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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/16/18

The Cancerous NAR Teaching of Mandatory Healing

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So Jesus again said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me,just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. -- John 10: 7-15 (ESV)

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Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist. Atleast that is how she describes herself in her bio on Charisma News. If you are struggling figure out what this title is, do not bother. It does not exist biblically. It is the same as the mega-apostles, and grand-prophets that run around the body of Christ today screaming "look at me!" Now someone can be prophetic and they can be used by God to heal another person. They can also be an evangelist. It is the trifecta spelled out as Becky does that appears quite contrived. As we read into her theology at the above linked article, we will discover that she cannot divide the word of truth let alone understand healing as it relates to God.

Realize beloved that Becky Dvorak is just a microcosm of a serious error within the error laced NAR movement and the Charismatic church today. That is because Becky was certainly not the first one to claim that God is required to always heal us. This is the teaching of Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Dutch Sheets, and countless others as it has spreadlike a cancer throughout the church. Please recognize that no one is suggesting God "can't" heal. Even hardcore cessationists who do not believe in the gifts of the Spirit believe God can still choose to heal someone. The issue is in believing He must. People like Johnson, who cannot see the delicious irony of teaching this while wearing corrective eyeglasses, actually says that we should never pray "Thy will be done!" Beloved, this is all usurping what belongs to God. It is the little gods theology of the word of faith heresy. It is the same sin for which Lucifer was cast out of heaven for and the same sin he then tempted Eve with in the garden. Yes God did actually say. So let us reason together as we go through this thankfully short article.

"Jesus says that the thief, the devil, comes to steal, to kill and to destroy (see John 10:10a). And a couple of weapons that Satan uses against us are sickness and disease. That's right, sickness and disease steal joy, finances and the future from us. They not only kill the human body, but they also kill hopes and dreams. They cause such havoc upon relationships that close relationships are often destroyed by the stress of it all. They also destroy such things in our lives such as our witness of a loving and faithful God, and a peaceful state of mind. This is the reality of so many lives afflicted by sickness and disease, but we do not have to remain in the devil's realm of chaos." -- Becky Dvorak
It is always easier to discern what is not from God when the person cannot divide the Word of truth accurately. John 10:10 is often misused and misunderstood within the body. I have provided the expanded context as the key verses today. Jesus is the Good Shepherd beloved. He lays His life down for the sheep. By contrast, the thief in these verses is not the devil. The thief is the hireling. The one who pretends to be the shepherd but cares not for the flock. In short, the thief is the false teacher and false prophet. They care nothing for the sheep. Understanding this we have a pretty big problem with this teaching from Becky Dvorak. The entire foundation upon which she has built this false theology is a twisting of God's Word. It is because of this flawed foundation that she careens into other flawed teachings. She presents our witness for God as needing a peaceful state of mind that is simply unattainable while sickness is present. This is false on two fronts. First of all our witness should be present in any state of being. Secondly, the true peace of God is not dependent upon one's level of sickness or health:

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. -- 2Corinthians 12: 9-10 (ESV)

The notion of being content in weakness or calamity is foreign to blessing pushers. Yet we see throughout Scripture that not everyone enjoys optimal health at all times. Besides the obvious example of Job, Paul himself suffered from his thorn and Timothy suffered from stomach ailments. Not to mention the fact that we all die. Dvorak continues:

"Jesus continues to speak to us in John 10:10b, --I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." We have a choice to make. Either we choose to stay in the realm of suffering with Satan, or we choose to believe the words of Jesus, and align ourselves with the power of the Holy Spirit. And I encourage you to choose the latter and learn to believe and have faith to heal for yourself or for someone you care about. I witness over and over again that healing is like pressing the "restart" button to life. Just this weekend I was ministering in Zanesville, Ohio, and so many received their healings. By their faith, they hit this refresh button of faith, and their lives are beginning over again without sickness and disease and all the pain and suffering they bring." -- Becky Dvorak

Beloved I cannot begin to tell you how cruel this is. Let us first deal with the continued mangling of John 10:10. This verse presents a dichotomy between the false and the true Gospel. The false gospel only brings death, destruction, and misery. Why? Because it cannot reconcile you to God. The healing referred to is spiritual healing between you and the God who made you. Jesus came to bring you abundant life, which is eternal. Life to the fullest is a life aligned with Christ. The thief, or the false teacher, robs you of this. So you end up with all of the piety of religiosity without the assurances of religion itself in Jesus Christ.

The cruel part is Becky Dvorak has set you up to be the fall guy if you do not receive your miracle healing. What she is saying here is that if you have cancer, lupus, or literally any form of sickness then it is only because you have chosen to stay in the realm of suffering with Satan. What utter garbage. Then she says we can simply press an imaginary restart button by believing the words of Jesus, except she has not understood this entire time anything regarding John 10. As for her testimony it means relatively nothing. I have seen itinerant healers wow the church with Benny Hinn like tricks and then a month later the "healed" are right back where they were. Again, this is not to say that God cannot heal but His vessel to convey your healing is not coming through someone who cannot be bothered to read Scripture correctly.

"One husband and wife stood in front of me, desiring to hit this refresh button of faith for their healing, and they did. They received the astounding miracles from God they desired. The husband had suffered a stroke that left his left side paralyzed and his left eye completely blind. In an instant, this man's eye was opened, and he cried out, "I can see again!" He and his wife were jumping for joy when he cried out again that the paralysis is completely gone. This man was loosed from the heavy burden Satan had put upon him, and all that the enemy had stolen from him was restored. What are you waiting for? Hit that restart button with your faith for healing and allow the healing power of the Lord to refresh, restore and restart your life once again for the glory of the Lord. Amen!" -- Beck Dvorak

Now, are stories like this true? Probably not. Can God miraculously heal? Absolutely. The problem with these stories is they are always anecdotal. There is never any real proof offered. This is like the scene from the second heretical Holy Ghost movie when the "healing evangelists" went to a park after midnight in a foreign country to show off how God can heal. Why a park after midnight? Why not just go straight to the emergency room? Because then they would be exposed for the hucksters and charlatans they really are.

Beloved, there is no restart button you hit by magically accepting healing that is always available to you. The real sin here besides the cruelty is the robbing God of His sovereignty. Yes God can heal you but He is not required to. False teachers like Bill Johnson often refer to the fact that by His stripes we are healed but they fail to realize that is the spiritual healing of salvation, not overcoming a case of gout. Think about the enormity of disappointment and disillusionment Becky Dvorak is setting people up for. If it my choice and I tried to choose instantaneous healing what happens when it doesn't come? We will either blame ourselves or blame God. That is the real damage done by this scourge of teaching running rampant through the body of Christ today. The real test of faith is still having faith during the trials. When Job sat in his own mess of boils after losing everything he had he said the Lord gives and takes away -- blessed be the name of the Lord. Godly contentment is the peace that surpasses all understanding. Do not be fooled by those making merchandise of you. They are the false teacher from John 10:10. They care not about the sheep. So thank you Becky Dvorak for pointing us to that Scripture so that we now can better see you coming.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- March 16, 2018

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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