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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/21/18

This Week in Kris Vallotton -- Money Rocks and Religion Sucks

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He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. -- Titus 1: 9 (ESV)

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It has become so bad over at Kris Vallotton Ministries that it is difficult to keep up with the absolute zaniness of the heresy he comes up with. Last week we wrote about his new book covering his favorite subject -- money; as well as an interesting tale he told where God laughingly covered up for one of his false prophecies cause you know -- they're best buds. I thought maybe he would take a pause but there are two new pieces up that defy reason and biblical sense. One is of course about money and the other is allegedly about changing the world but in reality it is just a hit piece against organized religion that demands Kris adhere to the Bible. Well beloved, nobody puts Kris in a box! The key verse is simple today -- we are to rebuke the Kris Vallotton's of the world for they are leading sheep to slaughter. Let us reason together once again as we review these two articles, linked above, starting with what Kris lives for -- money.

"But what if God never meant for us to be poor?What if wealth could actually be related to your relationship with Him, not from a place of begging or striving but rather from the inside out?" -- Kris Vallotton

This is a point often made regarding hucksters like Kris Vallotton. He wants your money, plain and simple. He has made a lot of money already but greed knows no end. The problem is that the Gospel is the opposite of earthly treasures. It is about eternal riches that do not require money. In fact, at every turn God warns us about loving money and chasing money. Jesus even lamented once how hard it will be for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Here is a simple test regarding any teaching and whether it is false. It must be able to be preached around the world. Can this teaching survive in the underground church in China or the martyred church in the Middle East? Can it survive the poverty of South America of even that of downtown Detroit? If the answer is no, then you know it is a false teaching because the true Gospel of Jesus Christ transcends time, generations and culture. How can you look a brother or sister in the eye who was born into abject poverty and say that God did not mean for them to be poor? Kris actually said last week that poverty is a choice. How disgusting. He now summarizes a video teaching:

"Both Solomon's riches and Abraham's riches were directly attached to their relationships with God. Genesis 13:2 says, "Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold," and 2 Chronicles 9:22 says, "So King Solomon became greater than all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom." So maybe wealth is not a sign of your relationship with God, unless it is. I'm not saying that everyone who is wealthy has a relationship with God. But I am saying that when God makes you wealthy, then that wealth is directly related to your relationship with God. So then, sometimes wealth is a sign of your relationship with God! You can of course be poor and have relationship with God, but let's not go to the other extreme and say that God doesn't make some people rich. And if God made them rich, then what's your problem with them?" -- Kris Vallotton

That is quite a long way to go to make no point whatsoever. Sometimes wealth is a sign of your relationship with God? Ok. Sometimes it is not. You found two people in the Bible whose riches were attributed to God but I can point to a hundred who had just as strong a relationship and were poor. My problem is not with rich people, whether God made them prosper or not. My problem is with false teachers trying to dupe the sheep into thinking greedily because they found two people in 6000 years they can definitively say were rich because God made them so.

'Whenever I write about this on social media I get blasted with negative comments" I don't understand why we all want to go heaven and be wealthy, but for some reason we're opposed to people being wealthy on earth. Deuteronomy 8:18 says, "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."' -- Kris Vallotton

You get blasted because you are a liar Kris. You get blasted because you make merchandise of the Gospel and fleece the flock of the Lord. You get blasted because you mangle the Bible beyond recognition to suit your own ends. It is not simply that you write about money. As for the verse you quote, yes. God gives us the power and ability to do anything on this earth. Because you have the false belief that God wants everyone rich you cannot see that most people are not rich because of the sovereignty of God.

"To the Jewish people in Israel, when they were wealthy it was a direct sign of their relationship with God, because God had said He'd make them wealthy as a sign of His covenant with them. Do you know that Jesus told more parables about money than any other subject? The parables of the minas, the talents, the lost coin" Jesus talked more about money than any other single thing in the parables." -- Kris Vallotton

No Kris; just no. I am sure you heard this absurd talking point from one of your heroes like Bill Johnson or Robert Morris but Jesus did not talk more about money than any other thing. To even remotely suggest so shows how little you understand Scripture. Even the examples you gave reveal your ignorance. The parable of the lost coin is not about money it is about salvation, which by the way is the number one topic Jesus discussed. It is actually the second of three such parables, nestled between the lost sheep and prodigal son. We are the lost coin Kris and heaven celebrates with the Father when we are found again. As for the Minas and Talents, both of which are strikingly similar; they also have nothing to do with money other than money being used as the allegory to convey the message. God has invested in us the Gospel of His only Son and He expects us to turn a profit with it, not bury it in the ground. Only someone who is blinded by greed can read these three parables and conclude they are about money.

"I truly believe that most people who still struggle with a poverty mindset want to be free and want breakthrough. However, when you've been struggling for a long time, kingdom abundance can feel unattainable or overwhelming. Today I'm asking you to take the step of simply opening your mind and heart to what God may want to say to you on this subject. I want to encourage you to put down your fears, your offenses, your wounds, your disappointments and maybe even some pride, and be open to the thought that perhaps there is a way to have clarity on wealth. Let go of the poverty doctrine you may be under because I want to propose to you that there's way more to life than living in lack. If you'd like to know more about this I'll be coming out with a new book, "Poverty, Riches and Wealth" on April 3rd." -- Kris Vallotton

Beloved there is no poverty mindset. Kris Vallotton made it up to convince you to buy his book. If you want to read a review of the free chapter, it is on my website. It is not your mind and heart he wants you to open but your wallet. Let us continue on now to the second article linked above allegedly regarding how to change the world:

"I have a sense that the church has, in some ways, allowed ourselves to become known for our boxes instead of our passions"that is, famous for what we don't do because of our "righteous" constrictions. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be known for all the things I didn't do, but rather for the change I made in my lifetime." -- Kris Vallotton

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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