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September 28, 2022

It Is Seriously Time to Worry for the Mental Health of Mario Murillo

By Anthony Wade

Mario Murillo is now in full blow conspiracy crazy mode...


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He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? - Micah 6:8 (ESV)

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There was probably a time when Mario Murillo had what seemed normal within Charismaniacal circles. For a long time, he ran healing ministries out of Berkley California. He always claimed supernatural healings, as were the norm for that time. I was not there all those decades ago, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. God can always heal and use whoever He wants. Those days gone past however have not given way for more productivity for the kingdom. Unfortunately, Murillo went off the tracks years ago when he started worshipping America and embraced nationalism as a theology. The four decades that comprise his ministry saw the church veer to the far right, embrace the Republican Party, and fully embrace dominionism. The through line is evident from the worship of Ronald Reagan despite his battle with Alzheimer's and penchant for overthrowing third world governments, through the Moral Majority skewering Bill Clinton, through advocating to vote for a Mormon in Mitt Romney, through the deification of a more amoral man than Clinton in Donald Trump.

As bad as this has been, the past few years have seen a steady decline in the apparent sanity of Murillo as he rails against anyone who stands in the way of the Republican Party. Back in April he actually claimed that anyone who did not vote Republican was going to hell. Just consider the insanity of such a teaching. You could have all the faith in Christ you like, work helping the homeless for a career and do annual missionary trips to spread the love of Christ and the gospel but if you voted for Bill Clinton in 96, it is straight to the down escalator for you! Then a short while ago, Murillo instructed his followers to dump all of their Christian friends who refuse to vote Republican and jump in an imaginary river he was hallucinating about. So, the signals have all been there that has led to the article above where Murillo embraces the most insane conspiracy theories usually reserved for QAnon folks. Beloved if you follow Murillo, I would recommend distancing yourself far away because it is time to seriously worry about the obvious decline in his mental health. Let us reason once more.

"They will make the greatest bid for world domination in history. It is no longer just armies that threaten freedom"it is corporations and corrupt politicians. I believe that evil in all of its vile colors is even now rising to try to crush our freedom and our churches. They wield astonishing power. They have mountains of money, unlimited connections and enormous influence. Will they destroy nations and borders? Will they drive the church underground? Is it possible that they can indeed plow under the entire moral foundation of America, and even the world?" - Mario Murillo

Wow. That must be some force Murillo is referencing. It wants to crush our freedom and our churches? They want to destroy our borders? Drive our church underground? They seek to plow under the entire moral foundation of America and even the entire world? If this sounds batsh*t crazy that is because it is. No one is trying to destroy churches in this country. Christians still overwhelmingly control all levels of government in the United States. What Murillo traffics in is the same nonsense the entire apostate church is wrapped up in. Their opinion and politics says that who gets to marry each other is the moral foundation of America. Their opponents may say that impoverishing the poor and not feeding the hungry speaks to the moral foundation of this country. Both may be correct. Both may have biblical support. But for Murillo, mere disagreement means the opponent is hell-bound, unredeemable and the enemy in his imaginary war.

"Barack Obama, George Soros and Bill Gates have plans"plans that could envelope the world. They are feverishly putting the finishing touches on strategies to redefine the human race. They are the apostles of the "new normal." Conspirator number one, Obama, wishes to rule through a puppet president. Soros, the second one is funding and managing global anarchy. The last one named, Bill Gates, seems to be pinning his hope on a mandatory vaccine." - Mario Murillo

Wait. This is the cabal that seeks to destroy the moral foundation of the world? You think they want to redefine the human race? Seriously? And you think they are conspiring together? The Obama accusation is simply asinine. It is designed to smear Biden by pretending Obama is somehow really calling the shots. Soros is a favorite boogeyman of the Republican Party because he tends to fund democratic candidates. The reality is that Soros has donated over 32 million dollars of his own money to fund education, health programs, democracy and human rights across the globe. Murillo is now on record as having smeared Soros as "managing global anarchy," a charge he will answer for when he stands before Christ. Bearing false witness is serious to God and you will not be able to blame it on Tucker Carlson. The third smear is another common target of Republicans, Bill Gates. Again, Gates has done his part to try and help humanity through philanthropy, but the Republicans hate him. He has not and does not stand to make any money from vaccine distribution. In fact, which can be easily verified, Gates donated over 10 million dollars to vaccine research! So, it appears that Murillo just took the top three targets for the Republican Party and lied about each one, claiming they are working together to destroy his idol, America. Despite the fact that they all live in America.

"Pandemic, economic collapse and rioting, provide the perfect situation for men to seize power. It is right out of the book most favored by the Deep State: Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals." The proof of their power grab? The illegal shutdown of churches. The elites who believe they are on a higher level of wealth and power, also believe, "Never waste a crisis." And if there is no crisis available"you create one." - Mario Murillo

So now is Murillo hinting that the COVID crisis was fake? Created so this conspiracy of evil could ask churches to not congregate during a worldwide pandemic? This level of delusion is not normal beloved. The shutdown of public gatherings was not targeted at churches. It was all public gatherings indoors. They were implemented by the Governors of specific states making them entirely legal. Many dominionist pastors believed as Mario Murillo does and are dead because of it. Pastor Loran Sandford for example, bragged that his church continued to meet and no one was sick. Then everyone in the church caught it including Sandford, who would soon die from it. God will not be mocked. The churches were also not "shut down." They just could not have their normal Sunday services because of the numbers of people standing next to each other would make it an automatic super spreader event. Still pastors across this country could not survive without their weekly tithe collections so soon enough everyone from Rodney Howard-Browne to John MacArthur would thumb their nose at authority, disobey scripture and hold services in violation of the laws of their states.

"This is not just about money. This trio despises Christianity and Israel. They are working to rid the world of the laws of God. They are described in Psalm 2:2-3: "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, 'Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.'" They are on schedule for world domination. But what is God doing? Actually, God is laughing. He is laughing at their plans. Back to Psalm 2, in verse 4 it states, "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision." God laughs and mocks their plans. He heaps divine ridicule on them. But God's dealings do not stop there: verse 5, "Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure"" God is not only laughing at their plans"He will wreck their plans. His wrath will be poured out on their vain imaginings." - Mario Murillo

Talk about your vain imaginings! Soros is Jewish and supposedly despises Israel? Barack Obama has been a lifelong Christian, albeit non-practicing. Now they may righteously hate what people like Murillo have bastardized the faith to become. This twisted caricature of faith that worships a political party instead of God. So according to Murillo, this "evil" faction has a non-denominational Christian, a Jew and a catholic (Gates) and they are supposedly working to rid the world of the laws of God? No Mario, they are probably trying to stop you from forcing the world to accept your beliefs only. Meanwhile, your political anointed was asked point blank about needing forgiveness from God and said he did not. So, save your pious self-righteous garbage. Your three boogey men never pretended to be Christian advocates but to think they are on the precipice of global domination is simply insane. They have spent their lives trying to help the neediest in society, something the bible speaks to great lengths about including in our key verses. What the does the bible say the Lord requires of us Mario? Read the key verses and dismay for not adhering to them. Is there any justice in this hit job of an article where you smear people you never even met? Is there any kindness in accusing a Jewish person of hating Israel or Christians of hating Christ? Does your article drip with hubris and arrogance instead of the requisite humility? God may indeed be laughing but what makes you think it is not directed at you? Laughing at your plans to shipwreck the faith of anyone who does not vote as you want them to. Laughing at your plans to sacrifice the church on the altar of political expediency. You like speculating about the wrath of God Mario? You would be wise to look in the mirror as that derision you are so gleeful about might be for you.

"The word backfire does not begin to cover the next act of God against men who try to bury the church and set up their own kingdom. The nations are the express inheritance of Jesus Christ. Psalm 2 goes on to say in verses 7-8. "The Lord has said to Me, 'You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.'" The end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times! "Every believer shares in this final victory. Every believer is more powerful and purposeful than they know. We should shake off all fear and helplessness, and then confess the end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times!" - Mario Murillo

Because Mario Murillo only thinks carnally he cannot understand that the inheritance is the people through salvation not the actual physical land mass of the nations. You very much are a part of the end times Mario. You are a leader of the great apostasy. Your dominionist teachings will shipwreck the faith of untold numbers of people. True believes in Christ have no power except in Him. We have no desire for the power you sell because it is not about us and it never has been. The bible says to take no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Even if it is this triumvirate of evil you have entirely concocted in your addled brain and wicked heart. Confess all the silliness you wish regarding the end times but be prepared to stand in judgment for every careless word you continue to speak.

Barack Obama, George Soros Bill Gates"you would do well to abandon your course. A mighty God protects us. The devil whom you serve is already doomed, and he will take you three down with him. My final warning is this, gentlemen"beware of what God plans to do about your plans. Psalm 2:9-10, "You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel. Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be warned, you judges of the earth." But how should you and I react to this moment? We can fear and hide or we can stand and watch God give us weapons of supernatural effectiveness; words to preach that can't be resisted and miracle provision to finish our course with joy. These are dark days, but God has not forsaken us. Rejoice! God is laughing at their threats!" - Mario Murillo

Sad. It is so sad to watch the mental decline of someone so publicly. A mighty God does protect us Mario but not from people who are forming imaginary alliances to secretly overthrow morality or something similarly vague. It is the devil you serve because only the enemy benefits when you turn Christians away from the very people who need the gospel the most. Beloved, I offer no tangible defense of Bill Gates, George Soros or Barack Obama because I do not know these men. While it is sure that none have gone out of their way to support the cause of the apostate church their public works are available for all to see and judge. Ten million from Gates to do vaccine research, which could save millions of people. Soros and his 44 million to help the neediest in this world. Obama's eight years as president are certainly available for scrutiny. I did not agree with everything by a longshot, but neither was he the antichrist many still make him out to be, largely because they do not like the color of his skin. Something else people will answer for and they will not be able to lie when they stand before Christ.

I do not however need to know these three men personally to realize that Mario Murillo has lost his mind. They are not conspiring together to destroy morality through mandatory vaccines. If that sentence looks crazy that is because it is. Over this past year I did not see Barack Obama urging me to jump into an imaginary river. That was Mario Murillo. I did not see Bill Gates say that an entire group of people were going to hell because of their voting pattern. That was also Mario Murillo. I did not see George Soros urging people to dump all of their friends based on how they vote. Once again, Mario Murillo. The mental decompensation seems obvious. His writing seems more and more unhinged as time goes on. We should have marked and avoided him long again but now we ought to engage in prayer, serious prayers for his followers. He still packs in tens of thousands of people into tent meetings. When they were told to jump into his make-believe river it was just a but funny to watch but this is getting very serious. Mario Murillo seems to have finally lost it.

Reverend Anthony Wade - September 28, 2022

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
