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When False Prophets Call for False Fasts to Prop up False Presidential Candidates

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So the king of Israel brought together the prophets -- about four hundred men -- and asked them, "Shall I go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall I refrain?" "Go," they answered, "for the Lord will give it into the king's hand." -- 1Kings 22: 6 (NIV)

Carnal politics is always dangerous territory for Christians. We live in a country where civic duty is often misconstrued with Biblical mandates. The truth is that there is absolutely zero biblical instruction to vote in secular elections. Anyone who says otherwise either does not understand the Bible or is using it for their own carnality. We have zero imperative from Scripture to influence culture through carnal means as well. The Bible speaks about the church being a shining city on a hill for a reason. We are supposed to influence culture through the Gospel alone because only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man. We are not called to spark revival, conquer mountains, or wrest Scripture out of context to support our own flesh. We are however called to represent God -- not a political party. Not a party's platform. Not the wedge issue du jour that neither side really cares about to begin with. I have seen pastors claim that no real Christian would vote for so and so. They do not deserve their pastorships. Their job is to tend to the sheep not beat them into submission of who they think is less evil.

Because that is the issue beloved. While our country is the best experiment in secular government in the history of mankind but it has never been righteous. The leaders we have had have never been righteous. The candidates we have had to choose from have never been righteous. The last two elections should remind us of that clearly. In the choice Americans face next week we have two evil choices -- period. Two choices that do not care about the true cause of Christ nor should we expect them to when the things of God are utter foolishness to them both. I have heard the clever argument recently that we should not look at the person but rather what the "platform" stands for. I say clever because for decades all the Christo-political operatives would say is that character counts but now they are supporting a candidate with bankrupt character. The problem with this new tact however, is that neither platform is righteous either beloved. There are good and bad things in each platform. There are things that go against biblical values in both platforms. Now, you can make the argument that one issue is somehow bigger than others but once again you are arguing for the lesser of two evils and that is simply your opinion. It is not the opinion of God and by pretending it is, you are speaking presumptuously on His behalf. That is not an endorsement of the other candidate either but I see no one defending the righteousness of voting for Hillary Clinton. What I do see is an avalanche of Christians defending voting for Donald Trump and eviscerating their witness for Christ in the process. Now, I am going to try a different angle from which to convey this simple message -- stop defending evil and pretending God has anything to do with it.

In the Old Testament there was an evil king of Israel named Ahab. He was married to a woman named Jezebel, who led the Israelites into idol worship and lascivious living. After three years of peace, the King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, came to visit Ahab. King Ahab tried to convince Jehoshaphat to join him in attacking Ramoth-Gilead. Jehoshaphat replied that they should seek the counsel of the Lord. That brings us to the key verse today which has Ahab calling together 400 false prophets who all assure him that he should go to war because God will deliver Ramoth-Gilead into his hands. They all told him exactly what he wanted to hear. Jehoshaphat knew a false prophet when he saw one, let alone 400 of them, so he asks Ahab if there is a true prophet of the Lord they could ask. The answer from Ahab is almost comical in its brutal honesty:

The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, "There is one prophet through whom we can inquire of the Lord, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. He is Micaiah son of Imlah." "The king should not say such a thing." Jehoshaphat replied. -- 1Kings 22: 8 (NIV)

To make a long story short, Ahab sends for Micaiah who ends up prophesying the truth that Israel will be without a king if he pursues this war. Exasperated at the truth, Ahab has Micaiah thrown in jail where he will receive only bread and water until the king returns. Micaiah's answer is fantastic:

Micaiah declared, "If you ever return safely, the Lord has not spoken through me." Then he added, "Mark my words, all you people!" -- 1Kings 22: 28 (NIV)

Ahab never does return. He is killed just as it was prophesied by Micaiah. Just as the Lord had said. To this day we mark his words well. This is a perfect picture of what we see in the church today. Four hundred false prophets to one true man of God. Four hundred saying what we want to hear and one saying what sayeth the Lord. I understand that the words of Micaiah are not easy but they are what God says. I provide this story as a backdrop as we take a look today at the Revival One Network, who has just called for an "Esther fast" from this Thursday evening through Election Day next Tuesday. That means no food or water for what amounts to over five days. Despite the recklessness of calling for such a fast we need to examine who these folks are and why they are even calling for it in the first place. When reading the article on Charisma News, it is obvious that this is opposed to Hillary Clinton, who they refer to as Jezebel in this story and in support of Donald Trump. The sad thing is this is the type of nonsense that Christians do not properly discern. I have heard repeatedly that Trump has "godly counsel" around him. Really? Who? The person who lied about leading him to Christ was Paula White. If you think she is godly counsel then I worry for your salvation. But let's take a closer look at the "godly counsel" of these folks calling to fast for Trump. For starters it was first called for on the Jim Bakker Show. Yes the same disgraced Bakker from decades past who now exists to spread fear mongering about the end times so he can sell buckets of prepper food for thousands of dollars. Putting that aside, the article proudly lists the names of leaders who will lead this fast. They include: Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, "General" Cindy Jacobs, Lance Wallnau, Dutch and Tim Sheets, and Sid Roth. What do these names have in common? They are all enemies of God! This group may as well be called The Wolfpack! Pierce, Joyner, Jacobs and Wallnau are egregious false prophets making merchandise of the sheep of the Lord. Sheets is one of the forerunners of the New Apostolic Reformation. Sid Roth promotes some of the worst false teachers and prophets on the planet through his "That's Supernatural" television shtick.

So what does this have to do with us? Well, who are you lining up with? Who are you standing with? Who are you fasting with and for? When 400 false prophets line up and all say to go this direction I am pretty sure I want to be headed in the other direction. Please realize I am not speaking about who we vote for. That remains a secular decision. I am dealing with speaking presumptuously for the Lord. For telling Ahab exactly what he wants to hear instead of what he needs to hear. The truth is that while this gaggle of false prophets waxes eloquently about the spirit of Jezebel they fail to see they are promoting the spirit of Ahab. Have you tried to speak to your Trump defending Christian friends? It is the same spirit they are moving in. You cannot interject the truth. You cannot even interject what God says in His Word. Instead they plug their fingers in their ears and say -- you never say anything I want to hear! Then they point to the 400 false prophets and say they prove the righteousness of their carnality. Come on! Look at this godly counsel! Paula White who fleeces the flock by using the numbers associated with Scripture. To receive your 1Kings 22:6 blessing you better send her $226 seed offering! Or Wallnau who claims God showed him that Trump was King Cyrus. Or the guy calling for this fast claiming Trump is just like Esther. You know, the thrice married man who openly cheated on every wife he has had, bragged about grabbing women by their genitals and moving on them like a b*tch"; hallelujah? Or Sheets who thinks we have to conquer the seven mountains of culture in order to facilitate the second coming of Christ. Or the triumvirate of Pierce, Joyner and Jacobs -- all proven multiple times to be demonstrably false prophets.

Beloved, Election Day is less than a week away. As always, it is the most important election of our lives according to the hype machines. But I checked with God and he has commissioned me to release this one time prophetic Word for His people at absolutely no charge to you!

The Lord sayeth that He will still be on the throne on November 9, 2016.

So vote or don't vote. Pick your candidate based upon your prayer time with God and your own situation in your life. Do not be bullied by false pastors telling you that their version of evil is what God wants you to choose. Do not be bullied by false teachers mangling Scripture to pretend Trump or any other person is anything other than what they are. Do not be bullied by false prophets who demand you stop eating and drinking for five days as if that confers any righteousness upon their unrighteous choice. It does not. Mark my words, all you people.

Rev. Anthony.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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