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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/20/16

Dr. Michael Brown -- Dances with Wolves; Bill Johnson Edition

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Johnson teaches the seven mountains heresy that says Christians must take dominion over the earth to bring about the second coming of Christ

Johnson was part of the entourage of false prophets and teachers who not only supported the ludicrous Todd Bentley but traveled to Florida and anointed him a prophet. Days later Bentley was exposed as sleeping with his secretary behind his wife's back.

Johnson then served in the role to restore Bentley, who punches and kicks people for them to receive healing and is barred from entering several countries

Johnson claims that angel feathers randomly start falling all around him, even in secular public places like the diner

Johnson has claimed the false supernatural manifestation of gem stones randomly appearing in his sanctuary

Johnson has claimed the false supernatural appearance of gold dust randomly appearing in his sanctuary

Johnson is shown in a video defending "glory clouds" that are clearly man made and being pumped in from his ventilation systems as a "move of God" at his church

Johnson operates a heretical school teaching the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Johnson teaches that God always wants to heal you and He is never angry with us

Johnson has open prophecy mic nights during his prayer services where anyone can come up to the microphone and offer whatever evil lurks in their hearts as "prophecy"

Johnson is the primary mentor for other up and coming heretics like Kris Vallotton and Shawn Bolz.

Johnson's primary teaching is that experience trumps doctrine. He routinely preaches against the Bible and against ensuring things are scriptural

Johnson is connected with virtually every known false teacher and prophet today

Beloved there is no defending Bill Johnson. He is a wolf of the highest order devouring the sheep of God. His adherents ascribe to a different Gospel and a different Jesus. One that cannot save them. There is virtually no way of examining his fruit as the Bible instructs us to do and conclude anything other than he is false. He is the chief proponent of the false signs and lying wonders heresies. He is associated with the Kansas City False Prophets, the New Apostolic Reformation, Hillsong, and nearly every distributer of rank heresy today.

But according to Dr. Michael Brown he is a brother in the Lord. That is because Bill Johnson rests squarely in Brown's blind spot, which is Charismania. Brown never met a heretic he did not like. Joseph Prince? Just has a hole in his theology! Benny Hinn? Let me go on his show for a week! Hillsong's sleazy Silent Night? You don't know Brian Houston's heart! Now even Bill Johnson is a brother in Christ. Except He is not. He is scattering people away from Jesus, not gathering them to Him. And Dr. Michael Brown? Is enabling him to do it. The key verse reminds us that narrow is the gate and the way is hard. The hardest part to learn from this however is that few are the number of people who will find that gate. This is a microcosm of why. Bill Johnson is deceiving millions of people through his ministries, many of which will die apart from the Lord. The Bible commands us to watch out for wolves like Johnson. The Bible tells us to mark wolves like him who cause division through false doctrine. The Bible instructs us as ministers to rebuke the wolves publicly, so that some may come out from under the false teaching.

Watch out! Mark them! Rebuke them! That is how we are to treat the wolves tearing the body of Christ to shreds. Dr. Brown chooses to dance with them. He cozies up next to them and tells them they are his brother. As such he now sadly must be considered one of them. Maybe I was too blind myself to see it before but now it is undeniable. Brown must be marked now as well. No matter how learned he is. No matter how convincing he might be. Sorry Dr. Brown. I don't dance.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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