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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/4/20

NAR, Word-Faith Teaching -- God Will Restore Your Youthful Appearance?

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But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. -- Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)

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Katie Souza fancies herself a "healing evangelist." The translation of this Charismaniacal pseudo-spiritual speak is that she is a word of faith heretic who believes in mandatory healing for God. This heresy, shared by the likes of Bill Johnson and the NAR is that God is required to always heal us. Thus if we do not receive our healing, it is our fault for not possessing enough faith. This is a dangerous heresy because it derails faith and robs God of His sovereignty. The vaguely amusing thing is people like Bill Johnson wear corrective eyeglasses yet he preaches God must always heal you. Irony is often lost on false teachers. The above link caught my attention because of the absurd proposition by Katie Souza that the bible promises to restore your health and youthful appearance. Let us reason together once more so we are not caught up in ear scratching heresy that insults our Lord and Savior.

"The Bible is packed full of promises that God's people can walk in divine health and have their youth restored, even in their advanced years. Yet few are seeing the full manifestation of these truths. Instead, most are suffering some sort of pain, disease or disorder, and many are physically and mentally worn out. To add insult to injury, every glance in the mirror confronts us with the loss of our youthful looks. It's in those moments that we toy with ideas about cosmetic procedures in a desperate effort to restore some semblance of our glory days. In those moments, it's easy to wonder whether it's truly possible on this earth to live disease free and unrestricted by pain." -- Katie Souza

No Katie, it is not packed with such. This is what happens when you have a pre-conceived theology and try to shoehorn God's word into it. As you will see, most scriptures relied upon are found in either Psalms or Proverbs, neither of which are meant to create doctrine over solely. When the mandatory healing word faith heretic does stray into other portions of the bible, it becomes clear they have no idea how to rightly divide the word of truth. The other staggering thing here is the carnal infatuation with youth, even referring to it as glory days. Let me answer her question here. It is not possible to live this life, in this sinful fallen world, free of disease and pain. The body breaks down just the same for Christians as non-Christians. The real difference, missed by people who focus on this world as the NAR does, is that we look forward to a new glorified body in Christ Jesus.

'I have battled all of this. I also have fought and, thankfully, conquered many physical disorders. But certain lingering issues have refused to submit. As the producer and host of an international TV show, I face more pressure than most to look great. After all, millions are watching as I age, program by program. Many viewers compliment me, but over the years, some well-meaning people have also made hurtful comments about my weight or appearance. The Bible makes some audacious claims concerning health, long life and the restoration of youth. Check out these examples: Job 33:25 says, "His flesh will be fresher than a child's; he will return to the days of his youth." Proverbs 3:16a (TPT) says, "Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other." And The Message paraphrases the promise of Proverbs 3:7b-8 as, "Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!"' -- Katie Souza

You have fought? You have conquered? I thought it was God who heals? The narcissism continues with this notion that she must look good for television. The real problem of course is when she tries to quote scripture to support her unbiblical position. The Book of Job is a separate story in the bible. A historical narrative. Job 33:25 is a rebuke given to Job by Elihu. This verse is postulating Job being restored to health, not Katie Souza and not us either. This is scripturally criminal but all too common within NAR false teachings. The bible becomes a story about you instead of about Jesus. Suddenly it is you facing Goliath. It is you tearing the walls of Jericho asunder. It is you being restored and not Job. It is the gospel of me on full display. The Proverbs refence is a general instruction, as most Proverbs are, on the importance of wisdom. Logically speaking, the fool has a shorter life expectancy than the wise man. That does not mean God promises all Christians regeneration and long life. Not to mention, Katie is the fool, not the wise.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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