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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/21/24

Master Grifter Kris Vallotton Selling the Usurpation of God's Power and Glory

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Every August the wolves come out in full force at the doctrinal cesspool known as Bethel Church in Redding California. This is when master grifter Kris Vallotton runs his fake "School of the Prophets." If you peel back the stench of this onion however, you find it should be called the School of the Profits. That is because this five day "school" is staffed completely through Bethel existing staff, led by Vallotton himself. The cost this year is $425 for the week. They claimed in 2019 that they had 2400 enrollees. While we can assume this number has grown, just staying at 2400 guarantees a haul of over one million dollars. Holy grifting Batman! That is $200,000 per day! Remember, they only have to throw some coin to their own employees who are the "guest speakers" and the rest goes to Vallotton, after tribute to Bill Johnson, no doubt.

This is a huge week for Vallotton each year for these reasons. He starts sending out emails months in advance disguised as being informational but ultimately driving you to sign up for the fake school. I have received two emails in the last two days from Kris. The first one was pretending to clarify a Facebook post differentiating between the gift of prophecy and the office. The opening statement on the gift side is that all believers are exhorted to prophesy. The problem of course is that is not true. The bible does say that all should pursue prophecy as a gift but it also clearly says not all will prophesy. That is completely different than being exhorted to directly prophesy. The PS in that email was to promote the fake school. The second email, which came today was a more direct affront declaring we must discover the "pace of grace." This catch phrase rhyming is central to the Charismatic sales pitch. Hallelujah, pass the offering plate. The email offered a free guide for "knowing my prophetic season."

That does not sound familiar? That is because it is entirely made up. Now do not get me wrong, the guide is well polished nonsense but it is still nonsense. It spews unbiblical garbage about five prophetic seasons designed to make you think that it is vitally important to figure out what season you are on so you can properly "partner with God." At the end of the well-polished document however, you are left with your appetite whetted and then directed to sign up for the fake school. These are the five things they promise you will get if you fork over your $425:

1. Learn from a company of seasoned prophets who have been equipping young prophets for decades.

Beloved, these are seasoned grifters, not prophets. They have been fleecing the church for decades. Keep in mind that there are 14 sessions in the five days and all led by Vallotton or one of his employees. This is a well designed grift.

2. Gain clarity in your prophetic calling, understand the role of a prophet, and receive actionable steps to effectively prophecy within your sphere of influence

Except not everyone HAS a prophetic calling! Look at the stupidity here! The bible clearly says that not everyone has every gift. Even Vallotton admits the office of the prophet is a calling but he will gladly take $425 from anyone who signs up! What actionable steps can he possibly give someone who has not been given the gift by the Holy Spirit? Answer? None. He can offer you absolutely nothing except silly guides about prophetic seasons.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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