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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/12/18

Kris Vallotton -- Prostituting a False Gospel and His Imagined Poverty Mindset

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And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. -- 2Peter 2; 3 (ESV)

Sometimes when you write about someone frequently you can start to feel bad. I swear I am not picking on Kris Vallotton. It is just that he insists on continuing to butcher God's Word and promote the most egregious false doctrines on the planet. As long as he continues to try and lead the sheep to slaughter I must try to show them the light of the true Gospel. Kris is wholly enamored with this world. His writings and teachings always reflect this. There is the usual allotment of Christianese and some mysticism thrown in for good measure but he is always prostituting the gospel as a Ponzi scheme to get rich. Let us reason once more through the slop he calls theology in article linked above:

"What's the thing in your life that you desperately want God to change? Is it a cycle of insecurity, your personal health and fitness, the courage to get over your fear of speaking in front of people? Perhaps it's that you're longing for reconciliation in a particular relationship? I know that when you're in a season of waiting and holding onto God's promises, that one of the most painful things is seeing someone else walking in the very breakthrough you'd give anything to have. It feels like salt in a wound, and if you're not careful, you can allow this to magnify your perceived lack." -- Kris Vallotton

What is the job of a preacher beloved? To point you to Jesus Christ through the presentation of His Word. What does Kris open up with? Breaking a cycle of insecurity, overcoming a fear of public speaking, and better health. These are all admirable goals and desires but they are also all carnal. They all speak to temporal improvements in this life. These are the things Kris thinks of for us to desperately want God to change and for us to hold onto God's promises for. Think about the shallowness of that for a moment. I am not saying that a desire for better health is not commendable or that we should not seek God in prayer for it but to say it is the thing we desperately want God to change sounds fairly superficial. The real superficiality is yet to come though. He links a video of himself and summarizes it as follows:

"When you're trying to change your life, you have to change the way you think first. Let's use the illustration of money as an example. Let's say you're broke, and you've been broke your whole life, and you come from a family who has been broke, and your grandparents were broke... and you pray and ask God to deliver you from being broke. Then the next thing that happens is that God sends "Johnny Rich" into your life, and he has the car you want, the house you want, and basically everything you want. In this scenario, if you have a poverty mindset, you're jealous of Johnny and you don't receive anything from him. However, if you realize that you can't become anything you haven't seen or heard, then you realize God's actually using Johnny to show you what's possible. When God puts an example of your promise in front of you, He's not trying to make you miserable; He's trying to show you what's possible." -- Kris Vallotton

Being broke is something a Christian needs deliverance from? Yes this is definitely how Vallotton believes and teaches. He glosses past the obvious envy and covetousness he promotes by saying you want Johnny's car, house and cash. Then Kris wields one of his favorite false teachings -- the poverty mindset. That is right beloved. There is no such thing. It does not appear anywhere in the Bible. It was created and developed solely in the wickedly deceitful heart of Kris Vallotton. Really stop and consider what Kris is teaching gullible and impressionable sheep here. That if someone rich comes into your life -- God sent them there to show you what His promise looks like! How disgustingly absurd! Considering the admonitions and warnings God gives us about money, the more likely scenario is that Johnny Rich as sent by Satan to tempt you with the promises of this world. This is a direct off shoot of the experiential Christianity Kris believes where what we experience is valued higher than Scripture and what we feel is deemed as coming directly from the Holy Ghost. The thought that Johnny Rich, who brings with him "everything I want" is from the devil never even crosses the mind of Kris Vallotton. Buckle up beloved as we find out why:

"God is no respecter of persons and if He did it for Johnny, then He'll do it for you! However, you can't become what you haven't seen or heard." -- Kris Vallotton

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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