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Franklin Graham Continues to Try and Rehabilitate His Dominionist Image

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For the past decade Franklin Graham was the poster child for NAR dominionism. To describe him as entirely carnal would be generous. A few years back it was revealed through mandatory tax filings that Graham was making a cool 800K per year for leading his two "charities." Who knows how much he is pocketing today? I say who knows because no one does. Right after he got the negative press, he changed the status of his charities to the IRS designation of "collective of churches." Now, I know what you are thinking, and you are right. Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Association at NOT collective of churches but the IRS agreed anyway. Why would he do this? Because as a collective of churches he does not have to reveal his salary anymore! I am sure we all remember the parable where Jesus taught us to cheat our government to hide our income, no? Perhaps we all remember 2015 when Donald Trump was starting his run for the presidency. He desperately needed the Evangelical vote but his previous record as the most immoral man on the planet was dragging him down. Only until Franklin Graham came along. Trump made six figure donations to both of Graham's "charities" and suddenly Franklin was more than happy to be the bridge Donald needed to the Evangelical community. From that point on Graham defended Trump, told every Christian they had to vote for him, and essentially served as his Christian lap dog through the election. Graham also supported him for the 2020 election despite four years of decidedly unchristian behavior. But now 2022 was different. Polling seems to indicate that Christians realize now they have been duped and the party is trying to break away from him. While the jury is still out on who would win the Republican Primary, it seems Graham has decided discretion is the better part of his best interest. Suddenly we have been seeing a lot of Graham declaring that he isn't involved in politics! That he just wants to preach the gospel! Pay no attention to the last nine years! Above is a very brief article on Charisma News today on this very subject. Let us reason once more together.

'Franklin Graham said Christians today need "wisdom" to navigate our ever-chaotic political culture, noting he isn't interested in telling others how to vote. "I don't want to tell people how to vote or not vote," Franklin recently told CBN's Faithwire. "I might share with somebody how I'm going to vote, but ... what we need to do, [to] be honest with you, is just ask God [to] give us wisdom."' - Charisma News

Sure, you're not Franklin. The problem is we have this wonderful invention today called the Internet; so you cannot run from your partisan history. Unlike your deceit regarding your salaries, your political hackery will be there for all to see, forever. It is interesting that Graham says he would share who he is voting for but in the same breath he thinks he is being apolitical? As a pastor and church leader, Graham carries enormous credibility and gravitas amongst Christians. Granted, he did not earn it, but he has it, nonetheless. It is irrelevant anyway since Graham is a known commodity. Everyone knows he is the property of the Republican Party.

"Graham, who heads the Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, encouraged fellow Christians to vote for candidates who have "Godly principles" and who take a moral stand." - Charisma News

Really. Let's examine how deceitful Franklin Graham really is. His guidance for us is to vote for the candidate who has godly principles and who takes a moral stand. This is veiled code speak that most churched folk recognize as being related to abortion and gay marriage. Let's however, take a closer look at who Franklin Graham has decided represents godly principles and/or takes a moral stand. In 2012, Graham endorsed and supported Mitt Romney for president. Did Romney take moral stands in a godly manner? No. He was a Mormon. Not only that but he is a direct descendent of one of the founding fathers of Mormonism and tithes 25% of his massive wealth to that church. Mormonism of course is a satanic cult. They believe God came from another planet, that Jesus and Satan are brothers and that we can all aspire to become gods as well. They have added two other books to scripture that they rank higher than the bible - The Pearl of Great Price and the Book of Mormon. In fact, Mormonism was on the list of cults put out by the Billy Graham Association until it was removed in 2011. Who removed it? Franklin Graham.

What did 2016 bring? We all know that Graham endorsed Donald Trump. Did Trump fulfill this litmus test of the moral candidate with godly principles? This man who has been married three times and cheated on all three wives? This man who slept with a porn star while his current wife was pregnant? This man who bragged about grabbing women by the genitalia because he was famous? I believe that Graham was among the Evangelical hypocrites who decided that morality was irrelevant because we were not electing a "pastor in chief." That won't fly for this reinvention of his image though. Do not be deceived beloved. Graham did not care about morals then and he doesn't now.

"[We should vote for] candidates that believe in God, that believe in Jesus Christ, that's what we need," he said, noting he knows not everyone will be a born-again Christian." - Donald Trump

Just in case he got caught pretending to advocate for moral candidates, Graham now says the criteria should be if they believe in Christ, not necessarily born again. Got it. So, we got five candidates since 2012 to consider. We already know that Mitt Romney does not qualify because the jesus he believes in is brothers with Satan and comes from another planet. Next up would be Barack Obama who has been Christian his entire life. Many disliked his pastor but the criteria here is belief in Christ and there is no question Obama checks that box. As does Hillary Clinton, a born and raised Methodist. One can argue that both Obama and Clinton are on the more liberal side of Christianity but belief in Jesus is central to both. Joe Biden is Catholic, so there shouldn't be an issue there. Just as an aside, Obama, Clinton, and Biden have not even a whiff of impropriety in their marriages (you can't blame Hillary for Bill). That leaves Trump who once famously said he does not think he has ever done anything that would require him to ask God for forgiveness. The only reason why people remain duped about Trump being Christian is because of people like Franklin Graham who have run interference for him for years. Charisma news has run stories about him being born again, which was then admitted being untrue. He has been called the second coming of King Cyrus with a Deborah Mantle and an Elijah anointing. How absurd.

"Still, Graham said Christians should seek candidates who at least align with their values.

"Let's vote for candidates [who] at least support what we believe in," he continued. Graham concluded with his biggest prayer for America, calling citizens to return to God and repent. "My biggest prayer for this country is that we would return ... that we would repent and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ," he said." - Charisma News

Ever the dominionist shill, Graham ends with his wildly unbiblical theology. The country cannot "return" because it never was saved to begin with. This runs contrary to NAR teaching that has America under covenant with God and now breaking that through Democratic politics and liberalism. Franklin Graham recently declared that Donald Trump will go down in history as one of the best presidents ever. Now he wants us to believe he is apolitical. Well except telling you who HE is voting for, wink wink. No politician or party cares about the cause of Jesus Christ. Neither does Franklin Graham, idolater of America.

Reverend Anthony Wade - February 3, 2023

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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