Beloved, God is not checking your voting record when you get to heaven. He will however know if you have saving faith in Him or a false gospel such as they teach at Bethel. On earth you can convince yourself that you deserved that 31,000% pay increase but not when you stand before Christ. The bible says we are but sojourners, traveling through this world. Our task is to represent Jesus Christ and His gospel to the lost - not try and change the United States into a theocracy. I can easily identify a list of unrighteous problems with the right in this country as well as the left. None are righteous! All have fallen away! None seek after God! Satan is the ruler of this world and that includes your faux-righteous political persuasion. The Titanic has struck the iceberg already! Stop looking for who you think is best prepared to steer her into her icy grave. Start pointing people to the lifeboat.
Oh Sean, that means Jesus.
Reverend Anthony Wade - August 30, 2022