I will leave this one with more striking example. What if a saved friend or family member was getting remarried. You know that there were no biblical grounds for the divorce from their first wife. You also know that the bible says they will make their new wife an adulteress by marrying again. I am willing to bet that 95% of those who have vilified Alistair Begg would still attend this wedding despite the unbiblical nature of the marriage and I am sorry but that is hypocrisy. It is doing what the NAR teaches by signaling out one sin while ignoring others. It also goes against Romans 2, which teaches us that we condemn ourselves by passing judgment on others.
Look, I do not agree with everything Begg preaches but I have found him to be fairly solid over the years. He couched some advice for a hurting grandma and suddenly everyone is a morality expert and 40 years of ministry is thrown out the window. It just seems the church does not realize how far they have been infiltrated by NAR dominionist theology. The kind of carnal thuggery that passes for piety, where we would somehow be comfortable in telling a grandmother to stick it to their grandkid. In the name of Jesus of course. The world is not blind to matters of the flesh beloved. They see the church defending people like Ravi Zacharias, Mark Driscoll, Ted Haggard, and even more recently, Mike Bickle. They see the church cry about restoration while in the same breath telling a grandmother she should not attend her grandchild's wedding because of their sin. Do not fool yourself for a second. NAR dominionism is constantly trampling the reputation and cause of Jesus Christ. Perhaps we can all take a step back on this one and give a little sliver of the grace we have been shown. Maybe Alistair is ultimately wrong and maybe I am. All I know is when you wrap your Jesus up in barbed wire, people get cut to pieces before they have a chance to be saved.
Reverend Anthony Wade - February 4, 2024