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The NAR - Pitching Their Tent Toward Sodom

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Abram lived in the land of Canaan, but Lot settled in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent toward Sodom. -- Genesis 13:12 (BSB)

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) often appears nebulous even when we are staring right at it. That is because most never claim to be a part of it even if they are neck deep in its theology. Someone like Dr. Michael Brown often pretends it doesn't even exist even while vociferously defending its most popular teachers. Over the past two decades since C. Peter Wagner coined the term, the NAR has grown beyond what Wagner may have even envisioned. It now embodies the false notion of new apostles, fake signs and lying wonders theology as well as America worshiping dominionism. There are offshoots of these main heresies such as contemplative prayer, soaking, and even the return of holy laughter. It is easy to get caught in these weeds and lose sight of the more obvious and egregious teachings surrounding the idolization of America that is seriously starting to infect the entire body of Christ.

When Abram and Lot split up we are told that Lot pitched his tent towards the wicked city of Sodom (see key verse). The next time we see Lot he is living in Sodom. This is what happens when we idolize what is wrong. When we look wistfully upon a fallen world instead of realizing people need to be saved out of it. We end up living in it. The church pitched its tent towards Sodom several decades ago with the advent of the seeker friendly industrial complex and the purpose driven church models of growth. We started to hear nonsense about finding relevance with the world. That the church had to meet people where they were in the world. That the church needed to be changed to attract people from the world. Fast forward twenty years and now you cannot tell the world apart from the church. We went from pitching our tent towards it to living in the world and the NAR loves it. They love it because they can pretend to rail against what they love. The sin and excess. For example, only in the depraved mind can you think you are doing the Lord's will by covering up an affair on your wife, taking over a new church and buying your wife off with a Lamborghini all in the same year while portraying yourself as the victim. The above link is to a new article by another NAR, America worshiping adherent named Ed Silvoso. He is the founder of a "transform our world" network, which gives you an indication of where his head and heart are at. He has written a new book called, Ekklesia and this article presents the general NAR arguments on steroids as he hawks his new book. Let us once again reason together beloved to be aware of the heresy that surrounds us.

'"What I share is meant to be revolutionary but not rebellious. When I address the shortcomings of the modern-day church, I do so with the utmost respect for its leaders and members ... and with the unshakable conviction that Jesus is still building His church, because I know that 'He who began the good work in you (us) will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.' (Phil. 1:6)."' -- Ed Silvoso

We start off by misappropriating Philippians 1:6, which of course has nothing to do with building the church. His ideas are far from revolutionary. They are espoused by false prophets and teachers every single day. Jesus builds His church through the message of the Gospel and the work of His under shepherds. Not through chasing carnal revival in a fallen world.

'"The issue is not so much what we are doing wrong, but rather what is missing that is keeping Jesus' stated objectives from materializing. Could it be that we have confined to four walls once a week what is designed to be a 24/7 people movement out in the marketplace, transforming our cities and nations?' -- Ed Silvoso

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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