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Christo-Feminism Now Claims the Bible is a Feminist Manifesto

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This is just ridiculous. The scripture portion in question in no way, shape, or form encourages feminism. What it does highlight is the inherent nature of God being just. The daughters pled their case and God agreed with them. This is not some secret manifesto of God therefore empowering all women from that point forward it most certainly does not violate His word. Is it just possible that God thinks it is fair for daughters with no brothers to receive their father's inheritance AND that women should not be allowed to teach and preach with authority over men in the church? Desperately seeking some way to disobey the key scriptures, Mattera hangs his hat on an obscure passage about the civil law in the Book of Numbers. Sad.

"Proverbs 31:10-31: This is a groundbreaking part of Scripture that unpacks the implications related to women serving as co-stewards of creation with men (Gen. 1:27-28). The "excellent" woman prototype illustrated here is not a stay-at-home mom who is always "barefoot and pregnant"! No! This is a woman who--in addition to taking care of her family--buys and sells real estate (Prov. 31:16); manages her own vineyard; sells her own merchandise (v. 18, 24); is a benefactor to the less fortunate (v. 20); creates and designs her own clothes (v. 21, 22, 24); teaches others out of the wealth of her wisdom and has cultural influence in the gates of her city (v. 31)." -- Joseph Mattera

The only person selling vile caricatures of women is Joseph Mattera. While he is busy denigrating women who raise their children and grow their families, he also draws inane conclusions. Throughout Proverbs 31, the writer speaks about the woman's role in raising her family. These additional skills Mattera refers to do not negate the notion of a stay home mom whatsoever. However, being able to buy and sell real estate is not in question for women. Neither is managing her own vineyard, selling her own merchandise, or being a benefactor to the less fortunate. This is a typical scheme of the Christo-feminist. To point to things that are not prohibited and using them to conclude that what is prohibited is actually allowable. The usual tactic is to point to female prophets and say -- "a-ha!"; except no one is saying females cannot prophesy. Just that they cannot preach or teach with authority over men in God's church.

"Romans 16:7: In this amazing passage, Paul's greeting to Andronicus and Junia states that both are of note (or have a great reputation) among the apostles. Hence, we know that at least one female was put in the apostolic category! Of course, this has huge implications for church and culture. Related to the church, women can serve in every ministry function described in Ephesians 4:11." -- Joseph Mattera

Hence, we know that Joseph Mattera does not care how badly he mangles the bible to try and prove his unbiblical point. Most theologians conclude that Junias was indeed a man (referred to in the text as kinsmen). However, even if we grant him a sex reassignment, that does not make him an apostle. All these verses state is that among the apostles, these two individuals were well known. Did you get that? The apostles knew who they were. Not that they were apostles themselves. This sad travesty visited upon Junias is a consistent lie from the Christo-feminist side.

"John 20:18: Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus appeared to after His resurrection. This has resulted in many Christian expressions referring to her as "the apostle to the apostles." Furthermore, we see that when Jesus revealed Himself to "the woman at the well" (John 4) God used her to be the first person to proclaim faith in Messiah to the whole city of Samaria! Thus, this illustrates how Jesus chose two women to be the "sent ones" (some would argue as missional apostles) who broke new ground for the gospel." -- Joseph Mattera

The only people who claim Mary Magdalene was the apostle to the apostles are Christo-feminists who like to blow this portion of scripture up far beyond what it was meant for. The reason why Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Christ is that she was on her way to prepare the body for burial, which was a female task in those days. Hardly a vision of feminist glory. Within the four gospel accounts this story also varies. In Luke, Jesus first appears to the two men on the road to Emmaus. John's gospel account has the women running away from the empty tomb without seeing the risen Christ. Either way, to call her an apostle is an absolute mugging of the text. It is however not as egregious as calling the woman at the well an evangelist for Samaria! She did not proclaim faith in the Messiah! She said, "Come and see a man who told me all that I ever did. CAN this be the Christ?" That is a question; not a statement.

"Galatians 3:28: In Paul's letter to the Galatians he made this astonishing counter-cultural statement: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, and there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." In essence, Paul proclaimed total equality between male and female in the context of the highly patriarchal Roman/hellenistic society. The ensuing effect was that nations most influenced by Christianity elevated women and bestowed upon them the right to be educated, work and even lead!" -- Joseph Mattera

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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