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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/27/23

False Teacher Kimberly Daniels Teaching "Religious Spirit" Theology on Steroids

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"We took a deep breath, shook ourselves, accepted the truth of what we were confronting and began to work those devils over like a jackhammer. Thank God for the Holy Ghost! We did not know where to start, but the prophetic anointing of God came in and gave us direction. We pleaded the blood of Jesus over that room and took authority over the boldness of the devils we were dealing with. The demons began to beg for us to leave them alone. We could hear them crying as they came out of the woman's body. God blessed us to discover the entry point of the devils in Carol's life. After many hours of deliverance, Carol got a major breakthrough. Today she is not running away, and demons are not speaking through her anymore. She has a new glow on her face, and I see her at conferences all the time. She is living a normal life, because the spirit of torment has been broken off of her life." - Kimberly Daniels

Wow, what a story! It of course is ridiculous. The whole claiming authority nonsense is more false NAR demon theology. The bible tells us of folks who thought they would take authority over demons. They were the seven sons of Sceva. The demons responded one day and beat them so bad they ran away naked. Realize this dramatic drivel is only designed to wow the reader into thinking something supernatural was occurring when it was not. Working the devils over like a jackhammer? Please stop. Just stop.

"God wants His people to be in a place to hear from Him, and "religion" is the greatest hindrance. If you believe I have a personal problem with religion, this teaching is already helping­ you discern accurately! I hate religion because God hates it. It is one of the worst subliminal bondages in the body of Christ." - Kimberly Daniels

Wow, just does not cover the depth of depravity here. The pure evilness Daniels clearly traffics in. So, God hates religion? Are you serious? God established religion! James teaches us what pure religion is! Paul goes into extensive details about the organization of religion, including church service and even how the gifts should be manifest within those services. Only a doctrinal idiot would try to claim God hates religion. What God hates is false teaching. Dividing the brethren is one of the seven listed things God hates and Romans teaches us that division is brought into the body through false teaching! Do not lose sight of the introduction. Kimberly Daniels hate religion because it exposes her as the grifter and liar she is.

"When our discerners are sharpened to hear God's voice, we will not listen to or follow the voices of the enemy. Too often we think the enemy's voice only comes as it did in Carol's case"as a strange, demonic sound. And that's exactly why we need discernment. For every gift that God has given, the enemy has sent a counterfeit. James said that "every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (James 1:17). In Acts 16, the soothsayer followed the apostles for days without any notice. She wasn't chanting or throwing voodoo dust. She was quoting Scriptures. The Bible says the devil comes as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). I believe that the encounter in Acts was prophetic in many ways. Many people who are operating in "other" spirits have followed the church quoting Scriptures for too long. This is the season when the apostolic mantle of God is going to fall on the church and publicly reveal the counterfeits." - Kimberly Daniels

Another staple of false teachers is to simply lie about what scripture says. Read this story from Acts 16 and you will see that this slave girl had a spirit of divination, and her owners used her fortune telling to make money. The scripture makes no reference to her "quoting scripture" and it is beyond offensive that Daniels is clearly arguing that quoting scripture is somehow a bad thing. All the text tells is that the slave girl was following Paul and declaring that he was a servant of God who proclaimed the way of salvation. There is also no "apostolic mantle" that is falling - she just made that one up. Notice the scheme here is to again paint scripture negatively and discernment as something needed to hear the voice of God. What she peddles however is not hearing God's voice but rather the voice of the devil whispering into our deceitful hearts. The PRIMARY way we hear the voice of God is through scripture! The amount of people who heard the audible voice of God in the bible was quite limited. This experiential teaching is straight out of Bethel where you are taught to believe that any random thought that jumps into your heart is actually the voice of God. That is biblically absurd. We rely on scripture because it removes our subjective and wickedly deceitful heart from the equation.

"First Corinthians tells us the gifts of God operate by one Spirit who submits only to Him. This is how we can easily detect the counterfeit: (1) They operate by another spirit; and (2) they submit their gifts to many gods. Paul had to specify and make sure the people knew which Jesus he was preaching about. He said, "And that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ" (Acts 17:3). Second Corinthians 11:4 gives a similar warning: "For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him." These verses refer to the simplicity of the gospel. Paul was telling the church at Corinth that he feared the possibility of deception creeping into the church. He used the example of the serpent beguiling Eve through its subtlety. He told them to be watchful so their minds would not be corrupted. Discerning of spirits is needed more than ever in the body of Christ. I believe that from reading the previous passages, we can safely say there is a counterfeit Jesus and Holy Ghost spirits, and another gospel that can be proclaimed." - Kimberly Daniels

Yes! There absolutely are counterfeit Christs that have infiltrated the church today that proclaim a different gospel. She presents a completely objective list to discern them. If they operate by another spirit? And who gets to determine if that is happening, you? The real way to discern is to put up what they teach to the word of God. Discernment is not gooseflesh, liver shivers, or feelings. If someone teaches something, we do as the noble Bereans did and check it out with what God has already said! That's discernment! In the world of Kimberly Daniels however, that is having a "religious spirit."

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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