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Devotionals    H3'ed 5/19/17

Jennifer Leclaire -- Moving in a Sneaky Squid Spirit of NAR Absurdity

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One of the first trademark signs of an NAR adherent in leadership is an overblown sense of self. Isn't Jennifer special? God has allowed her to witness and confront error. This is a common starting defense point for false prophets. They all claim immediately that they correct false teachers so how could they be one! I just wrote this week about Dr. Michael Brown and sure enough one of his own defenses is the many times he has rebuked those who were in error. What Jennifer and Michael miss is that it is irrelevant. Correcting one false prophet does not change that you prophesied that America and God were once in covenant! The last card to point out here that Jennifer plays in her opening is the sincerity card. She wept over souls falling headlong into pits of destruction but still wants to sell them her book on the angels of abundant harvest? That's right beloved. She claimed God have her a dire word for the body of Christ and then withheld it so she could write a book about it and make some coin. Sincerity is not enough beloved. Mormons are sincere. Jehovah's Witnesses are sincere. That is what is wrong with experiential Christianity. It takes the surety of the Bible and replaces it with our sincere belief that this time our heart is telling us the truth.

But make no mistake, there's a huge difference between discerning a spirit of error that keeps people from a full understanding of Jesus and accusing people of full-blown heresy that keeps people from receiving salvation. Even though deception is running rampant in the body of Christ, I shun the work of heresy hunters who have made it their mission to discredit anyone and everyone with whose theology they some small a point of contention. -- Jennifer Leclaire

Actually there is not a huge difference at all Jennifer. Error is heresy. Heresy is defined as someone who teaches contrary to correct doctrine, period. Now, there is a difference between making an error, or misspeaking, and teaching error consistently. For example, two years ago Brian Houston said in a sermon that Muslims and Christians serve the same God. I heard it but I did not write about it because while Houston is one the biggest heretics on the planet, he had never espoused such a thing before and I wanted to give him a chance to correct himself. Within a week he did say that he had misspoken. Good enough for me. But Houston also preaches the prosperity heresy, which teaches that God wants everyone rich beyond their dreams of avarice. He has been corrected about this multiple times and insists he is right. That is not a "spirit of error" Jennifer. That is heresy. What Jennifer is trying to do here is present exaggerated arguments to poison the well and thus dismiss all criticism. I have never seen true discernment ministers attack minutia or small theological points of contention. She continues:

I get emails from heresy hunters every day suggesting I expose some ministry or another (and sometimes calling me foul names for hitting "delete"). Most of the Christian personalities these heresy hunters are working to expose aren't heretics at all, though most flow in a measure of error because none of us have it all right all the time. Some are clearly deceived, but they still don't quality as heretics. I also get emails from heresy hunters who sometimes disagree with what I write. But an email last week from a woman named Yvonne took the heresy hunting to a hellish level. -- Jennifer Leclaire

Flow with a measure of error? What the heck is that? What Biblical reference are you using? It is interesting of note here that according to Jennifer, even a teacher who is clearly deceived does not qualify as a heretic! This is the same position Dr. Brown takes whenever someone talks about false teachers. He can say he is against the teaching from an academic standpoint but not when the person is actually named. I guess when you have that sneaky squid spirit stalking you the idea is to just flow in that spirit of error and avoid him. Whatever. Jennifer than presents an alleged email from someone who was trying to convince her that IHOP run by Mike Bickle is a cult. Considering Jennifer was a regional director for IHOP, I wonder how she will take that"

The Holy Spirit prompted me to take the time to click the link and read the material. It was utter nonsense. Noteworthy is the fact that the author of the piece quoted extensively from Pastor John MacArthur's work to discredit the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, a 24/7 prayer and worship movement led by Mike Bickle. Also noteworthy is the fact that McArthur is organizing a "strange fire" conference in October, claiming that the charismatic movement "offers to God unacceptable worship, distorted worship. It blasphemes the Holy Spirit. It attributes to the Holy Spirit even the work of Satan."- Jennifer Leclaire

I have read the CARM expose of IHOP and find it to be quite accurate. They are fully sourced and use direct quotes from Bickle so I am unsure what Jennifer thinks is nonsense. IHOP is a cesspool of heresy on the level of Bethel Church and Bill Johnson. IHOP is led by a false prophet named Mike Bickle who claims direct auditory revelations from God. IHOP is a huge NAR organization that mixes in Eastern Mysticism such as soaking prayer and emptying oneself. Their worship vacillates between the over-sexualization of Christ to chanting mantras over and over again. They openly brag about supporting such heretical teachings as the Bridal Paradigm and the Joel's End Time Army. Beloved, these are not opinions. They are established facts as corroborated by some people who have escaped from under IHOP's abuses and teachings. Some of those tales do indeed paint IHOP as operating like a cult, sorry Jennifer.

Dr. Michael Brown has been pleading with Pastor MacArthur's ministry to sit down and discuss his inflammatory claims about the charismatic movement. Brown has appealed to him to embrace God's true fire. Brown noted how Pastor MacArthur's scathing indictment names "fine godly leaders like Mike Bickle and Lou Engle, claiming that they are guilty of blaspheming the Spirit."- Jennifer Leclaire

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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