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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/28/21

Carter Conlon Goes Full NAR Dominionist - The Great Apostasy Deepens

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While we are here, let's address The Return, which was an event held in 2020 in Washington DC. It was arranged by Global Alliance, who is also arranging this new event that Conlon will speak at. Here are some of the speakers from the Return, with whom Carter Conlon is now aligned with: Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, John Kilpatrick, James Robison, Marcus Lamb, Jim Bakker, and Glenn Beck. Seriously? Copeland is a billion-dollar cancer even within the apostate church. Robertson discredits himself every time he opens his mouth. Kilpatrick oversaw the Pensacola Demonic Outpouring. Robison, Lamb and Bakker? What was Jennifer LeClaire unavailable? Oh and let us not lose sight of the fact that Glenn Beck is purely a political operative and I might add a Mormon! These are the people you want to follow to revival? Just what do you think they will revive?

"The Renewal is uniting leaders who believe America is in a spiritual battle for the soul of our nation. Therefore, it must be won in the spiritual realm lead by God according to His Word. We must pray, then take a step of bold faith to re-establish America's covenant with God and plead for His mercy as we seek to restore our foundational values based on God's Word, the everlasting covenant, the Bible." - Charisma News

More NAR fantasy pixie dust here. The foundational values of this country valued slavery. In order to be formed they rebelled against the King of England. Was this rebellion over morals or faith? No, it was over money. Now I am not upset that they did but do not recreate history to serve your current political masters. NAR dominionists are fond of cherry-picking historical quotes that buttress their arguments while ignoring those that destroy them. I used to teach American history and governance. Ben Franklin was not a born-again Christian. Jefferson I already dealt with. Washington seemed to gain more religion in his later years. The everlasting covenant is with Israel. We are grafted into the vine as believers in Christ. The problem with this NAR dream is that this country has never been entirely Christian. Even within the strands of Christianity there is great disagreement. What the NAR actually is espousing is a theocracy. Now, the political forces that own them do not want a theocracy. They just want to keep getting elected so they have the power and money. They will continue to use the church and now Carter Conlon too, in order to achieve these ends.

"On Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022, Rev. Kevin Jessip, Defending the Republic founder Sidney Powell, New York Times bestselling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Times Square Church General Overseer Carter Conlon, Regeneration Nashville Pastor Kent Christmas, All Pro Pastors International Founder Paul Pickern, Hon. Louie Gohmert, Hon. Michele Bachmann, Operation Restored Warrior founder Paul Lavelle, historian Bill Federer, Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin, historian David Barton, Liberty Pastors co-founders Paul Blair and Dan Fisher, Romans 911 author Grant Berry, Recover America President Dr. Rick Scarborough, Foundations of Freedom founder Dave Dias, Lamplighter Ministries Founder Jon Hamill, Battle Ready Ministries President Col. David Giammona, bestselling author Troy Anderson and many others will participate in a historic convention called "The Renewal: Restoring America's Founding Covenant. The Renewal will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time at the 10,000-seat Strawberry Festival Amphitheater in Plant City, Florida, just outside of Tampa. Faith leaders will gather and share about America's history, its spiritual foundations and the importance of its covenant with God. The Renewal is not a political event. "We cannot solve spiritual problems by natural means such as military might, elected officials or even human governments," Jessip says. "God is sovereign over all as stated in Daniel 2:21 (NKJV), 'He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.'" The Renewal is a spiritual solution to the current state of affairs in the land. Recovenanting and reconciliation combine to be the next biblical step in the five-step renewal process (repentance, reconciliation, restoration, revival, reformation) for the faithful remnant to usher in the mercy of the Lord." - Charisma News

The renewal is not a political event? Then why is Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Louis Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, General William Boykin, and David Barton involved? C'mon. At least try and hide the obvious fact that this is entirely a political event. Powell and Lindell are national disgraces and laughingstocks for their stupid political lawsuits thrown out of every decent court in this country! Boykin and Barton are straight up political operatives. Bachmann is a former Congresswoman and Gohmert is currently a sitting member of Congress! Be very careful. This is not the remnant and they have no power or authority to usher in the mercy of God. They will answer for the untold numbers they lead astray. You cannot recovenant what was never under covenant to begin with. You cannot revive what was never alive to begin with.

Pastor Carter Conlon will be the keynote speaker, delivering an important national and global message on the covenant. A color guard marching band will perform at the event. The Renewal is part of a global movement of prayer and repentance spreading to all continents. It began Sept. 26, 2020, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., with The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance. An estimated 250,000 people attended the gathering, and about 42 million watched it on television or via simulcast in 180 nations in 90 languages. Based on the biblical template, The Renewal is the next step after The Return.

A color guard marching event will occur at this "non-political" event? The organizers here claim that 42 million people tuned into the "Return", which was supposed to a day of global repentance. How did that go for you? Does anyone remember any kind of seismic shift in the heavenlies last September? Has the world started to turn to God? Unfortunately, no. The Return was more than likely yet another in a long line of grifts designed to have the apostate church feel superior to all of those wretched sinners and leftists that have broken a covenant they never entered into. Sure, the cost of attending the Renewal is just $25 but the real money is in the sponsorship packages. For a cool $100,000 you can become an "Ambassador" for the event, which guarantees you an on-stage recognition as an Ambassador as well as many other "VIP" perks. To rich for your blood? For only half of that you can become a "Diplomat" for this event. While you do not get the onstage plug, you will be recognized a large LED screen so all can see how committed you are. There are three other lower levels of sponsorship with varying degrees of goodies for your money including VIP parking, photoshoots with the speakers, and backstage passes. Because nothing says Jesus more than bragging about rich people. And with this, Carter Conlon is now in bed. He is in fact the keynote speaker! How the mighty have fallen away indeed.

"The Renewal is about restoring our covenant with God," Jessip says. "It started with The Return with repentance; now we're going through reconciliation and restoration, which is renewing the covenant we broke with Almighty God. In The Renewal, we are saying, 'Lord, have mercy on us in the midst of the redemptive judgments happening.' "The fires, plagues, floods and everything we are seeing are no different than the redemptive judgments ancient Egypt experienced. The Renewal is a reconciliation and restoration of the covenant, which is part of returning to God. It is the next step. I believe after this renewal step that the revival is coming." The date of The RenewalJan. 8is based on Exodus 1:8 and Deuteronomy 1:8, verses in which God instructed the ancient Hebrews, after suffering oppression in Egypt and wandering in the desert for 40 years, to take possession of the promised land.

Wow. Are you catching this? The deadly California fires, COVID-19, and the various floods across our nation are akin to the redemptive judgements against Egypt? The irony here is so thick because the very "righteous" politicians these clowns pimp out to the church are the same ones who deny the obvious science of climate change, which is actually responsible for the fires and floods. Wait a minute though. If the Return was all about repentance and 42 million people turned in, why are we still facing these horrific judgments? Because the next conference has not occurred yet? So, God has destroyed so much through these judgments but you think having an eight hour speaking event where political forces and apostates will regale you with revisionist false history and even worse false theology will stay his hand? Or because you are holding the event on January 8th and based on your apparent belief in numerology God will honor that? What bible are these people reading?

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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