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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/15/20

Dr. Michael Brown - Furthering the Church's Victim Mentality

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This is an important point to not miss. When the Post ran the story it is true that Twitter temporarily shut down the Twitter account of the Post. It is not because they dared to report something but rather because they were lying. Twitter correctly saw the disinformation and refused to allow it on their platform. Brown and his political forces however want to turn this into an issue of censoring the right wing when all it really was about is not allowing blatant falsehoods to be promoted through their business. Brown does not even realize that he proves this point by citing a survey where people admit they might not have voted for Joe Biden had they know about this false story. That is entirely the point! What is more pathetic however is that Brown actually thinks that this one false flag story alone could have wiped out the seven million vote advantage Biden won by. No Doc, it would not have.

"But it gets worse. Big Tech (again, Twitter) has taken on the president of the United States, censoring (or, at least filtering or commenting on) his own tweets. Let that sink in for a minute.

If Big Tech is not afraid to take on the most powerful man on the planet--and one of the most fearless and even vindictive as well--what makes you think it will not try to take us on as well, not to mention shut us down? And now YouTube has announced that it will remove all videos that dispute the results of the elections, even while legal challenges are still being processed in the courts. In the same way, YouTube has removed videos with different takes on COVID-19, even if those videos come from experts in their field. "Thou shalt not dissent!" is the word for the hour." - Dr. Michael Brown

No Dr. Brown - thou shall not lie! When 95% of the scientific world says that masks prevent the spread of COVID or that hydroxychloroquine is not beneficial as a treatment the fact that you can find the fringe 5% to say otherwise does not change reality. When the entire world knows that Joe Biden won the election you do not get to lie and pretend that it is somehow still dubious. The legal challenges are now an embarrassment as he has lost nearly every challenge and has not gained one single vote. He is being ruled against not only by GOP judges but by judges he appointed himself! As for the Twitter and the president, why is Brown surprised that big tech would take on the most prolific liar in presidential history? Once again, examine the scheme of the enemy here. The world believes in shades of grey, where truth becomes a malleable property. Christians however believe in absolute truth. We are not victims here unless we assert belief in a sliding scale of truth.

"The purge is on, full steam ahead. To this moment, every post that my team puts on Facebook that has anything to do with the elections, however remotely, appears with a link to the election results, courtesy of Big Tech. To this moment, virtually every video we post on YouTube, regardless of content, gets flagged immediately, forcing us to request a manual review. And even though the vast majority of the videos are approved for monetization, why are they flagged in the first place? Based on what? Other colleagues of mine have not fared so well, having their entire library of videos removed from Vimeo (they dared question the "gays are born that way and cannot change" narrative). Others have had their Facebook pages shut down for posting verses from the Bible that spoke against homosexual practice or, within the last two weeks, for exposing Facebook's anti-conservative methodology. Gulag-like, indeed." - Dr. Michael Brown

Hahaha, take a moment to digest the hilarity of his first comment here. Brown is actually complaining that when he posts something about the election Facebook attaches a link to the actual results of the election! Why would the truth bother Dr. Brown? Because most of what he posts and writes these days are centered within this disinformation cartel. Sure he couches everything to try and sound reasonable but at the end of the day Brown has a political agenda. His insistence here to push the Gulag narrative reveals that. This has nothing to do with an anti- conservative bias. It is about creating a snowflake brand of Christianity, constantly feeling victimized for not being allowed to lie.

"What, then, is the solution? First, Congress needs to continue to hold the feet of Big Tech leaders to the fire, exposing unequal practices that violate their terms as platforms (rather than publishers). And where there are monopolies that need to be broken up, so be it. (I'm not a legal expert; others will have to parse these details.) Second, we need to continue to develop viable, alternative platforms and search engines. This is happening already, but it will take some time to catch up to the massive numbers of Big Tech. Third, rather than simply fleeing the platforms that are seeking to shut us down, we need to flood those platforms with good, godly, truthful content.

Get the word out. Push the envelope. Challenge the system. I have often pointed to the words of the courageous German Christian leader Basilea Schlink, penned in the aftermath of the destruction of World War II. She wrote, "We are personally to blame. We all have to admit that if we, the entire Christian community, had stood up as one man and if, after the burning of the synagogues (on Krystallnacht, Nov. 9, 1938), we had gone out on the streets and voiced our disapproval, rung the church bells, and somehow boycotted the actions of the S.S., the Devil's vassals would probably not have been at such liberty to pursue their evil schemes" (see her book Israel, My Chosen People)." - Dr. Michael Brown

So let's deal with Brown's solutions. First of all, Congress has tried to hold the feet of big tech to the fire, repeatedly. The most recent attempt was about a month ago and it was embarrassing for the country to watch Congresspeople, who know nothing about tech, lecture people who created the entire tech infrastructure in this country. Befuddled they were at why conservatives were being fact checked 2 to 1 to liberals. The answer is not in some secret plan from big tech. the answer is in not lying at a 2 to 1 clip. Secondly, Brown suggests developing alternate platforms but he must not realize that this is being down already. Desperately looking for a safe space to lie, conservatives left Facebook in droves after the election to something known as Parler. There they were allowed to continue to post lie after lie about the election and any other shady topic that resides in their deceitful hearts. The third suggestion flies on the face of the actual problem. If they flooded the platforms with truth then they would not get fact checked.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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