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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/31/23

Halloween 2023 - Stop Running from the Creature from the Black Lagoon Spirit

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'In a recent video, Shamp explained why this in particularly pertinent for the latter.

"We need to know how to identify the characteristics of these spiritual entities and to identify their presence," Shamp says, the founder of Destiny Encounters International. "Most importantly, we need to know how to guard ourselves against their deceptive tactics and to address the occultic connections and dangers associated with the involvement of occultic practices. "But fear not. We are not left defenseless in this spiritual battle. We must cultivate a strong spiritual foundation through prayer, through worship, through Bible study and reliance upon the Holy Spirit. We can recognize and resist the deceptive tactics of these spiritual entities and we can help others find freedom and victory in their own lives."' - Charlie Shamp

Let me translate the gnostic jibber-jabber Shamp throws out here to make the cause seem pious and solemn instead of bat-poop crazy. He knows he has no biblical foundation to stand on with this absurd teaching so instead of proving the spirits exist, he will take experiential characteristics and create "spirit enemies" out of them. As we will see later in this article - if you feel drained all the time you must be dealing with a vampire spirit! Or maybe you need a B 12 shot, who can really tell? He is again setting himself us as the spiritual source and content expert for people but all he is doing is spinning yarns from horror movies to try and scare unsuspecting people.

'Shamp says the key passage of Scripture in doing this is Proverbs 30, beginning with verse 12, "There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes and yet it is not washed from its filthiness. There is a generation, oh how lofty are there eyes and their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw, teeth, as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the need from among men." Shamp says that we're not alone in this battle. God is with us every step of the way and has given us the ability to combat these demonic spirits through His Word and His Spirit and, as a community of believers, we have the authority and the power and the presence of Jesus to drive out every spiritual force. "We are called to destroy, to uncover these demonic forces and bring others to spiritual victory," Shamp says. "These entities may seem like they are fairy tales, but indeed there are demonic forces that are at work in the unseen and manifest in our world."' - Charisma News

This is just confusing. I am unsure why he referenced the Proverbs verses since they do not apply at all to his teaching that we must destroy these false demonic spirits he has created. Nowhere in scripture are we commanded to combat these demonic spirits, mostly because he made them up. Are there demonic forces today? Absolutely but they are not werewolf spirits. That is ridiculous. Everyone knows they are Creature from the Black Lagoon spirits! Not to worry because Gamera spirits are here to protect us! I've seen these movies too! Are we sensing how silly all of this is yet? The true fairy tale is the notion that Charlie Shamp hears from a God he clearly does not follow.

'There is the vampire spirit, which Shamp calls "deceptive energy drainers." He says they are not fictional creatures of the night and they represent spiritual entities that feed on the life force of the vitality of individuals. They operate through deception, often appearing as charming and alluring, but their true nature is one of spiritual and emotional draining, just as a fictional vampire drains blood from its victims. "They seek to weaken and control their victims by draining them of peace and joy and spiritual energy," Shamp says. "However, as a Christian, we are called to be vigilant, discerning Satan, who masquerades as an angel of the light of the Word. God declares in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that we must guard our hearts and minds and stay rooted in the truth of God's word and rely on the discernment of the Holy Spirit to recognize the presence of these vampire spirits."' - Charisma News

Those pesky energy drainers! Hate when that happens! Ever feel like you are barely pieced together? Yeah, that might be the dreaded Frankenstein spirit at work. Do you sense that your dreams are closing in on you? The Freddy Krueger spirit probably. Have you ever felt like going to church in a hockey match wielding a machete? Well, you get the idea. Demons disguising themselves as angels of light is a very real thing and he is right that being rooted in the word is how we can know right from wrong. How we tell sane from crazy. How we tell normal from strange. LeStrange that is.

"In Ryan LeStrange's book, "Hell's Toxic Trio," LeStrange says that beneath the surface of your daily life there is a conspiracy against you. Whether or not you realize it, spiritual forces are at work in every element of your life. However, some of these spirits have an agenda to cripple your faith and draw you away from God. The toxic trio of hell's most threatening conspirators consists of the Jezebel spirit, the python spirit and the religious spirit. With the Jezebel spirit, seduction is its game as it distracts, manipulates and deceives. The python spirit chokes the wind of God out of believers. The religious spirit sows legalism and bondage into the hearts of God's people. These three spirits have the same goal: to reverse the progress of your spiritual growth and break your faith. LeStrange exposes how these spirits conspire to execute Satan's agenda on the earth and equips you with the tools to rise above the Jezebel spirit, the python spirit, and the religious spirit so you can live in victory." - Charisma News

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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