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NAR Dominionist Group Travels to North Pole to Welcome Jesus Into America

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Dominionism can sometimes be very subtle and reasonable sounding if bathed in enough pious self-righteousness. To truly discern one must peel apart the biblical sound bites from the unbiblical actions and theology that encompasses it. One can tell by exclusive language that essentially declares one political party as God's choice and the other as the embodiment of evil. The notion that God starts by eliminating half of the people who have placed faith in Jesus Christ is biblically unsupported and a clear strategy of the enemy. Even if you accept the crazy premises that the NAR puts forth, their insistence that people who are lost are the enemy exposes how demented their theology is. Other times however, dominionists make it almost too easy to discern that they are opposed to the actual plans of God. Their fundamental foundation of beliefs is antithetical to biblical teachings. Their actions are often absurdly unbiblical and as such one can easily discern, mark them, and avoid them. The above link is to one of those stories. The title alone reveals the outright silliness of their stance. They claim that a "prophetic intercessor" has prophesied that the "Christian foundation" of the United States will be restored. Right away we can know that this person is not prophetic. They are a false prophet because the very underpinning of their prophesy is based upon a fallacy.

The United States was never a "Christian nation." Any fair review of American history, which I used to teach, reveals just that. Sure, there were many Founding Fathers who believed in God but even the demons believe in God and shudder. The question is if they placed their faith in Jesus Christ and the resounding answer there is no. Thomas Jefferson actually rewrote the bible to remove all references to the miracles of Jesus and the deity as well. Others were deists, who believe there is a God but not necessarily Jesus. Some were even atheists. What dominionists do is they cherry pick quotes here and there and try to pretend that this exonerates the speaker's entire life as Christian. Yes, George Washington became more convinced of God towards the end of his life but during it? Not quite. Dominionists know this so they often go back another hundred years and pretend the Pilgrims entered into a covenant relationship with God, which is biblically absurd. Man has no ability or power to start a covenant relationship with God. We are grafted in. The above link shows a merry band of dominionists who traffic in all of these biblical inaccuracies. Let us reason once more together.

For more than five years, administrators and participants in the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call have diligently acted as intercessors for the United States of America. It's a calling from the Lord they don'tand haven'ttaken lightly. During that time, people involved in the movement have been engaged in a spiritual battle, what they like to call a "warfare of love." While Americans have become distracted over issues that are intended to undermine and destroy the American way of life, these intercessors have been fighting on their knees to battle these demonic forces with the most effective weapon at their disposal: prayer. And this SundayResurrection Sundaythese prayer warriors will once again be engaged with the enemy in what they say is one of the most crucial moments in U.S. history. Pastors and intercessors from throughout the country will gather in Barrow, Alaskaat the northernmost tip of the United Statesto welcome the King of glory to spark what they hope will soon be the next Great Awakening for America.

Now if you visit their website you will discover that this organization was birthed during the 2016 presidential election for the prayer advocacy on behalf of Donald Trump. There is still an entire page dedicated to prayer for the ex-president. They refer to the current president as embodying the antichrist spirit. That really is all you need to know to able to discern that this is a pure NAR dominionist undertaking. Neither political party nor politician cares about the cause of Christ. Donald Trump is the righteous man of God? Three times married and unfaithful? It is embarrassing that people who claim the mantle of Christianity would advocate such nonsense. Notice the language used. If you stand against what they believe you are guided by demonic forces but all they are doing is a warfare of love, right. Self-love. Then they show themselves as absolutely bat-poop crazy by actually going to the northernmost tip of America to "welcome the King of Glory" and spark what they are constantly chasing - a great revival. The bible speaks of no such revival. It does however speak to a great apostasy, of which this organization is a willing leader of. Their delusion is so thick. They believe that this meaningless trip to the North Pole will be one of the most crucial moments in US history! Sorry, no.

The "Welcome the King of Glory Alaska" event begins Thursday and will end Sunday. On Sunday morning at 2 a.m., under the lights of aurora borealis, the group will "proclaim the marriage covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ" on behalf of Alaska. With others joining in throughout America, the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer call will canvas the entire country, bathing it in prayer to turn the hearts of those who are opposed to freedom and the sovereignty of God. It is the latest of dozens of "Welcome the King of Glory" events hosted by the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call since 2017. The events have encompassed all four corners of the United States and many locations in between. Pastor Ioan Peia, a co-administrator of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, says the Holy Spirit prompted the group to come to Alaska for "a time such as this." "We have been summoned here by the Holy Spirit to welcome the King of glory," Peia says. "We believe this Resurrection Sunday is very significant for the U.S. This is a trigger in the spirit realm for the entire nation. There will be a connection from Barrow to thousands of intercessors who will join us in prayer to form a canopy over the country to welcome the King of glory into the United States early that morning.

Now we start to see how deep their delusion goes. This group of Trump worshippers have no power to declare anything, let alone the marriage covenant they created in their own minds, with the Lord. Just think of the staggering arrogance it takes to believe that you, the creation, can dictate covenant agreements with the Creator of the entire universe! Are you kidding me! It does not matter how many other deluded people you have praying something that is unbiblical. It does not matter if you travel to the end of the world. It certainly means nothing to do so under Aurora Borealis. Look at the schizophrenic focus these folks have. They want to turn the hearts of those who are not merely against the sovereignty of God but against this nebulous sense they have of "freedom." The Holy Spirit did not have anything to do with this garbage and misusing the scripture "for a time such as this" does not help that cause. Resurrection Sunday should always be a very significant day for our faith. This of course is because of the opportunity to share the gospel with so many unsaved folks. To trivialize and minimize this down to some false and lame "trigger" in the spirit realm is insulting to the cause of Christ. Once again, the unbridled arrogance of thinking the King of Glory needs your welcome is the very core of dominionism. God does not need our welcome nor our permission for anything, let alone moving through His own creation.

"This is in alignment with a prophetic word I received in Aurora, Colorado, in 2011 that spoke to me about the end times destiny of the United States," he adds. "It was about restoring the Christian foundation of this nation. We are a covenant nation for God. This nation will once become as it has been destined to for world evangelism. "The love of God for the United States has never ceased," Peia says. "This nation was created by God, and the vision for it is beautiful. A Great Awakening is just around the corner. It will be coming like a tsunami. The Lord is taking over his right of inheritance, and we are there to be his witnesses. He's exposing everythingthe darkness and the evil. It must be corrected and the nation must be restored. This is a time of manifestation of the grace of God." Alaskan team coordinator Richard Stoffel, one of the facilitators of the event, says his life has changed since getting involved with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call. He has become on fire for the Lord to intercede for this country to overcome the darkness that has enveloped it in recent years.

It is so sad to watch people who clearly do not know the Lord pretend that the coincidence of shared beliefs are "prophetic alignment." Is it surprising that in 2011 and 2022 the same dominionist crowd is thinking the same heretical thoughts? The false focus of restoring the Christian foundation of this country is central to their entire belief system! That is consistency of heresy, not alignment. The fact that you believe over a ten year period in the same false teaching about being in covenant with God only shows how deep your delusion runs. World evangelism? Seriously? We exported the prosperity gospel to Africa and now five of the filthiest rich pastors are from the poorest continent! Some countries have begged the US to stop sending evangelists! Nearly every active heresy thwarting the will of God in the world today originated from this country! From a secular perspective, I love this country but I will not lie about God for it. God did not create the US. Revolutionists did and they were not revolting for piety but for fiscal reasons. Does anyone remember no taxation without representation? The vision for a beautiful awakening where Democrats all behave better and Republicans inherit the earth is simply made up in the darkness of the human heart. The sad state of Richard Stoffel should be a dire warning to us all. Since becoming involved with this dominionist, unbiblical cause he is on fire to intercede for a country and his perceived darkness over that country. Nothing about the gospel or the lost. He is sadly not on fire for the Lord as he is deceived into thinking.

"You want to know why there is so much anger and hatred in this country?" he asks. "The root of that, I personally believe, is unforgiveness. It's one of the best weaknesses individuals have in this country. It is a lack of forgiveness. The country was built on a foundation of love and forgiveness. We are lukewarm as a whole. We're all the church, and we need to help one another to overcome the religious spirits and the spirits of darkness." Maureen Bravo, one of the co-administrators of the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call, agrees and says the vision for this Alaskan event is to end the divisiveness the enemy has perpetrated on the United States. "Scripture says 'perfect love casts out fear' (1 John 4:18)," Bravo says. "Fear is the root of the hatred and anger we are experiencing. We receive God's love for the people who are ruled by this. We hope to open their hearts and let them know that Christ is in them and that He is the hope of glory.

So when we revolted against England that was about love and forgiveness? When we killed each other over the right to own other people based on skin color, that was just love and forgiveness in action? Sweatshops during the industrial revolution? Our time as an Imperial nation? Overthrowing third world countries and taking their resources? Sure, there has been a lot of good done through the efforts of Americans, no question. To pretend however that this country was all built on puppies and rainbows is as unserious as a Joel Osteen sermon. Note here that they want to overcome the "religious spirits." Translation? They want to stifle any biblical dissent. It is borderline hysterically sad that they think their divisive premise where only they are right and everyone else is demonic is somehow ending the divisiveness over this country. They are a huge part of the divisiveness they claim to want to eradicate. What they really mean is they want to get rid of disagreement, not divisiveness.

"What we are focused on is unifying the country," she adds. "Alaska is the northernmost state in the U.S. We're on the top of the world looking down on creation, as the old song says. We are asking God to move in an unusual way, and we know that he can do the work that is needed." The 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call has chapters in 40 of the 50 states in the U.S., but the hope is to soon encompass all 50 states.

"Focused on unifying this country." Think about that when you read these comments promoted on their website from some of their followers:

These people are not worthy to be called Americans"they are insurgents with an agenda to turn America into a police state under socialism/communism"only those who truly love this country and act for its benefit can be called Americans"it's an honor and a privilege to stand for Truth and Justice and the One True God!

Facebook is not a friend of God loving, Freedom loving AMERICANS. Anyone still on FB is fueling communism in the USA. All is being monitored. There are new REAL freedom social media RUMBLE where your 1st Amendment will not be censored. Signup today! Merry CHRISTmas!

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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