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December 16, 2019

The NAR -- Fighting to Preach Carnal Politics Instead of the Gospel

By Anthony Wade

Bert Farias says that preachers must preach politics, God says otherwise...


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if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. -- 2Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)

One of the largest planks in the NAR platform is the seven mountains garbage that makes up their dominionist agenda. The complete teaching actually says that Jesus Christ cannot return until the church conquers these seven cultural mountains, of which government seems to always be the focus. Why? Because government is where the money is. Government is where the power is. Government is where we can stand on our self-righteous pedestal and deride those that we now deem lesser than us. The lowly. The reprobate. The sinner. As long as our focus is squarely on others, we can never see our own sin. Yet even in the Old Testament God made clear that it requires people who are known by His name to repent and turn from their wicked ways in order for the land to be healed. Why? Because the people called by His name should know better. People in the world behave as they do because they do not know our Lord and Savior and as such the things of God remain foolishness to them. Yet when we read the key verse we also see that the land is sick because of the people of God. The church is supposed to serve a role for God. it is supposed to be a shining city on a hill that does not compromise with this world. Instead, the unsaved see the church for the hypocritical vessel it has become. Why would they want what we have when it is the same thing they already have and they do not need to get up on Sunday mornings for it?

The world is as sick as it is because the church has abdicated its role. With every secular music song during worship, the church has abdicated its role. With every pastor talking about love without wrath, motivation without sin, and self-help with out repentance, the church has abdicated its role. Every time the church has preached prosperity, word faith, false signs and lying wonders, sloppy agape and NAR dominionism, the church has abdicated its role. At the top of the dominionist food chain is Bert Farias from Charisma News. The article linked above is his latest declaring that preachers "better start including politics in your sermons." Since we know that idea is wildly unbiblical, this should be a bumpy ride as the NAR continues to try and climb that government mountain all for their own personal glory. Let us reason together once more:

"Preachers and all Christians who actually apply their faith to politics are the great final barrier to the corrupt socialist/communist agenda that has infiltrated our American society. This is why they are now being targeted. There are humanistic ideologies and demonically designed strategies that have infiltrated our educational institutions and the political realm, and yes, even the church, that are moving us toward universal egalitarianism and a cultural Marxism. Could this be the manifestation of the spirit Kenneth E. Hagin saw in an incredible 1963 vision?" -- Bert Farias

That is a lot of big fancy political words but let us start with the notion that if you are citing Kenneth Hagin as the source for your inspiration -- I guess we know why you are a heretic. Kenneth Hagin was one of the most egregious false teachers of the last century. He founded word faith heresy that gave us Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer and even the likes of Joel Osteen. Any vision he had was from the devil and you should not basing your theology upon it. Nonetheless, this is the false narrative that NAR dominionists always put forth. Seeking to divide people against each other they set up the godless communist/socialist on one side and pretend that God is squarely on their side and therein lies the rub. God is on no side. He is above the politics of man. He cares about the cause of the Gospel, which is the only thing that has His power to save anyone.

"I believe the greatest enemy in decadent times like these may be the sleepy, lukewarm and deceived church. A subversive effort by the leftist-leaning liberals to infiltrate the church and turn people away from the real gospel and true doctrine is gaining momentum in this hour. The purpose of this agenda is to sway the church toward a radical political movement and the spread of socialism and atheistic, hatred-inspired, communism in our nation. (Enemies Within The Church) ("The Corruption Of American Christianity") ("The Corruption Of American Christianity -- Part 2") Many professing Christians would mock and scoff at such a notion. They easily yield to that old devilish compromise and serpentine excuse that comes creeping in, that says: "don't preach on politics"; "don't mix politics with religion" and "God is not interested in politics." Wrong." -- Bert Farias

This is so sad. The enemy has infiltrated the church and has led untold numbers away from the Gospel but Bert Farias is leading the cause. NAR dominionism proceeds from the perspective of American exceptionalism. The Gospel transcends all culture and nations. Farias represents the corruption of the American church. He has already cited Hagin and is a regular contributor at Charisma News, a virtual cesspool of false doctrine. Here he actually cites himself in other articles he has written. One of the biggest reasons why the Gospel is no longer preached in churches is they are too busy enraptured by the politics of this world. Let's debunk this nonsense right here. Is God interested in politics? Absolutely not. First of all, we have the life of Jesus Christ to examine. Jesus was entirely apolitical when He ministered. They want my tax? Go catch a fish. Realize the disciples all wanted Him to be political. They felt the Messiah would deliver them from the oppression of Rome. The Gospel message however was to deliver them from the oppression of Satan and sin. That Gospel message is the same today yet the Bert Farias' of the world are hoping He will deliver us from the oppression of a political party. Neither political party in this country cares one iota about the cause of Jesus Christ. Politics is fighting over the deck chair arrangements on the Titanic while the Gospel directs people to the lifeboat.

"I will preach on politics. I will include sins of the culture and the wickedness and corruption of politics in my preaching--and all the more so because politics has a trickle-down effect that touches each one of our lives. It is my responsibility and duty before God and before the people to do so. The whole counsel of God includes exposing people's sins and the sins of a nation. "Herald and preach the Word! Keep your sense of urgency [stand by, be at hand and ready], whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. [Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.] And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unflagging and inexhaustible in patience and teaching" (2 Tim. 4:2, AMPC). Part of every preacher's calling is to press the influence of kingdom culture on the existing culture, as John the Baptist did (Luke 3:10-14, 19-20). If you want to be biblical, faithful and true, preach and press the values of the kingdom of heaven upon the existing culture, which includes politics." -- Bert Farias

No Bert; it is not. It is not your duty before God to drag the carnal politics of this fallen world into the Gospel. There is no bible verse at all that says your job is to expose the sins of a nation. That is straight up NAR gobbledygook. Even your usage of the Amplified version of 2Timothy 4:2 does not support this. It says explicitly, "to show people in what ways their lives are wrong." You should have gone on one more verse:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. -- 2Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV)

You are leading people away from the true Gospel and into carnal political myths. The myth that one political party is God's choice. The myth that if the sinners in this country would just behave better than God will stay the coming wrath. The myth of conferred righteousness that says if you vote the way I do, then you are doing God's will. Nowhere does the bible say the role of the preacher is to press the influence of kingdom culture, which is a made up NAR term, on the existing culture. Your citation of John the Baptist doing this is ridiculously absurd. Let's examine this:

And the crowds asked him, "What then shall we do?" And he answered them, "Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise." Tax collectors also came to be baptized and said to him, "Teacher, what shall we do?" And he said to them, "Collect no more than you are authorized to do." Soldiers also asked him, "And we, what shall we do?" And he said to them, "Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, and be content with your wages." -- Luke 3:10-14 (ESV)

How sad again that Farias cannot even see how these verses seem to exude the carnal practice of socialism! If you have two tunics -- give one to someone who has none! The reality here however is that Farias has made a claim not supported by the scriptures he cites. His claim is that John the Baptist tried to press this false notion of kingdom culture on top of the existing culture. That is not at all what he did. The NAR dominionist agenda calls for changing politics and therefore government into a Christian sharia law. Where Christian values and morals are forced upon the general population. John the Baptist did not try to change the system. He was giving individuals advice and counsel for what it means to follow the Christ that was to come. Take care of the needy. Do not cheat people for wicked gain, as was the norm for tax collectors and soldiers. He did not seek to change these things at the government level but at the individual person level. If you want to be biblical, faithful and true you must preach the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ. The role of the Gospel is not to change culture but rather to save people out from it. Farias now lists several forced choices he has created to extoll the nature of politics.

"Politics can be righteous or wicked. It can be good or evil. It can be moral and upright or immoral and corrupt." -- Bert Farias

No Bert, it cannot. Politics are inherently evil, unrighteous, and corrupt. You must understand that the NAR has boiled all Christian political concern down to two wedge social issues. As long as their candidate says they are with them on these two issues they will blindly follow and pretend the rest of the candidate does not matter. Let's turn to history to hopefully learn. In the late 1990's Bill Clinton was being impeached for lying under oath in a civil deposition regarding his unseemly affair with Monica Lewinsky. The church was morally outraged and lined up with the Republican Party that was driving the impeachment. The leaders of this great moral outrage were Dennis Hastert, Newt Gingrich and Bob Livingston. You could not turn on the TV without one of all three berating the world about how America needed to return to her moral Christian roots. Well, Clinton was impeached and now with the benefit of history and hindsight we understand who was leading this great moral Christian revolution. Livingston would have to resign from Congress due to multiple affairs on his wife. Gingrich would be discovered also be having an affair with a congressional aide half his age. Hastert was apparently molesting little boys for decades. No Bert. Politics will always be wicked because man, will always be wicked.

"Politics can administer life or death. Politics can administer God's will for America or an anti-Christ agenda of atheism, socialism, communism and globalism. Politics can administer capitalism and kingdom economic principles or atheistic communism and humanistic socialism. Politics can administer New Covenant kingdom marriage or unnatural, perverse same-sex marriage and gender-confusion lunacy." -- Bert Farias

Putting aside the wedge issue talking points, Farias has again just gone off the rails of reality. Where in the bible does it say that the kingdom of God is capitalist? The antichrist agenda is not one of atheism Bert. It is of a one world religion that most proponents of the NAR seem to welcome with open arms. The kingdom of God is not a republic beloved. It is not a capitalist Shangri-La. The very notion of a kingdom requires a king. There will be only one division -- goats and sheep. The rest of this is just Bert Farias arguing over the deck chairs.

Politics can administer God-given inalienable rights and providence or government dominion and satanic agendas to rob Christ and the people of their inheritance. Politics can administer Christian ideals or Islamic corrupt ethics. Politics can administer equality or racism. Politics can administer wisdom or foolishness. Politics can administer morality or whoredom. Now tell me kingdom preaching does not include politics! You cannot get more kingdom than to oppose liberal-leftist politics and their evil agenda." -- Bert Farias

Kingdom preaching does not include politics. You prove that point with each passing word. Notice the admission of the true enemy here. It is those liberal leftists and their evil agenda. The problem with such Scooby-Doo rhetoric is it sets up a false dichotomy. According to Bert Farias then, people on the right politically must be righteous. Yet Livingston, Gingrich and Hastert are only a microcosm. None are righteous. All have turned away. The best argument Farias has is a lesser of two evils argument in which case he ought to be more careful in how vociferously he defends evil. Farias actually believes here that Satan, through the Democratic party apparently, can rob Jesus Christ of His inheritance! Oh Bert, you think far too much of yourself.

"We'd better pay attention to the words of Charles G. Finney, the great American revivalist, who knew something about pressing the influence of kingdom culture on the existing culture, which included politics and the way people vote. "The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them. Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it, and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course the Christians take in politics." --Charles G. Finney." -- Bert Farias

Finney's entire theology revolved around dominionism. He believed in forcing what he viewed as Christian morality upon the unsaved masses. So while his quote here does not surprise me the fact that any sane Christian would cite it as fact is very disturbing. The notion of blessing and cursing a nation comes from Deuteronomy and was intended for the nation of Israel. The notion that God will hold voting patterns against us is insane. In 2012 the choice of the church and their leaders was Mitt Romney, who happened to belong to the Satanic cult of Mormonism. That is just one example out of countless we could cite. It was a 7-2 vote in a Republican Supreme Court that gave this country Roe. The point is that you cast your vote for people who promise you things that they may or may never do. Your vote carries no righteousness, regardless of party affiliation.

"We'd better also heed Stanley Frodsham's prophetic words, for we are nearer to their fulfillment than when he first spoke them in 1965. "With great judgments will I plead with the population of this country. Great darkness is coming upon the countries that have heard My gospel but no longer walk in it. My wrath shall come upon them." And then he prophesied this: "Before I visit the nations in judgment, I will begin at My house. When I do cause My wrath to come upon the cities of the world, My people shall be separate. I desire a people without spot or wrinkle, and such will be preserved by Me in the time of My wrath, which will be coming upon all iniquity and unrighteousness" It is high time for the church to awaken and arise. The enemy has entered in through our back door and is stealing our liberties and our land. I trust more of us are now coming to the realization that although authentic Christianity can survive without America, America cannot survive without authentic Christianity. It's time to take the fight to the enemies within. The following quote seems quite appropriate for the quagmire of wickedness and corruption we find ourselves in as we soon welcome in the tumultuous decade of the 2020s: "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln. In The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond, you will discover how to navigate the tumult of the next decade and emerge as an authentic remnant.' -- Bert Farias

As with so many of these NAR hucksters, this was all a big advertisement for his new book. Frodsham was a pioneer in the early Assemblies of God until he got involved with the disgraced Latter rain movement. Like many of the NAR adherents today however, he conflates individual people with this loose concept of nations. He conflates carnal concepts such as liberties with eternal principles. As with Farias, Frodsham can't see the slivers of truth he reveals which speaks against his position. The people of God are called to be separate yet the NAR dominionist preaches and pursues the opposite. The church needs to awaken and arise to see the false doctrine that has come in the front door of the church and been welcomed with open arms. We are tasked with one thing. To present and represent the Gospel. Neither side nor party cares about that cause. We can choose to fight over the deck chairs or point people to the lifeboat. Do not be drawn in by the lures of this life and this world. We are pilgrims and sojourners beloved. Our citizenship is in heaven and there is no dual citizenship.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- December 16, 2019

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
