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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/23/22

Mario Murillo - Grooming the Next January 6th Criminals to Destroy the Democrats

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"They tell you your agitation is abnormal. They tell you to relax, but that just stokes your inner fire. They tell you, "God is in control and you don't have to worry." But you remember the Word of God, and it tells you to do something. You know that God combs the earth for willing vessels who will throw off the glad rags of religion, take up the mighty weapons of God and thrust the sword of the Spirit into the heart of the powers of darkness. Well my "normal" friend, it is time for you know what God is about to do. It's time for me to explain you, to you. What will explain you, and then launch you, is this simple fact: God will not give up America without a fight. He will strike with a force and fury that will leave the God-haters stunned and limp." - Mario Murillo

What? God will not give up America without a fight? He is going to somehow smite America to leave God-haters stunned and limp? Doesn't that go against the age of grace we are living in? Now, God does not comb the world looking for people to trade in the happiness of religion for mighty weapons of God and a call to arms against the very heart of darkness! Just who is the heart of darkness Mario is trying to push? Satan? Nope. The fallen angels we refer to as demons? Wrong again. The true heart of darkness for Mario Murillo is Joe Biden. Yes, that Joe Biden. You mean the soon to be 80-year-old Joe Biden? Yes, that one! Now, after agitating his base, Murillo is ready to launch these potential missiles.

"The concussion will also be felt within the church. Those preachers who traded their divine calling for the rewards of this world"those who flattered and dulled the saints"those who turned God's army into a harmless social club"will be exposed. Those who killed the natural urgency of the body of Christ will be judged in this life, and not just in eternity. Here's what wrong with you, my "normal" friend. You have seen the lie. You see that what lies beneath so much of today's preaching is defeat. What they consider to be an uplifting message is in fact the white flag of surrender. It is summed up in this simple fact: They do not believe America can be saved. They have resigned themselves to a new goal"a false goal"because they have lost faith in God's goals. Satan has sold the church fool's gold. Instead of taking up weapons mighty to the tearing down of strongholds, we pursue money, cheap grace and celebrity, because of defeat and unbelief." - Mario Murillo

The irony of someone who has traded Christ in for carnal gain accusing other pastors of the same is rich. Murillo is no Osteen, but I have seen his net worth measured between one and three million dollars. Even if that is off, he gets notoriety, fame, and power from the firebrand niche he has carved out for himself. What Murillo does not get is that many realize the lies he is peddling are just that. It is not about America being saved. Countries cannot be saved! Think of the sheer lunacy of that statement! So, if we elect all Republicans God will automatically grant everyone living in the US eternal life? Having nothing to do with Jesus? Satan has indeed sold the church fools gold and Murillo is the fool. Dominionism is the fools gold. People are saved from this world. Mario has it all backwards.

"Faith has grown flabby. They don't know about the power of our weapons. They don't know the limitless extent of our authority. And, it is because we don't know our marching orders. We don't know what to say to this generation. So now the stage is set for the "normal" people to be used in extraordinary ways. Believers who will soon be revealed to be secret weapons, are waiting on God at the very moment. Broken hearts are the birthplace of the impossible. Many don't know what's happening to them. They can't explain their birth pangs. They will begin by challenging and defeating the lies of false government and political corruption. Peter recognized when government crossed the line. "But Peter and John replied, 'Which is right in God's eyes: to listen to you, or to Him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard'" (Acts 4:19-20)." - Mario Murillo

Sigh. Peter and John were of course talking to the religious leaders of the time, not the government. Notice here however that Murillo hints at being an election denier, one of the most grievous mental illnesses out there today. More importantly for this exercise look at what he is doing! He is grooming people to war against the "false government" and political corruption. The exact same lies that were fed to the January 6th crowd before they killed five police officers at defecated in Congress. After praying to Jesus of course. Murillo continues to puff them up. The enemy doesn't understand your power or the fact that there are NO limits on your authority! You get that? No limits! You might be normal now, but God is about to use you in extraordinary ways! You are a secret weapon in the hands of Almighty God! Except you are not. You are not experiencing birth pangs either. You are just being used and manipulated by an expert huckster. This is not the cause of Jesus Christ. This is a lunatic political operative pretending to be a preacher.

"Peter also understood what to do when a government tries to ban the Gospel: "(The Jewish high council were) saying, 'Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man's blood on us!' But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: 'We ought to obey God rather than men'" (Acts 5:28-29). The true warrior understands what is going on. They know the Left is coming after our freedom. They know how they will force feed our children the anti-Christ agenda. What they don't know is that you are waking up to your purpose and destiny. God has called you out of the rank and file, the "sleepy heads" who wander in and out of church. You are being groomed for special power in this hour." - Mario Murillo

Wow, how unbalanced, false, and disturbing is this? First of all, stop comparing the secular government to Peter challenging the religious leaders! The verses you cite are reasons to challenge you and your false teaching, not our government. Now Murillo has anointed his marks. They are now branded warriors! The enemy is now named! The left are coming for our freedoms! The left are coming for our children and are to be considered anti-Christ! They will not succeed though because you are being groomed to strop them! Not for special power. Not for God. You are being groomed by a political operative named Mario Murillo so that next time they need a January 6th force, you can be easily deployed with anger, purpose and unholy conviction. Stealing a line from Rick Warren - this is your purpose. This is your destiny. Except it really isn't. Murillo will either get you killed or arrested, while he keeps on keeping on.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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