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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/17/19

This Weekend in NAR Dominionist Debunking

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"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. -- Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

The NAR is out in full force now as the 2020 election appears on the horizon. The apostate church has long desired the things in motion now in our government and they want to ensure they do not lose their precious gains back to the perceived evil of the other side. Of course in the same time the cause of the Gospel has been set back. Just as we must decrease for Him to increase, every time we march forward with the carnal political dreams of our flesh, Jesus takes a back seat. We are not charged with saving this world. It was pass on and it will be judged. Do we believe what the bible says or not? As false Christian leaders scramble to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic real people die every day apart from Christ and we seemingly do not care. What is worse we delude ourselves into thinking that advocacy for politics is somehow akin to the Great Commission. It is not. Beloved, there is only one source for this America-first dominionism and that is the NAR. It is expressly part of their seven mountains mandate. Let us reason yet again regarding these matters as we review the above article published today from Bert Farias

"There's a destructive mind-set in the church today that has fueled the evil in America. It is simply this: God doesn't care about the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. He doesn't care about politics. For this reason, many Christians don't vote, and many vote for men and women who hold to corrupt values. And I'm sorry, but many are just ignorant of what is going on in our nation and what is at stake." -- Bert Farias

The only ignorance being displayed is by Farias and it is biblical ignorance. Nowhere in the bible does God care one iota about the politics of man. Jesus was completely apathetic politically, despite His followers begging Him to be involved. The political issue of their day was the occupation and abuse from the Roman Empire. But Jesus, and this is the crucial point even until today, did not come to deliver them from worldly oppression. He came to deliver them from their sins and oppression from the enemy and that remains the message of the Gospel to this very day. The church mindset that has sown evil throughout this world is in denying the world the chance to hear the Gospel because the church is too focused on the world. Another evil notion fueling this is displayed here by Farias. The notion that one political party is somehow righteous and the other holds corrupt values is politically moronic and biblically inaccurate. None seek God -- not one. The Republican Party is no more righteous than the Democrat Party and even if you want to make the lesser of two evils argument you keep missing the point that you are still advocating for evil! I remember the men pushing the Clinton Impeachment on such high moral conviction were Newt Gingrich, Denny Hastert, and Bob Livingston. Fast forward a decade and we know that while impeaching Clinton, Gingrich was having an affair with a congressional aide, Livingston had affairs with four women, and Hastert was convicted of being what the judge called, a serial child molester. So save me the nonsense about voting for people who hold corrupt values. They are all corrupt! We are all corrupt! That is what the flesh does! Do you think our current president is not corrupt? Seriously? Enough with the man centered worship of politics! The Gospel is suffering!

"Let's make this really easy to understand. How many care about the type of doctor, surgeon or dentist you have? How many care about the person or people who are teaching your children in school, coaching them in sports or babysitting them? Would you feel confident in a dentist's chair if you knew the dentist working on you was a secret murderer? Would you feel secure having open-heart surgery performed by a married man who has an affair with a new woman every other week? Would you feel warm and cozy if a pervert or a child molester was teaching or coaching your child? Why are we so sensitive when it comes to our family and us personally, but not so much when it comes to corrupt politicians whom we endorse and vote for and will run our country amuck and make horrid decisions that affect us personally for many years to come? It has a great trickle-down effect who we vote for, especially in the 21st century where everything is so blatant and in your face now. We reached a breaking point in the last election, and we are in the time of the greatest political and moral crisis our nation has seen, perhaps in decades. Can you not see and discern that politicians are given power to make decisions that affect us personally and determine our future?" -- Bert Farias

Muddying the waters with irrelevant scenarios does not make anything clear. Once again you fail to see your own error in conferring righteousness to one party or politician where it simply does not belong. The party you are advocating for is led by a man who has had secret affairs on all three wives he has had, including with porn stars! You should not feel warm and fuzzy about any of them! What is the answer for a fallen word Bert? Is it a political party? Is it a specific politician? Is it certain legislation? No! It still is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Staten Island used to have a representative named Vito Fossella who ran as a Republican on a family values platform. We just didn't realize that family values to him meant having two families in two different states who didn't know about each other. A few years back we had Michael Grimm sent to prison for hiring illegal aliens while railing against illegal immigration and he was elected while under indictment! The Democrats are far from any better and that is the entire point.

"They will not only influence the way our government runs and the state of our economy and our money, but public institutions of learning and church houses are affected, and most importantly, the laws that are legislated that will either exalt righteousness or evil in our nation for many years to come. Somebody will take your hard-earned money and use it for their ungodly agenda. Someone is already spending it and getting richer. Many who will run for office do not care about our national debt and creating another great depression. They want to give free American citizenship, free American health care and free education to everyone who can break through our borders. And they will make sure you pay for it. How can that not stir you to action? Worst of all, politicians are voting on laws that will use your tax money to indoctrinate your children with homosexuality, transgenderism, socialism, God and religion. How can you continue to be indifferent?" -- Bert Farias

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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