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Franklin Graham and Stephen Strang Defy Logic and God to Defend Trump

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You were right then Franklin. Of course, Clinton never paid $130,000 to try and bury the story. He committed perjury but didn't break any laws as Trump is now accused of. You stated that Clinton needed to start by admitting what he did. Funny, I do not recall any such plea from you regarding Mr. Trump. I almost feel bad for Franklin Graham because he got into bed with devil years ago and now he cannot get out. So, he is left to defend the indefensible. He is left pretending that the guy who cheats on every wife he has had, sleeps with porn stars and buys them off, grabs women by their genitals, and breaks whatever laws he feels like is the Christian choice that we must rally around. Wow. Graham however is nothing compared to Stephen Strang.

Strang is the CEO of Charisma News, the purveyor of all heretical false prophets and teachers. The craziness of Strang's tendencies to the sneaky squid spirits of the world only serve to disguise the real purpose he uses Charisma for and that is to continue to bring the Republican Party demands to the evangelical world smeared with a patina of faux piety. Since Trump was facing the indictment this week, we expected the hit job linked above from Strang. Its purpose is to draw evangelical support back to Trump ahead of the primary season by painting him as some victim of unreasonable treatment when the reality is the opposite. Do you honestly think for a second if we were charged with 34 felony counts that we would be allowed to fly in, not be cuffed, not be shackled, not be mug-shotted, and fly back out. So let us reason quickly through this latest Strang piece and please keep in mind that this is supposed to be a "Christian" leader.

There's no question that we're living in an upside-down world where good is called evil and evil is called good. The woke agenda continues to push against Christian and conservative voices who won't stand for the indoctrination of children, the removal of God from our society or for a socialist government. We're seeing history in the making in this upside-down world. Just take a look at the indictment of President Trump. No former president has ever had to go through this kind of mockery, and it is setting up a dangerous precedent that could affect future leaders." - Stephen Strang

The reference here to an upside-down world is one of the real reasons why Strang felt compelled to publish this article. He is writing a book, and this is part of the title. Strang is nothing if not an opportunist and a shill. The indictment of Donald Trump is about a scheme he created to pay off people who had damaging information on him before the 2016 election. It is about Stormy Daniels, not some imaginary woke agenda. It is about 34 counts of falsifying work documents not about the removal of God from our society. Trump has made a mockery of the judicial system for years, so please stop with the crocodile tears. He retweeted a picture photoshopped to make it look like he was about to hit the District Attorney in the head with a baseball bat! Even as he was being arraigned, his team was tweeting out photos of the daughter of the judge! The only precedent we are hoping to set is that no future president will think he or she is above the law. Remember that Strang has also never read the indictments. He has no idea what Trump is being charged with. His outrage is that he would be charged with anything.

"I believe Donald Trump was a man who was set in place by God to lead our nation, which I discuss in my book, "God and Donald Trump," and our country was better because of his presidency. Is it possible God has a plan for this nation? Is it possible He has a plan for His people? I've tried to make the case that President Trump won the evangelical vote by the largest margin in history. I haven't tried to analyze his spiritual condition"only God knows the heart. Yet I've been told that the way of salvation has been explained to him, and if he believes in his heart that Jesus Christ is risen and the only begotten Son of God, then he is a born-again Christian." - Stephen Strang

The depravity in the hearts of the wicked knows no depths. Donald Trump is not born again. A child can tell that. He is not a babe in Christ. He is not the second coming of King Cyrus. He does not have a Deborah mantle or an Elijah anointing. He did not win the 2020 election and in fact lost by over seven million votes. He orchestrated a coup against the United States Government because he lost so badly. All of the evidence is screaming at Strang that what he "believes" is wildly inaccurate! If you believe God placed Trump in office in 2016 then you must believe He placed Joe Biden there in 2020. God's plan for this nation is to judge it like every other nation - read your bible! You haven't tried to analyze his spiritual condition yet you offer him up as God's choice?

'The very best thing I can do now is pray for the safety and success of President Trump and hope that millions will join me. Despite the challenges that we face, I believe it is important to understand how God uses them for our good. There many types of challenges in life, but here are three especially important ones during this time: Some hardships are a result of this fallen, upside-down world. When the Antichrist comes and terrible things begin to happen, there's not much we can do except persevere and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us. Much of the craziness we see in the world today is due to the fact we are nearing the end times. Some challenges are tests from God. The apostle Peter knew adversity could be a good thing. He wrote that we may have to "suffer various trials, in order that the genuineness of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tried by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."' - Stephen Strang

Wait. Doesn't it matter if he is actually innocent of the charges he is facing? How can you determine the best thing is to pray for his success? What if he is actually guilty? What if he is actually guilty in Georgia of trying to overturn the election there in 2020? What if he is found guilty regarding the hundreds of classified documents he kept and then obstructed the recovery of? What if he is guilty of inciting the January 6th insurrection? In the mind of Stephen Strang, shill for Trump, these things are all mockeries and Christians must pray for the success of this man before any decisions are reached in what he is accused of. Let us never lose sight of the fact that these problems only exist because Donald Trump orchestrated them. They have nothing to do with the antichrist. Trump created the upside-down world, he is not a victim of it. Donald Trump is not the Apostle Peter! Only in Strang's world and depraved mind can someone pay $130,000 to keep a porn star from telling everyone that he had sex with her while his third wife was pregnant and then say with a straight face that it might be a test of his faith!

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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