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The Political Idolatry of Charisma - Confusing Blessing with Judgment

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"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' - Matthew 7:21-23 (ESV)

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I am sure that sometimes discernment ministries can start to sound like they are droning on and on about the same old, same old. Charlatans like Dr. Michael Brown used to love saying that we strain out a gnat but swallow a camel, in a breathtaking distortion of that scripture. Well, that was before we discovered that Dr. Brown built his holiness empire while swatting a 19-year-old on the butt and having phone sex with other husband's wives. There is a reason why however our focus is what it is. First of all, the bible commands that we expose the works of darkness. The bible also says we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away. God did not say there was a third option where anything goes, and doctrine is not a big deal. The key verses today are from one of the most sobering set of scriptures in the bible that should make us all want to live out our salvation with the same fear and trembling God said we should have. These show a glimpse into what it will be like for all of us when we stand before Christ to give account. These people who say, "Lord Lord" are clearly churched people. They clearly lived their lives in church, thinking they were serving God. They believed they saw miracles and even performed such in His name. They even believed they cast out demons in His name, like so many of the deranged heretics today claiming to be demonslayers. They were purpose driven. They remind me of the seven sons of Sceva from Acts 19. These were sons of a priest and went around playing church. They would try and cast demons out in the name of Jesus, who Paul preaches. They did so performatively however and without any relationship with Jesus Himself. One day the demons answered him and said that while they knew who Paul and Jesus were, who the heck did they think they were? The demons beat them so bad the ran way bloodied and naked. Now, I do not know how bad a beating is that it knocks your clothes off, but I sure do not want to find out.

The NAR dominionist movement has taken over the apostate church in this country and are creating entire generations of people who will say "Lord Lord." They sell this constant victim mentality, turn the very people who need the gospel into the enemy, and sell the carnality of this world by chasing this faux sense of revival. The bible promises a great end times apostasy, not revival. The grift they have perfected is to sell the promise of heaven without the messiness of repentance. Instead, they offer up the lost as the point of moral comparison. We are supposed to look to Christ to realize how imperfect and sinful we are. Instead, the NAR offers up the unsaved, the democrat, the woke, the leftist. Instead of teaching the enemy is Satan, they insist it is political opposition. This is the textbook definition of idolatry and comes complete with the perfect political idol, Donald Trump. It has always been a Faustian bargain, however. The deal has always been with the devil. Because their idol pays lip service to Christians, holds up a bible for photo ops, or appoints judges they think they like, they are willing to look the other way on the sheer evil he represents. That in turn is not lost on the lost. They see the rank hypocrisy and thus are pushed further and further away from Christ. NAR propaganda loves to sell the notion of revival but cannot escape the numbers. Forty million people have left the church in the past 25 years and the number one reason they give is hypocrisy. This new breed of heresy however goes beyond that. It is also mean spirited. It does not care about the truth, only about protecting their brand. I remember having actual disagreements with believers before the election who were posting the lies about Haitians, most of which are our brothers and sisters, eating pets in Ohio. Now anyone with a functioning brainstem who is not trying to find a way to legitimize the story knew this was a political hoax. That did not matter - only the idolatry did. The NAR has their own propaganda machine that is spearheaded by Steven Strang and his faux-Christian platform, Charisma News. Strang worships the incoming president and uses his media machine to platform the looniest false signs and lying wonders teachers and anything that blanketly support his political masters in the Republican Party. He is creating generations of people who will stand before Jesus and say, Lord Lord - did we not repost and retweet about Haitians eating pets in Your name? The answer from the key verses will be the same. Away from me, for I do not know you. The above link is to the latest article from Strang puffing up his idol, the incoming president. It reveals so much about how the NAR corrupts absolutely. Let us reason once more together.

"2025 brings our Jubilee anniversary at Charisma magazine, celebrating the founding of our company in August 1975. We are grateful for God's blessings over the nearly 50 years He has permitted our team to bring the Holy Spirit's work to your home and family. The new year arrives filled with promise as well, even with serious challenges on the horizon. This month the second term of President Trump will begin with his inauguration. Against all odds in an unprecedented political climate, he emerged victorious. For millions across the nation, this victory is not just a political achievement, it is a reprieve for a few more years to turn our nation back to God." - Steven Strang

The Holy Spirit's work? Is that what you think it is when you call for the restoration of a man like Mike Bickle, even after we discovered two of his victims were 12 and 13 years old respectfully? For platforming some of the most egregious false doctrines over the years? Everything from Bethel to the sneaky squid spirit? False prophets from the gaggle of 2020 Trump prophets to obvious charlatans like Benny Hinn or Cindy Jacobs? Is it the Holy Spirit's work to run the writings of lunatics like Jack Hibbs, Mario Murillo and Greg Locke who teach things like book burnings and people who vote Democratic are unredeemable and going to hell? One of the features of any religiosity idolatry is the notion that anything bad is from the devil but anything good must be blessings from God. It is a lazy theology that guarantees you can always paint yourself as righteous regardless of your clearly unrighteous stances. The reality is often the opposite. Things that are negative might just be God chastening and things that are deemed successful, could just be due to the fact that you are working with the devil, not against him. For forty years, for example, Mike Bickle and his backers would all point to the success of IHOP as proof of the "blessings" of God. Now we know this could not possibly be true since Bickle lied about the prophetic history and built his empire on the bones of many young female victims. Just months before Bickle was exposed, Sam Storms declared on the American Gospel roundtable that he could not think of a more biblically orthodox, Christ exalting individual than Mike Bickle. How has that sentiment aged Sam? The reason why Charisma News is so successful is the same reason Joel Osteen makes hundreds of thousands of dollars every weekend in tithes and millions of dollars in book sales. It is the same reason why Robert Morris made a personal fortune of 100 million dollars and Kenneth Copeland claims to have fleeced one billion dollars. It has nothing to do with preaching the gospel, I can assure you.

That said, Strang needs to continue the false political narrative his masters demand. This was not an unprecedented political climate beloved. It was actually quite ordinary. James Carville correctly summed it up in 1992 - it's the economy stupid. The media dynamic may have changed but did so in the favor of Strang's political idol. This is part of the Strang scheme to apply piety to an unrighteous situation. It must be God's divine intervention - hogwash. God allows all leaders through His permissive will, including the present President, who Strang loathes. Perhaps the most insidious statement here is the notion that electing Donald Trump will allow the nation to turn back to God. This is the NAR narrative beloved, and it is wrong on so many fronts. First of all, this nation was never "turned towards God." It was not when the revolutionaries violated Romans 13 to revolt against the monarchy. It was not when we used the bible to justify owning slaves for a hundred more years than most industrialized nations. It was not when we allowed children to work 20 hours per day in sweatshops so the top 1% could get exceedingly rich. It was not when we invaded other countries to take their natural resources. It was not when we started wars that killed millions of people based upon lies. Is America the best experiment of carnal government in history? Absolutely but that does not mean it was ever godly. The Strang NAR narrative however says that our country was founded on biblical principles, which it was not, by men who shared our faith, which they did not, and then somewhere along the way evil people who now call themselves Democrats turned the nation away from God. We see it in all the cultural push back. The insipid notion that the all-powerful creator of the entire universe was somehow shut out of public schools because the courts said you cannot force prayer upon kids, who may not share your faith to begin with. Or that someone objected to having the Ten Commandments memorialized outside of courthouses. Or that a Walmart associate says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. It is all designed to make Christians feel aggrieved. To make us feel victimized or "persecuted" even though we live in the most religiously free country in history. An aggrieved people are a controlled people. They can be stirred up. They can be made to be angry. They are easily manipulated. Today is January 6th. Four years ago, a violent mob of insurrectionists stormed this nation's capital. They assaulted police. They beat them with flags and sprayed them with bear mace. Then they defecated in the well of the Senate. A story that does not get reported much is they stopped to pray. Did you get that? After pummeling the police and despoiling the seat of government, they stopped to pray to Jesus Christ and thanked Him for the success they had.

Manipulated. During the COVID pandemic, many pastors, including the once respected John MacArthur, thumbed their collective noses at local authorities, in violation of Romans 13, to reopen their churches. Did they have degrees in virology or communicable diseases? Were they experts in viral plagues? No. They knew their purpose driven fiefdoms were at risk if they did not get people back in tithing, so they mobilized the church by manipulating them against the government. I remember Pastor Loren Sanford reopened and bragged that no one in his church had COVID. Then everyone contracted it. Then Pastor Sanford contracted it. Then Pastor Sandford died from it. Who knows how many people these charlatans fed into the COVID woodchipper by the collective manipulation of the NAR. Remember, this is all idolatrous.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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