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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/16/18

Jesus Wore an Armani Suit -- Kris Vallotton's New Book Supporting His Theology of Greed

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And Jesus said to his disciples, "Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven.Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." -- Matthew 19: 23-24 (ESV)

It seems with each passing day Bethel's Kris Vallotton becomes more heretical and bolder about spreading his false gospels across this world. Just this week he wrote about how he has casual conversation with God where the Almighty laughs about his false prophecies and then covers them up for him because they are such close friends. About how his god allows a mixture of Kris's will and the lords. Then yesterday he announced that he will be soon releasing his new book entitled, "How to Live a Holy Life and Live Only According to the Word of God." Ok, I am just joking there. It is entitled, "Poverty, Riches and Wealth." Because ultimately, that is all the Gospel means to Kris Vallotton. As an enticement to buy it, he offered the first chapter online to read for free. Remember beloved, I read so you do not have to. Let us reason together as we go through this first chapter and see firsthand the devious working of the mind trapped by money trying to make merchandise of the Gospel:

"Know this: God's dream for you is so much bigger than yours. He promises prosperity and good success.

I find most people are bound by a spirit of limitation.

The enemy wants nothing more than to keep God's people chained to a spirit of lack and limitation.

The difference between living in prosperity and living in poverty is a choice." -- Jentezen Franklin

We start with four quotes from the forward that really jumped out to me, written by fellow false teacher; Jentezen Franklin. First of all God does not promise prosperity and good success. If He did, how does Jentezen explain all of our brothers and sisters living in third world countries in abject poverty? How does he explain the underground church in China? An easy test to determine if a theology is false is to see if it still applies outside the borders of who you are preaching to because the Gospel is transcendent. Just as God is no respecter of person, the Gospel does not shift and change based on time, location or generation. The same Gospel that saved a Galilean Fisherman 2000 years ago is the same Gospel that saved an 18th Century French vagabond and the same that can save you today. In fact, Jesus promised persecution if you follow Him. He promised that the world will hate you. He demands that we die to self and pick up our cross daily. That doesn't sell books however. Secondly, there is no such thing as a spirit of limitation. This is pure word faith garbage that says if you just think and speak wealth then you will be wealthy. That is an insult to struggling Christians across this world. Not as insulting however in asserting that living in poverty is a choice. That is a slap in the face to Christians facing beheading in Iraq for not denouncing Christ and the poor single mother in Detroit trying to raise her kids under the admonition of the Lord but on food stamps. The stage is set now for Kris Vallotton's opening chapter, where he tries to pretend Jesus was Warren Buffet.

"God's Definitions of Wealth

1. Wealth is the ability (resources, strength and wisdom) to create positive outcomes in the midst of lack, poverty and/or emptiness.

2. Wealth is light in the darkness, healing in sickness, prosperity in poverty, wholeness in brokenness, favor in obscurity, love for the unlovely, beauty for ashes and victors among victims.

3. Wealth is a "can-do" attitude, a "more than enough" mindset and a "nothing is impossible" belief system.

4. Wealth is radical generosity, extraordinary compassion, sacrificial giving and profound humility.

5. Wealth is always thankful and never jealous; it does not brag, it celebrates others and it looks to the future." -- Kris Vallotton

I am merely highlighting the lowest points in this chapter and we see here from the foundational argument that Kris intends to mangle the Bible beyond recognition in his pursuit of selling you greed. Let's start with number one. It sounds so right doesn't it? Yet the argument he is making is that positive outcomes can only be tied to money. He has clearly taken the opinion of the world as fact. Money is good and no money is bad. While this is partially true on a strictly carnal level is it true in the kingdom? Didn't Jesus say the first will be last? Didn't He say to not store up treasures on this earth? Don't the key verses today declare that it is only with difficulty that a rich man will even enter into heaven? The reason why faith is often stronger in third world countries is the fact that they do not have to wealth of this age to distract them from Jesus. Now, this does not mean every Christian should aspire to be poor but rather that declaring riches as what to pursue flies completely in the face of Scripture.

The second quote is just jaw dropping. Beloved, God is light in the darkness, healing for sickness, prosperity for poverty, wholeness for brokenness, favor from obscurity, love for the unlovely, beauty for ashes, and victory for victims. Some of these are taken from actual Scriptures that say this is God! This obviously reveals that money is the god that Kris Vallotton serves. The same goes for the third quote. Jesus is more than enough, not wealth! The Bible verse says that with God nothing is impossible! The fourth quote continues this onslaught against God by worshipping Mammon. Do you find wealth is radically generous? What about extraordinarily compassionate or profoundly humble? The point of sacrificial giving in the bible is the widow gave her all with the two mites but the wealthy gave out of their abundance. In fact, the one time a rich person was asked to give away their riches he walked away sad because he was wealthy! This is not just flipping the Gospel on its ear -- it is battering it until you can no longer recognize it! To top it off, it sure sounds as if he is conflating the Corinthians verses about love with his idolizing of wealth! I have said it more recently; this man is dangerous to the body.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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