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Devotionals    H3'ed 11/30/18

Ohio NAR, American Dominionism, and Superstitious Paganism Passed Off as a Move of God

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You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. -- 1Corinthians 12:2 (ESV)

The key verse finds Paul speaking to the believers in Corinth regarding spiritual gifts. He reminds them that before they were saved, they as pagans would be easily led astray to worship mute idols and that they were led to do so. The word mute here is really translated as "dumb." Paul is speaking to the utter stupidity of following and bowing down to something that cannot offer eternal life. When Jesus asks Peter if he too will leave Peter responds; where would I go? Only You have the words of eternal life. Where else would we go indeed? The modern apostate church is bowing down to multiple idols in these last days. Multiple stupid, dumb, mute idols that cannot give them the eternal life they so desperately need. Many bow down to money, chasing unbiblical prosperity from a god they created themselves. Others worship the usurpation of God. This is the sin of Lucifer, confirmed by Eve in the garden. Today you can find it alive and well in word faith churches and those that practice false signs and lying wonders. Make no mistake about it beloved, when you pretend to be able to teach the gifts of the spirit you are committing this age old sin. The idol for today's conversation however is gaining much momentum lately and that is the worship of the pagan nation of America. This thought is not old but has been revitalized by the New Apostolic Reformation and the dominionism they embody. Fighting for secular law passage, immigration issues, the Johnson amendment, or good old fashioned revival of this country is simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The entire church seems to be led astray to worship this mute idol. The link above is from a recent article that highlights these issues. It is a bit long, so the passages presented are selected to highlight the point and do not distort what the author intended. Let us reason once more:

The Bible is coming to life beyond belief in the heartland of the Buckeye state. Clergymen from Richland County, Ohio, are reclaiming the nexus between church and state and proving they are the juggernaut that can bring social change to their region. This report supplies ample evidence of pastors working in tandem, making an eternal difference in culture. This account also documents tangible blessings that followed hand in hand after biblical obedience. Bountiful August rains in the midst of a five-month drought in 2016 came at just the right time. This rainfall had a ripple effect, bringing an unusual abundance of milk and honey, and propelling a robust harvest. Despite being the second hottest August on record, milk productivity countywide increased 43 percent from the previous August. Meanwhile, swarms abounded for a bee population still stinging from the colony collapse disorder, with one prominent beekeeper declaring the summer of 2016 as "the best bee season in a decade." - Reverend El Akuchie

There is no nexus between church and state beloved. Other than presenting the Gospel to a lost world, the church should not be in the state business. The NAR adherents such as the author of this article will disagree but the bible says we do not have citizenship here but in heaven. It says we are sojourners passing through. The only "eternal difference" in this culture is to save people from it, not try and fix the culture itself. When you worship the culture however that is how you find yourself so biblical twisted. The paganism starts early in this article as Pastor Akuchie claims that rains ending a drought were a result of the local pastors entreating the sinful state. This is astrology beloved. Reading tea leaves. The apostate church has gotten real good at it too. Whatever is positive is automatically attributed to some level of obedience but the negatives are either ignored or dismissed as an "attack." Why was the area in a five month drought to begin with? What did they do that so angered the Lord? That is the road you go down when you practice paganism. Not only the rain but they attribute this obedience to God in also sparing the local bee population! This is not the God of the bible but the god of ancient tribes that would sacrifice their children if the weather wasn't cooperating!

"This extraordinary turn of events occurred one month after clergy drew national attention for challenging the Washington, D.C., establishment. Leading clergymen from over 100 congregations across Richland County sent a letter to local and state school officials calling for civil disobedience to the Obama restroom mandate. This same month also saw a sudden exodus of witchcraft with two out of the three area psychic stores closing. Legislative efforts to attack religious freedoms were also averted. And despite an infant mortality rate nearly twice the national average, no cases of premature infant deaths were recorded. Last but not least, the clergy's milestone moment saw no traffic fatalities during the same summer vacation month. According to the ancient promises described in Deuteronomy 28, simple obedience by pastors became a pivot point to set these wheels of blessing in motion; one act of faith can change a nation." -- El Akuchie

So according to this pagan logic, God was killing the local bee population, opening psychic stores, killing babies and causing fatal car crashes because the unsaved government of the United States believed it was ok for men to use women restrooms. That is until the brave pastors of one section in Ohio wrote a letter. What kind of a sick demented god to they believe they are serving? If you don't believe me beloved you can tell this is nonsense by the bible butchering. Deuteronomy 28 is the summation of the Mosaic Law given to the nation of Israel. It has nothing to do with the church and does not apply to us today. Moreover, there was no "simple obedience" in the Deuteronomy passage. Obedience was so difficult it was impossible and that is why God had to send His only Son the die for us. One act of faith does not change a nation, especially a pagan nation. America is not the new Israel. That is the heresy known as Replacement Theology. There is so much rich theology in Deuteronomy 28 including the foreshadowing of the coming Messiah and how we as gentiles would be grafted in but Akuchie would rather try and leverage it to make sure the unsaved use the correct bathroom.

"Repealing the Clergy Gag Order. When addressing public issues of morality, clergy have the right of way. Second Chronicles 26 shows Azariah the high priest and 80 other courageous priests confronting the prideful King Uzziah when he challenged biblical authority. In this case, taking the moral high ground did not involve neutrality, it involved championing truth by confronting authority. Christ regularly confronted politicians. Lively debates are recorded between Christ and the Sanhedrin over issues like paying taxes, food requirements, health care on the Sabbath and commerce inside the temple. Consequently, when Moses confronted Pharaoh over slavery, their confrontation impacted the agriculture, public health, transportation and weather patterns of a national superpower. These encounters became defining moments. It goes to show, you don't have to change everything for everything to change." -- El Akuchie

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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