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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/13/19

NAR False Signs and Lying Wonders Strategy to Deflect Discernment

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Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. -- Matthew 24:23-24 (ESV)

Nestled away within the conglomerate that is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and the Purpose Driven Industrial Complex are the heresies surrounding false signs and lying wonders. The key identifying feature is that they consist of signs and wonders that are false and often make no practical, let alone biblical sense. Why for example would God leave traces of gold dust and alleged gemstones in a prayer service? Why would alleged angel feathers start falling through bogus glory clouds? To try and pawn this nonsense off is biblical-sounding, Bill Johnson likes to quip that they are "signs that make you wonder." Yes Bill, they make me wonder how anyone would follow someone as ridiculous as you. Included in this genre of heresy are fake healings such as the growing leg trick or the Benny Hinn suit coat wave. The key verses remind us that these are things that must come to pass. Do not therefore be amazed when some one claiming to be from God performs some parlor trick. Open your bible and do the work of a Berean -- does it line up with scripture and does it make sense?

The NAR likes to deflect any justified criticism by claiming those who insist on biblical accuracy are just Pharisees who need a revelation of the Holy Ghost because they operate in what they call a religious spirit. An easy example are the demonic outpourings at Pensacola and Toronto. Anyone with an ounce of discernment can tell that God does not force us through His Spirit to roll around on the ground uncontrollably laughing or making animal sounds. He does not have His Spirit shake us violently and spasmodically as the devil did down in Pensacola. Yet to this day, Charismaniacs swear by these two events as revivals. I say this as a backdrop to the above linked article from Wanda Alger, who makes her living through the NAR purpose driven industrial complex. Let us reason together once more as we dive into her latest attack on us wily religious spirits!

"Many of the battles we are facing today, both personal and corporate, are the result of a limitation of Holy Spirit's presence and power. The politically correct spirit is the world's version of a religious spirit, and it seeks to kill any authentic Spirit-directed initiative or agenda. It uses threats, accusations and twisted truths to try to disqualify any work of God-ordained reformation or supernatural transformation on the earth. The religious spirit in the church seeks to discredit anyone or anything that has the mark of supernatural intervention or inspired revelation. It too uses manipulation of ideas and distorted realities to confuse people and rob them of true spiritual power. If we can see past the smokescreen and understand heaven's purposes, we can stand strong in the face of seeming defeat and remain steadfast when things get tough." -- Wanda Alger

This is the shtick beloved. People like Alger and Bill Johnson are just so much more spiritual than you and I. Jennifer LeClaire is able to see sneaky squids in the spirit realm and marine demons in her swimming pool because she is so in tune with the Holy Spirit. Not satisfied just to draw the false distinction but Alger has to state that any opposition to her heresy is actually designed to kill the authentic spirit agenda. Nonsense. Clawing our way through the hyper-spiritual gobbledygook reveals the truth. The politically correct spirit of the world or the religious spirit of the church just likes to point out her lunacy. The NAR always claims they are working on some global supernatural shifting in the atmosphere somewhere. The people she accuses of having a religious spirit only seeks to discredit that which is not biblical. This scam is easy to spot though. Alger and the NAR will always refute any criticism as an attack upon the spirit but they cannot see that it is not the Holy Spirit they are trafficking in.

"1 Corinthians 2:14 states that the flesh cannot access the things of the Spirit because they are foolishness to the natural man. Apart from the Spirit of God, nothing that originates from His kingdom will make sense. The enemy knows that if we access the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, he will be exposed for what he is--a fraud, a liar and a charlatan. If he can get us to focus on what we see and hear in the natural, he can stir up doubt, unbelief and even cynicism against the things of God. If he can keep us from operating and walking in the power of Holy Spirit, he can continue his assault on heaven's agenda and limit our influence and authority." -- Wanda Alger

Yes Wanda and it is because of 1Corinthians 2:14 that you are stumbling around in the dark making up theology that God never stated. Your flesh cannot access the things of God through the Holy Spirit. You can however be susceptible to the evil spirits of this age Wanda. They will lie to you and convince you that your way of experiential Christianity is the right way and those who insist on the bible are fake. The word of God exposes the enemy as a fraud and liar, not your goosebumps and liver shivers. If you could understand it, you would realize that you have no real authority and your influence is only in the realm of leading others astray.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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