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The Calamari Queen Strikes Again! Jennifer Leclaire's 2019 False Decree Is Released!

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You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways. -- Job 22:28 (ESV)

It is the oldest sin recorded in the bible. It is the sin of Lucifer; cast down from the heavens for wanting to ascend to the throne of the Most High. It is the same temptation he offered to Eve in the Garden -- eat this fruit and you will be like God! It is the same reason why millions do not care the ever be saved; because they like being their own God. It is one of the primary foundational desires behind most of the false teachings today. Why does someone believe they can create with their words? Because they want to ascend to the throne of the Most High. Why do people prefer their subjective emotionalism to the surety of Scripture? Because they want to ascend to the throne of the Most High. One of the main teachings of word faith heresy is the notion of decreeing and declaring. This belief is that we have the same power to declare and decree reality that God possesses. That what we speak becomes real because of some flawed thinking regarding our status as being saved. The church is so fast to try on the crown of glory but refuses to share in the crown of thorns. The above linked article is the latest from the Sneaky Squid Spirit fan club President, Jennifer Leclaire. This time the false prophetess extraordinaire is "releasing" her 2019 false prophetic word, which is that 2019 is the year of the decree! What can possibly go wrong? Let's find out!

'"I decree and declare ..." These are four words we hear prayer warriors cry out in the heat of the battle--but often without an experiential revelation of the power of a decree. In 2019, God will demonstrate the power of a decree with rapid breakthrough following. He is pouring out revelation on Job 22:28 to believers who can believe Christ's delegated authority positions us as more than priests who petition--but kings who decree and see an immediate response in the natural realm.' -- Jennifer Leclaire

Did you catch the foundational heresy that drives this nonsense? Jennifer wastes no time in declaring that we are in fact kings! When she says that Christ's delegated authority, which is not found in Scripture, positions us as more than priests who petition she is actually downplaying prayer. A petition to the Lord is prayer but according to Jennifer there is no need for such trivialities when you are in fact an equal with God! When you are a king you can declare and decree without the pesky red tape of actually asking God for anything! Then to spiritualize this garbage she cites a verse from Job which I have made the key verse for today. Is Chapter 22 the word spoken by Job? Is it God speaking in Chapter 22? No beloved; it is Eliphaz the Temanite. This section of Scripture is actually the third response to Job from Eliphaz, who was supposed to a comforter and friend to Job. Eliphaz represents how we carnally look at suffering in this world. Looking for causation, Eliphaz essentially blames Job for his own misery claiming he must have done something wrong. Was Eliphaz right? No! He is 100% wrong and is in fact rebuked by God later in the book!

The key verse comes from the closing section of the response from Eliphaz. This is where he tries to make the case that if Job would only submit to God then he would find himself at peace with God. The choicest silver would be yours. When you pray, God will hear you and if you decide on a matter it will be established for you. Now stay with me beloved -- these things are NOT true. Job is a picture that embodies the notion that sometimes the righteous suffer. That sometimes God uses suffering within His plan and for His glory. That it rains on the just and the unjust alike. What Eliphaz concludes is simply not correct and Jennifer Leclaire has decided to build her theology upon it.

'I heard the Lord say, "Far too many of My people are begging me to do what I've already promised I would do. Far too many are making supplication, bargaining with Me to do My revealed will, petitioning and crying out from a place of hope instead of faith. But I am calling My body to rise up and decree what I have already said, to prophesy what I've already said, to declare what I've already said and to see My will and My kingdom established in the earth. "There is a time for every purpose under heaven. There's a time to pray the prayer of faith. T here's a time to war with a prophetic word. There's a time to make supplication. There's a time to release the prayer of consecration. But in this season, I am demonstrating the power of a decree released by the leading of My Spirit through a heart of faith. Decree a thing and it shall be established."' -- Jennifer Leclaire

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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