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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/3/19

The Blueprint for Worldwide Apostasy Revealed by Bethel Church

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Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell[e ] as yourselves. -- Matthew 23:15 (ESV)

Despite the schemes of the NAR and their dreams of global domination through some esoteric sense of revival the bible only promises an end times apostasy as multitudes will leave sound doctrine behind in pursuit of a god they created in their own image. A god that wants them all healthy and wealthy and oblivious to things such as sin and repentance. A god that confirms his deity for them through demonic signs and wonders such as we have already seen across churches today. A god that assures them they are heaven bound despite being worldly focused. A faux piety found only through utter carnality dressed up in a vestige of power but lacking the real God who could provide it. We see this apostasy all around us. Like Ren and Stimpy, this apostasy is trying to take over the world for the fake jesus they market. A sloppy agape jesus who talks about love like a late 1960's San Francisco hippy and relegates the bible to those "religious" people. When we read Matthew 7 and see those who stand before Jesus confused how He never knew them; THIS is who those people are and there will be a lot of them beloved. Narrow is the way and few are those who find it.

For those who wonder how this great apostasy will spread to such proportions the answer has always been hiding in plain sight. Because we tend to look at false teachers as part of the church we do not realize that they are the vehicle for the deliverance of this apostasy. Even sadder, because they control the majority of the pulpits, satellite channels and radio stations reserved for "Christian" activities, their reach is unending and their zeal is unmatched. But like John Calvin once quipped, zeal without knowledge is like a sword in the hands of a lunatic. The purpose driven model of church growth is singularly focused on metastasizing and thus this cancer spreads faster than the truth ever can. This morning I came across a short article on Charisma News, linked above, that reveals the blueprint for the global spread of the great apostasy. The author of course is revealing the scheme for what he thinks will be revival. His intentions are irrelevant as we see from the key verses today. One of the judgments pronounced over the Pharisses by Jesus is that they are so zealous to spread their cancerous teachings that they cannot see that traveling the globe only makes heretics as far as the world can stretch and that those falsely converted are twice the son of hell as they are! Why twice? Because the falsely converted are even harder to reach because they think they are already saved. So let us reason again together and see this blueprint unveil before our eyes.

"Much has been written and prophesied about the next Great Awakening in America. But are we ready for a huge soul-harvest?" -- Charisma News

First let us never lose sight that the people who espouse false doctrine are indeed very zealous. Their aspirations would be commendable if their doctrine was correct but of course correct doctrine would make them realize their aspirations are unbiblical. Of course we want as many to come to the Lord as possible but heaven rejoices when only one sinner repents for a reason. Much has been written and prophesied about this great awakening in America but these are of course false prophets beloved. These are the NAR dreams about revival and influencing culture into some utopic Christian theocracy. Any objective person sees this is ludicrous as America drifts farther and farther away from God in large part due to the apostate church's influence and hypocrisy. Perhaps the first "tell" here is the desire for a huge soul harvest. What they fail to realize, like the Pharisees before them, is that winning souls to a false doctrine is scattering people away from Christ. This is the first plank in the platform for the great end time apostasy. There is no questioning they are targeting huge numbers of converts and in the process they will make them all twice the sons of hell that they are.

'Michael Brodeur, an instructor at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and founder of, says no. Evangelist Leonard Ravenhill put it best, Brodeur says, when he said, "The reason that America does not have the full revival we want is because we're content to live without it."' -- Charisma News

So the source behind this call for a billion soul harvest is a teacher at one of the most heretical schools on the planet. Bethel is a virtual cesspool of false teaching and their school of the supernatural "teaches" the unwitting to replicate the charismatic gifts of the spirit. I say replicate because they cannot actually teach what only God almighty doles out. They teach them to listen to their wickedly deceitful hearts and whatever pops in is assigned to have come from God. They teach words of knowledge like Shawn Bolz practices through his smart phone. The quote of Ravenhill must have him spinning in his grave. What Ravenhill was intimating was that the American church likes the status quo. They like the sin and excess of Sodom and do not seriously want to disrupt it. Brodeur uses it here to promote his heretical sense of revival, which Leonard Ravenhill would have loudly rebuked.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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