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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/29/18

Shawn Bolz -- Making a Mockery of Prophecy and Healing at the Same Time

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O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit. -- Psalm 30: 2-3 (ESV)

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Shawn Bolz traffics in lies for a living. Whether they are willful on his part or he is so compromised demonically that he cannot tell is irrelevant to us. Maybe he believes he is hearing directly and audibly from God and just understands the Bible so little that he cannot tell it is demons that are feeding him. Then there are those moments on film where we see him scamming people by using a smart phone to do cold readings and we conclude that at least part of his "ministry" is clearly willful and purposeful deception. We should expect as much coming from one of the greatest demonic cesspools of a church in this world today -- Bethel. Bill Johnson's church is ground zero for the teachings of the NAR, false signs and lying wonders, and experiential Christianity. The Bible? That's for those other suckers who do not have God tapped next to them like a keg from their old college days. Bolz, like the whole crew and Bethel, believes he can teach the gifts of the Holy Spirit to people! The deception is very thick and very dangerous as they specialize in scratching itching ears.

Shawn Bolz fancies himself a prophet-dude. Besides Bethel he is widely known through the Kansas City prophets as well. His prophecies are usually the same drivel about needing more of you as opposed to God. Besides being utterly clueless about actual prophecy, Bolz is equally ignorant about the subject of healing. This is again not surprising since Bethel firmly believes in mandatory healing. This is the false belief that God must always heal us, thus robbing God of His sovereignty. Bolz "prophesied" about a "season of healing" this week (linked above) that highlights how dangerous, unbiblical and cruel his mendacity can be. Let us reason together once more beloved.

"Prophetic word for healing in this season: God is releasing the answerable prayer of David for people who have a debilitating or life-threatening sickness or issues that can take them out even just for a season." -- Shawn Bolz

Needless to say, God is releasing no such thing. There is no "answerable prayer of David" as Bolz invents here. What he is referring to are the key verses from today. Most biblical scholars agree that Psalm 30 was a Psalm written for the dedication of the temple. It is a short twelve verse psalm where David is thanking the Lord for the various blessings and deliverances He has provided for him. Those who have read the portions of the Bible that detail David's life know that while he is a central and great biblical figure, he was also a flawed and sinful man. A murderer actually. A man of bloodshed and war. In the end David knows however that it is God who has sustained him and delivered him and this is one of many Psalms of thanksgiving. In it he recognizes that God could have wiped him out in His righteous anger. Yet God is good and merciful and spared David and even blessed him throughout his life.

Pop quiz -- what does this Psalm have to do with your life? Answer -- absolutely nothing. We of course can learn about the various facets of God from this Psalm. The largest takeaway for me is the need to be thankful. To never forget the source of your blessings. To never forget that God may relent from destroying you but that does not remove His ability to do so. A reverent awe or fear is what we should take away from reading Psalm 30. This is not however what false prophet Shawn Bolz gleans from this text. To Shawn, verses 2 and 3 are an "answerable prayer" for people who find themselves battling a life threatening or debilitating illness. What does that hyper-spiritual gobbledygook actually mean? What Shawn is peddling here is that because King David once uttered this prayer to God over 3000 years ago and saw God heal him that it can now be applied to you as well.

Yeah, that is not how the Bible works Shawn.

This is not a prescriptive text beloved. God is not prescribing something for us to follow. Yes we can learn about thanksgiving from Psalm 30 but there are far better prescriptive texts throughout the entire Bible regarding even that. When we realize we are to give thanks in all things, Psalm 30:2 is not the go to verse for us because it is not instructing us of anything. We must understand the dynamic working here within the wickedly deceitful heart of Shawn Bolz. He decided that he wanted to "release" a sugary false prophecy because that is how you build up your street cred and fan base. So he decides that this is a season of healing and claims God told him so. Then he scours the Bible for pious sounding verses that he can leverage to give the appearance of piety but at the end of the day we are left with an empty false prophecy that can absolutely crush the faith of sick believers everywhere. Do not gloss over this like it is no big deal beloved. What Bolz is doing here is flat out wicked. It is evil and comes straight from the heart of Satan. To convince and promise followers of Jesus that God has decreed this is their season to get healed of their cancer, diabetes, or lupus when God has said no such thing is disgustingly malevolent. What happens when someone does not get healed? What happens to their faith? What happens to the faith of the family and friends? Bolz false prophecy continues:

"If you are facing surgery or recovering, this is also for you: God wants you healthy so you can thrive in being you. There has been such an attack on people's bodies to distract and destroy them. Some of you have been under attack for so long, you need to renew your yes in your heart to receive the fullness of healing. Let yourself be present with the fact that the issues your body is facing are not your spiritual truth." -- Shawn Bolz

Oh so now everyone facing surgery is included in this deal? This is one of the hallmarks of false prophecy today. It is a prophetic "onesie." Everyone who happens to be listening to his voice will all have the same prophecy applied to them? Every single surgery is going to result positively? Every single case of cancer will be cured? Why? Because Shawn Bolz has created the theology of renewing the "yes in your heart" to receive the fullness of healing? What the heck is that even supposed to mean? It sure sounds spiritual but it sure isn't biblical. Please note that what he is clearly inferring is that everyone who has faced a long term sickness has done so by their own choice. Read it again. The fullness of healing is always available according to these hucksters but sometimes we can forget to activate the yes in our heart to receive it. What sickening garbage this is. Beloved hear me very clearly. God can heal you. God is sovereign and omnipotent. The spiritual truth however of who you are is not tied to the physical body in this mortal life. You must understand that for Shawn Bolz and the Bethelites, this life is all they care about. It is the idol that they worship. So yes the issues you are facing in your body are not your spiritual truth.

They may however, be your physical truth. We all die beloved. Some earlier than others. I do not know why kids get cancer or loved ones leave us too soon. My faith does not require my full understanding of temporal events just a firm understanding of who God is. The Bible is filled with examples of unhealed believers. Many believe the thorn is Paul's flesh was a physical sickness of some form. He pleaded with God three times to take it away and every time God said no. do you think Paul just forgot to "renew the yes in his heart?" That is ridiculous. God did not heal Timothy's stomach ailments either. Other people were healed simply by passing under the shadow of Peter. No one knows why some were healed and some were not but I am pretty sure that it wasn't because of the lack of renewal of the yes in their heart.

"This is not how God intended you to live. He wants to bring miracles, restoration and acceleration to recovery." -- Shawn Bolz

So we come to it. The point of full blown healing heresy that Bethel routinely teaches. According to Bolz, Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and the whole Bethel crew -- God never intends anyone to live with sickness. No one can question that during the three years of ministry for Jesus Christ there was an abundance of miracles. That aside, were there always miracles? Did everyone receive a miracle? When God came to the rich young fool was it with miracles, restoration and recovery or did he say tonight your life will be required of you! I again want to emphasize that God can heal. He in fact gave specific instructions:

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. -- James 5: 14-16 (ESV)

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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