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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/3/22

Kris Vallotton - Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross Just to Forgive Your Sins

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The more horrifically bad teaching here is the notion that Jesus did not JUST die on the cross for your sins! Kris Vallotton took two biblical truths and claimed causation where he should not have. Yes, Jesus died on the cross and yes He gave us access to the Holy Spirit but He did not go to the cross for this reason. Nowhere does the bible remotely teach that God had a plan to deliver the Holy Spirit to us and needed the cross to do so. No beloved. John 3:16 says God so loved the world so that we might be saved through Him.

"Reducing the gospel to something we can wrap our heads around, this is not the fullness of the gospel. Ephesians 3:20 says: "God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think." Let me be clear: The Bible is our roadmap; it is Truth and vital to our lives. But we were not given scriptures to have a relationship with the Bible but to have a relationship with the author through the power of the Holy Spirit. So how do we grow in our spiritual intelligence and hear the voice of God in our lives? I can't even begin to count the times I've been asked, "Why can't I hear God's voice?" First and foremost, you have to have faith that the Lord wants to speak to you and believe that you can hear His voice. The Word says, "My sheep hear my voice" (John 10:27). However, if we only have faith that the Lord will speak to us in an audible voice or through the Scriptures, we might miss the countless other ways the Lord is communicating with us. Do you have faith you will hear Him in your heart or in your mind? Now, let me be clear: We all have seasons in which it feels like the Lord is silent, but the truth is the Lord does not punish us with the silent treatment." - Kris Vallotton

One of the staple teachings of Bethel Church is experiential Christianity. This says that our experiences spiritually rise to the level of scripture and should revered as such. They constantly pay lip service to scripture but out of the other side of their mouth they lower its significance as Kris does here. Sure, scripture is referred to as truth, vital and our roadmap but at the same time we were not called to have a relationship with the bible? Wrong Kris. Jesus is His word. Try reading your bible. In fact, a relationship with the bible being marginalized is no relationship with Christ at all. Now Kris realizes he cannot sell the notion of hearing from God audibly as the main means of conversation so the "countless other ways" he is referring to is within the realm of experiential Christianity. For example, I once saw a Bethel training video for their worship leaders. Bethel absurdly teaches them that they are all prophetic and as such they need to "prophesy" during worship. This usually occurs during what we call "free praise", when the worship leader is taught to "listen" internally and repeat the first thing that pops into their mind. The assumption is always that it was God who placed that random thought into their hearts. One time at an old church of mine there was a guest worship leader who practiced this and kept saying, "jump in the river if you want a hug from Jesus" over and over again for 15 minutes. When you hear false teachers claim God told them the sermon they are giving that is also experiential Christianity. The way some of these guys speak they sound like they have the throne room on speed dial. It is all nonsense however. It is all whatever pops into he heads and more importantly, their wickedly deceitful hearts. God does speak to us in many ways but all of them are confirmed within His word. God does not do random.

"Rather, He is often crafting His finest work in our lives. In Genesis 1, God speaks all His work into existence but I want to point out His finest creation, Adam and Eve, were crafted without words. I want to encourage you, if you feel like you haven't been able to hear God's voice for a while to go back to the last thing He told you. Sometimes, we move on hoping He will move forward with us but we actually never completed what He asked us to do. I also want to encourage you, if you have been in a spiritual battle or maybe are aware of lies and divination that have been exposed in your life to speak the truth of God over yourself. We can be so consumed with fear of the evil schemes of the enemy that we freeze in response or run away in fear of any spiritual encounter." - Kris Vallotton

Wow, that is breathtakingly bad. Kris Vallotton just diminished scripture because, you know, God did not speak Adam and Eve into existence. What? This is how far the Bethelites will go to marginalize scripture. Here is the reason why. Scripture proves them to be false. It reveals they are liars and hucksters. So, they go outside scripture and claim revelation directly from God Himself! We can be so guilty of this ourselves. We are constantly "seeking a word" when we have the word! We seek out the Kris Vallotton's of the world because he tells us that God wants us rich and happy whereas the word reminds us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Kris tells us that if we have no money it is because we have a poverty mindset but God says to not store up riches on this earth. Don't be so fast to engage in the spiritual world Kris Vallotton is selling. He reminds me of the seven sons of Sceva. They liked to play in the spiritual world and pretend they had powers they did not possess. One day the evil spirits answered.

"But we are triune beings: body, soul, and spirit, and we need to care for each part of our being, including our spirit. If you have been filled with fear around the new age movement, terrified of an attack of the enemy or battling irrational fears, I want to encourage you to soak in the truth that has been spoken over your life. Pull out your prophetic words and link them to faith or write out three declarations about the good plans God has for your life and repeat them out loud throughout your day. When I realized the evil that had been spoken over my life through my encounter with the fortune teller, I broke it off in an instant. If you or someone you know have also had an encounter with divination, I encourage you to do the same. Call up the person and lead them into freedom. Remember, the battle has already been won. Freedom is available simply speak the blood of Jesus over your life or your loved one and cancel the schemes of the enemy because no weapon formed against you shall prosper! And just remember: Darkness is powerless to light. Where we welcome light, darkness has to flee." - Kris Vallotton

Look at what Kris wants you to soak in beloved. Look at what he considers the truth to be. Not the word of God but rather words that have been spoken over your life. Do not pull out alleged prophetic words! Pull out your bible! Why are you writing declarations! Read them in His word! What Kris Vallotton is selling you is darkness! If you truly feel God is speaking something to you then hold it up to His word because He cannot contradict Himself! We do not need snake oil salesmen like Kris Vallotton selling us on worldly prosperity and carnal spirituality. We do not need to rely upon what he thinks has been spoken into his deceitful heart. We have the word of God, from God. Amen.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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