Bickle is Saved & not Losing Any Heavenly Rewards

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Jeremiah Johnson is a false prophet and was an integral part of the gaggle of false prophets that ran the false prophecy wing of the apostate church today. After the 2020 election, Johnson seemed conflicted when he falsely prophesied that Donald Trump would be reelected, as did his entire group of similar false prophets. Jeremiah seemed to take it to heart even though he was confused initially. First, he apologized, then withdrew that apology to wait for the lawsuits to pan out, then had to apologize again and then finally he quit is prophetic ministry. At least that was what he claimed. What he really did was rebrand himself a teacher instead of a prophet, but all indications were that he would go right on bringing false messages from God mixed in with eerie messages about judgment for those who are false yet somehow completely oblivious that he is in the camp of those who will sit for this type of judgment. Even though he has stayed mostly silent regarding his false prophet credentials, apparently the grace period is over. Jeremiah is breaking his silence with an absolutely bonkers prophecy regarding Mike Bickle. As we read this together, ask yourself if God speaks to anyone like this, leaving them to stitch pieces together on their own. The answer is no but let us reason once more together beloved.

'After holding back since Nov. 9, 2023, Jeremiah Johnson has finally broken his silence about his prophetic dream on the events surrounding Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer, Kansas City. On a Facebook and Instagram post, Johnson labeled the dream "IHOPKC, Exposure, and the Awakening." The dream, full of imagery, describes the setting of the dream to be similar to the Vatican. "I entered into what looked like the Vatican in Rome. I was told I was going to meet the 'Pope.' He had a crown on but his head was lowered and he was sobbing so I could not see his face. I was very alarmed but was told I must approach him immediately," Johnson wrote. He continued: "As I drew near, the pope lifted up his head and to my shock it was Mike Bickle. The pain and grief in his face was indescribable."' - Charisma News

We must understand that the role the false prophets serve for the Charismaniacal NAR apostate church is to prop up the network and protect the brand at all costs. So right off the bat this false dream shows Bickle in a favorable light trying to garner sympathy for him. If you think his face was filled with grief and pain, you should see the faces of his victims Jeremiah. I am assuming the usage of the Pope as Bickle is to falsely prop up his global importance. Mike Bickle was not that big of a deal beloved. Notice that there is never any concern for the sheep, only the wolf. When he was 42 and married, Mike Bickle lied about God by telling a 19-year-old sheep that God said his wife was going to die so they could be together for the sole purpose of luring her into a sexual relationship. The daughter of a friend I might add. I do not have the bandwidth to care about the pain or grief Mike Bickle might be experiencing. I am too busy concerned about the victims. The notion that God would be concerned about Bickle's pain instead of those he preyed upon is biblically absurd and reveals how false a prophet Jeremiah Johnson is.

In the dream, Johnson began to prophesy over Bickle that it was the time for him to remain

humble and that his crown"his position of authority over the prayer movement"was coming to an end, and that favor from the prayer movement was going to dispersed all over the world.

Instead of Satan taking out the movement as he intended, intercession would move forth from Kansas City so that God's power and glory could be reached in other parts of the world that would not experience it otherwise. "Suddenly an earthquake hit the Vatican and everything began to shake. It was terrifying. Mike hit the floor and I ran out of the room. I had this sense in the dream that his salvation and heavenly treasure was secure, but that he was being stripped of his crown (authority) in the earth to spiritually govern in the years ahead," Johnson wrote.

Wow. The disgusting nature of this false prophecy is staggering. Let's go through it piece by piece. Jeremiah Jonson is assuring us that Mike Bickle is not only saved and going to heaven but that he sacrificed nothing from his reward as well. Are you serious? Mike Bickle built a false ministry upon lies. This is so much of what is wrong with the Charismaniacal movement. While it is not our place to decide hell for anyone, the same goes for heaven. This presents a capricious God who has no judgment, nor care for those who seek Him. That Bickle could lie to this 19-year-old family friend, lie about what God said, in order to lure her into a four-year sexual relationship where he manipulated and controlled her life and literally suffer no consequences is sickening. What kind of God is Jeremiah presenting here? So, God is going to ignore all ten of his victims, ignore their suffering, and give an attaboy to Bickle? Let me offer you a different prophecy that is actually aligned with scripture. Mike Bickle never was saved. He never was a preacher. He never was anointed or even vaguely called. He used the false prophecies of two other sexual predators in Bob Jones and Paul Cain to start IHOP as a business venture. He turned the gospel into merchandise. He did not care if he was leading the innocent to hell, which I think ends up with a millstone around his neck. The least of these he abused. The only reason why he might have anguish in his countenance at this point is he got caught.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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