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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/15/21

101 Ohio Pastors Officially Sign Off as COVID Ignorant and Stupid

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"Again, this is a theoretical exercise I am presenting for consideration. I am not making the claim that an mRNA vaccine will permanently alter your genomic DNA, and I didn't make this claim in my first article, although it appears that troll sites made the fallacious claim that I did."

Sad that now 101 Ohio pastors are at the level of internet troll sites. Let us also not lose sight here of their butchering of scripture. The key verses today provide the context for their usage of James 1:8. This verse as we see in context has nothing to do with changing one's mind and instead is about not doubting. Specifically, not doubting what God can do. Even the background facts do not line up with their accusations. Harris said she would not take the vaccine if ordered by President Trump, not any president who ever lived or might be in the future. Call it a double standard if you like but she essentially was saying she did not trust President Trump, just like you apparently do not trust President Biden. A right to disagree afforded to us under our Constitution. As for not knowing your right hand from your left, the 101 Ohio doctors are also inaccurate in describing the current vaccines as being manufactured using aborted fetal tissue. The Pfizer vaccine for example, used no fetal cell lines in the production or manufacturing of the vaccine. None. That means there are zero fetal cells in the vaccine, period. One fetal cell line from a 1972 abortion was used to test the efficacy of the vaccine. So, if you refuse the vaccine, which could save your life, because it used one cell line from nearly fifty years ago, I am unsure if you understand what pro-life should mean. Especially if you then use your disinformation to convince others to not vaccinate and they die from the virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is very proven and it is not experimental. The citation of 15,000 deaths and 1.5 million adverse effects have already been debunked by the CDC. As for the breakthrough infections this is just more disinformation being spread by these pastors. Science has never claimed that the vaccine guarantees you cannot catch COVID. It just dramatically reduces your chances and if there is a breakthrough infection, the vaccine ensures that you will have a mild case and not need hospitalization.

"It is no small matter that as illegal immigrants with no health screening are pouring across the U.S. border, they have been made exempt from your vaccine mandate. (12) Because of this derelict policy, it is not surprising that for Labor Day 2021, there was a 300 % increase in COVID Cases during a period when vaccines are available as compared to the 2020 Labor Day when there was no approved vaccine on the market. (13) Mr. President, we believe you too have crossed a line. The national work force along with families protecting their own personal health will be adversely impacted when coerced to either take the jab or lose their job. Forced COVID-19 experimental vaccinations will leave our military and health care systems shorthanded and vulnerable. The benefits of the vaccine mandate do not outweigh the known risks." - 101 Ohio Pastors

Wait a minute. Your position on illegal immigration is clearly political but aside from that it reveals you are not being genuine. In your haste to smear other human beings as the "problem" you are advocating that the vaccine works! Of course, your reasoning is flawed as the real driver of the spike in infections is"wait for it...the unvaccinated! It is so nice the 101 people who have no clue what they are talking about have decided the vaccine risks outweigh taking it. That is like 101 grocery clerks or 101 dalmatians deciding such. It means nothing. Leaving health care systems shorthanded? Are you that ignorant? Do you think exposing all the sick people in hospitals to unvaccinated people would be a smart medical decision? Or do their lives not matter as long as the death rate stays under 2%? How pathetic. How much damage is being wrought against the cause of Christ by these 101 hirelings?

"We believe GOD-given natural immunity found in the human body as observed in studies from Israel (14) and the Cleveland Clinic (15) can be more effective for many persons than experimental vaccinations that have not been properly clinically tested. (16) We also believe other time-proven methods of treatment blacklisted by your Federal Drug Administration are as effective in combatting COVID. (17) (18) In closing, to combat a virus with an overall 99.74% survival rate, the federal government should not impose its will on persons by mandating COVID-19 experimental vaccines and removing other alternative treatments. People should have the ability to make their own health decisions. This unilateral and divisive order is unethical and tantamount to what a totalitarian king would dictate. Furthermore Mr. President, with respect to your vaccine mandate, we respond by saying 'We have no king but King Jesus.'"

I want to give these 101 pastors the benefit of the doubt but so much here has been inaccurate that it certainly appears purposeful. The Israeli study and Cleveland Clinic have nothing to do with our "God given immunity." Both were comparing people who had already been infected and survived with those who never were infected and had the vaccine. The representation of the Israeli study has already been revealed to be misleading while the Cleveland Clinic study admits on page one that it is not peer-reviewed yet, meaning you cannot draw scientific inferences from it! God has given us amazing immunity but that does not mean we openly spit in the face of common sense and science. Even Paul told Timothy to drink some wine with dinner for his frequent stomach ailments.

The sign off is as disingenuous as the entire letter. They have no king other than Jesus eh? This entire letter regurgitated political talking points, using false news sources, citing dubious studies all in an effort to lie about a vaccine that is helping millions of people avoid great calamity. All in the name of Jesus? Why would anyone want to hear what you have to say about the gospel when you lie with such blatant disregard on carnal matters? Read the New Testament. This is not the role of pastors beloved. They do not benefit the kingdom one bit by insisting on winners and losers within the carnal political systems of man. They need to stay in their lane of being hirelings within the NAR apostate church system. Leave the science to the scientists and the gospel to those that care about it.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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