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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/23/17

Mega Foolishness and Mega Biblical Illiteracy Equals Mega False Prophetess

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But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. -- 2Corinthians 12: 9 (ESV)

The originator of the sneaky squid spirit prophecy is at it again. False prophetess Jennifer Leclaire is again using her platform as editor at the disgraced Charisma News to promote utter foolishness disguised as prophecy. Not content with the Calamari Precognition and the angels of absolute nonsense prophecies, Leclaire had released her prophetic word for the month of May earlier in the month when she declared that God told her:

"Mega grace and mega faith equals a mega movement." -- Jennifer Leclaire

Well knock me over with a mega feather beloved! Looks like May is supposed to be Mega-May! This is the stuff of demonic stupidity. It is on the same level as holy laughter, which once swept the evangelical landscape. It is the stuff of Todd Bentley and the "Holy Spirit told me to punch you in the stomach so you can be healed of stage four pancreatic cancer" (true story). It is so offensively moronic that one would hope that Christians everywhere would discard Ms. Leclaire and her ilk into the Pentecostal trash bin, where her false prophecies belong. To buttress her silly prophecy, Leclaire has written a follow up article at the link below. Let us reason together beloved and realize that this level of discernment should be easy for us if we have an open Bible:

The prophecy continues: "My grace is sufficient for you and I've given you the measure of faith. I will move on your behalf when you step out in faith and rely on My grace to obey the words I have spoken to your heart. I will make impossible things possible. I will show you ways over, around and through things that have held you back in past seasons. I will make a way for you as you release faith-filled words and appropriate My grace that dwells on the inside of you. My grace offers you supernatural favor. My grace offers you supernatural power. My grace offers you whatever you need in the moment. Release your faith to walk in My grace and you will see things move that seemed immovable. You will see Me move in ways you hoped and prayed for. You will see yourself move into a new dimension of my goodness. It's time to move." -- Jennifer Leclaire

The nonsense continues. This has all the hallmarks of today's false prophetic messages. Chock full of vague spiritual statements, semi-biblical fragments of incoherence, and the NAR buzzwords for the false signs and lying wonders crowd. First of all, it is absurd on its face that God is waiting for us to move before He will move on our behalf. This is the problem with the NAR code speak. It always turns us into little gods. God certainly is not waiting for us to obey the words He has "spoken to our heart" as much as expecting us to adhere to the words He has already written down for us in the Bible. One of the cornerstones of NAR false prophetic teachings however is experiential Christianity over sound biblical doctrine. So you are supposed to tune your heart into the God station apparently and download some fresh revelation and then follow it. How patently absurd! God did not forget anything when He wrote the Holy Scriptures beloved. Tuning our hearts into anything outside of biblical truth means we are relinquishing the surety of God for wicked deceitfulness of our own carnal hearts.

The second clear marking of an NAR false prophecy is the one size fits all nature. Notice what Jennifer is saying here. God told her to tell all of God's people that in the month of May He will find a way over, around and through the things that have been holding us back. That for everyone in the body of Christ He will make the impossible possible. He will move things we thought unmovable -- again for all of us. The entire body of Christ is supposed to move into a new dimension of the goodness of God. Besides the stunning arrogance of assuming God is holding back dimensions of goodness for us that reduces this prophecy to that of a petulant child, what is with the spiritual "onesy" (my homage to Chris Rosebrough)? Is this how prophecy works? Everyone is going to have puppies and rainbows and unicorns for May? Seriously? How does this even pass the laugh out loud test? No one in the entire church is going to struggle in May? So I guess all of the Christians in the Middle East who were due to be martyred for their faith in May will soon find themselves free to practice their faith openly? I assume based on this new dimension that underground Chinese Christians will once again be allowed to worship Christ in their homes? People like Jennifer Leclaire have no idea how insulting this false prophecy is to Christians who do not find themselves as fortunate as to live in this country.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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