If Jesus walked the earth today with this message, Jennifer Leclaire would look at Him sideways and declare He had a bitter, petty spirit. How profoundly sad. The most ridiculous part of her opening premise is that these "Jonah Prophets" are "putting a pretty penny in their pocket." This coming from a woman who runs a "school of prophets" out of a hotel room at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. For only 400 bucks Jennifer will teach you to be a prophet even though only the Holy Spirit is supposed to apportion the gifts. Jennifer realized however that you need some street cred in the false prophecy business for only another 400 bucks you can join her network of false prophets and come underneath her "covering." Leclaire also held an "anointed prayer cloth" service this year but it is those preaching the upcoming judgment that are in it for the money, right. Not content with this level of nonsense, Leclaire lists four characteristics of these "Jonah Prophets."
1. Jonah prophets are disobedient to God, bucking and fighting against his will.
Just like Jonah fled to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord because he did not want to see Nineveh come to repentance (Jon. 1:1-2), modern-day prophets run the opposite direction when God is calling them on a mercy assignment. All they hear, see and say is doom and gloom because they carry judgment in their heart. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Beloved, when you make your living by twisting the Word of God you become so calloused to it that you no longer see how utterly stupid you can sound. Jonah was indeed disobedient at first. He did indeed flee to Tarshish because he did not want to see Nineveh spared from judgment. So if you want to say he held judgment in his heart, fine but it was the judgment of God! Jennifer Leclaire cannot see that she essentially taking a stance against the truth of what God has said! Jonah proclaimed doom and gloom because that is what God proclaimed! God gave Jonah a word and Jonah ran away from it. That word was one of judgment and the need to repent or face destruction. So if Jennifer wants to say that "Jonah Prophets" shy away from hard prophetic words that would be one thing, albeit too simplistic. She is trying a switcheroo in the middle here however. You cannot claim a Jonah Prophet is a doom and gloom prophet AND correctly point out that he ran away from preaching doom and gloom!
Secondly here, Jennifer makes a bold assertion that all prophets are called on a mercy assignment and since God is so merciful, I will capitulate but her understanding of mercy seems awfully skewed. Let us reason together and examine two prophetic words through the lens of mercy.
The key word is "next." There is next after next after next for you in the second half of this calendar year. There is mega transition. There is massive change. There are sudden shifts that you've been thinking about, talking about and praying about and sudden shifts that you never imagined could or would happen. I am moving you closer to your dreams, closer to your destiny, closer to those who can help you make the connections you need to succeed in what I've called you to do. For this mega transition is all about My kingdom and My purposes in your life and in the earth. So embrace the mega, embrace the next, embrace the transition, and you will see that I have made the crooked places straight. The forces that opposed you in past seasons will now be powerless to thwart you because I have prepared you to overcome what tried to overcome you just months ago. I have readied you for victory against old enemies. I have given you mega grace and your mega faith will drive a mega movement in your life. It's a mega transition. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Jonah began to go into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" -- Jonah 3: 4 (ESV)
Which one of these words are merciful beloved? Is it the pile of mega-lies Jennifer put forth just this week designed to scratch your itching ears and promise you a "mega transition" or is it the Word that actually came from the Lord through the reluctant prophet Jonah? Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire then and they were one of the most evil in their time. They brutalized their enemies, including the Jewish people. That was why Jonah hated them so much. God however was willing to give them a chance because of His great mercy. It is not merciful to lie to people who need a tourniquet and simply apply an ouchless Band-Aid. Jennifer continues:
2. Jonah prophets say they fear the Lord (Jon. 1:9), but inwardly their actions do not line up with their words, and their prophecies are not in line with the Father's heart. I can just hear the Lord saying, "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds" (Jer. 23:21-22). -- Jennifer Leclaire