"I have been a student of the Bible and prophecy for over 35 years. I don't personally hold the office of a prophet (yet?) but I know God has spoken prophetically through me. The Apostle Paul instructs all believers to seek to speak and heed the prophetic. Why? Again, because God wants His people to be in the right place at the right time to benefit from His extravagant provision and protection. So what has God said about the present times we're living and what can we expect in the future?" - Pamela Christian
I guess those poor and indigent Christians around the world are just not in the right place or time. All of our persecuted brothers and sisters in China and those martyred for their faith in the Middle East must continue to miss out on His extravagant provision for the same reason. What utter nonsense. That is one way you can know a theology is false. If it cannot be applied across the entire church worldwide. I think we can rest assured that God has never spoken through Pamela Christian. She has been taught and raised in the apostate church this bastardized version of prophecy so I am sure she believes it but her false teaching betrays her.
"We need to go back through published prophetic words to know. I have been collecting prophetic words for years with eager anticipation of experiencing the fulfilment of the prophecies. Based on what I've collected, this present time is one of the most glorious times in all of history-and this is just the beginning! I know there are many who profess to speak and teach prophetically who espouse doom and gloom, the mark of the beast and the end time tribulation is very near. First we need to research to see if these are proven prophets with track records worthy of heeding. The Bible is clear many people will claim to speak for God, who do not. It is up to every Christian to seek the Lord for discernment about any and all prophetic claims and any instruction about the Christian faith. This should be a task we readily and confidently assume knowing the Holy Spirit indwells every genuine Christian and is our teacher guiding us into all truth. Did you know: Many prophets claimed Donald Trump would win the 2020 election? There are court cases being presented now to get a ruling on alleged election fraud. Many prophets have claimed Roe vs. Wade would be overturned? At this very time of this post, the Supreme Court is reconsidering if abortion should be legal. Amanda Grace prophesied we would experience a December to remember? God is exposing sinful corruption wherever it exits to establish truth and justice even in this very month." - Pamela Christian
I rely upon the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth. To be able to discern what is and is not from God. Pamela is right that many will come to claim they are speaking for God but many will be exposed as Pamela is here. By the way, the only "track record" worth listening to is 100% accuracy. That is the standard God has set up. So, let's examine the three "prophecies" Pamela Christian offers up here. The first reveals that she is a genuine dominionist, which is unsurprising considering the NAR tinge to her writing thus far. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and he lost it by a huge margin. The votes have been counted, recounted and recounted - by his own party! He lost over 60 lawsuits on the matter. To pretend this matter is undecided is delusional at best and in all likelihood, willfully deceiving. God used this election to expose all of the false prophets that prophe-lied that Trump was going to win again. The second "prophecy" is the overturning of Roe, which seems very possible now with a 6-3 super majority of conservatives on the bench. Yet is it really a prophecy to take a 50-50 proposition and provide no time frame for when it will come to pass? Have we dumbed down prophecy to a clairvoyance trick? Remember this is God allegedly speaking to the prophet. Would God really give such a silly open-ended word? The answer is no. This reminds me of Benny Hinn prophesying at the dawn of the 1990's that Fidel Castro would die in that decade. Castro of course would go on to die in 2016. So, despite giving himself a ten-year window he still missed by 16 years! The third prognostication is Amanda Grace declaring that December will be one to remember? Seriously? Is God this vague? Does this mean a financial windfall? Inheritance coming to pass? Avoiding calamity? Surviving calamity? Meeting someone special? Memorable vacation? Are we getting the point? This is not a prophecy. It makes a mockery of prophecy. It is so vague that gullible Christians could attribute nearly any occurrence in December to this "prophecy." So, we have prophecies that are beyond vague, a 50-50 gamble, and unfulfilled but unwilling to admit being wrong. The worst part is these are presented positively by Pamela Christian! These are her examples of good solid prophecies and that is all we need to know about the pitiful state of this entire false prophet network. Do not be deceived. Mercifully, this article concludes now:
"In all I have learned and continue to learn, these are not the last dreadful days of the earth, where the enemy is given ability to deceive, destroy and kill as we read in the Book of Revelation. These are the days of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is what the Book of Revelation is all about. These are the days when the enemy is exposed for who he is and his wicked, evil, perverse corruption is seen for what it is. And the Church, the Bride of Christ, is awakened to see the truth about our erroneous ways, and repents and rises up to make Herself ready. These are glorious days of God giving all people another chance to choose life before He enacts His justice to correct the sin and injustice that has radically befallen the entire world. This is not the end. This is a beginning-a new beginning as we read in Isaiah 43:18-19. "Forget the former things. Do not look at the past. See I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up. Do You not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and a way in the wasteland." Do not allow the work of the enemy to bring fear and defeat. Focus instead on the truth of God's Word-His written and spoken word through His prophets and take your place of authority, power and victory, Amen!" - Pamela Christian
Joel Osteen would be proud of such a narcissistic and poor interpretation of the bible. We must understand that the reason why doom and gloom are avoided so incessantly by false teachers and prophets is that it does not sell. It is difficult to tell churchgoers they better repent because we are living in the end times and then ask for a love offering. Pamela Christian is simply wrong here. These are the end days and they will be dreadful. Just read Revelation! It is not a sonnet. It is a stark, dreadful view at what the very last days will look like and it will not be this sugar coated pablum. Central to her delusion is the notion that the church will be magically awakened to what Pamela refers to as "her erroneous ways." The modern apostate church does not suffer from erroneous ways. It suffers from sin and it will not be awakened until it is too late because it believes it is right. It believes it is the church. The point Pamela does not understand is the real church is already ready. We do not need to be awakened. Jesus is coming back for His bride and He will separate out those in the church from those who have been playing church.
Beloved, when you follow the false prophets in the apostate church you believe in this doctrine. You believe that you have an entitled place of authority, power and victory and you believe you can just "take your place." That is what happens when you only view His word through the sinful filter of false prophets. The true remnant understand that our place is one of servitude and gratitude. That we are nothing without our King. Our natural position is one of reverence for what He has done, not who we think we are. We understand that if there is authority it is Christ's alone to give. If there is power, we understand that the true omnipotence is Christ's alone. We understand that the victory is also, Christ's alone. Not only are we nothing without Him but we have nothing without Him. Despite what false Apostlette Pamela Christian might think.