"1. Your lukewarm friends and church are stealing your joy and your hope for a new America. Every time you get around them, they downplay your fervor. They question your involvement in "politics." They wear you out with their lame excuses that betray reality. Their double standards are maddening. It drains you to hear them talk about how Trump hurt their feelings, but they have no feelings about your daughter sharing bathrooms and showers with males at school. They have no feeling for babies who were born alive but now can legally be set aside to die. Stop letting them drain you! Get with the growing number who are pressing in for revival and freedom." - Mario Murillo
This language is frightening. If anyone disagrees with your politics, they must be stealing your joy? What does that imply your joy is based upon? It sure isn't Christ. When Paul and Silas were in chains, they sang praise to Christ. They didn't cast aspersions at their captors. The result was the captors wanted to know about the joy they had! By the way, no one is suggesting that Christians cannot have opinions about cultural issues they may disagree with. They can get involved in their community. They can rally for changes they think would make life better. What you cannot do as a Christian is pretend that you have the corner on what is a righteous pursuit and what is not. You cannot demonize people because they might disagree politically with you. There are a myriad of unchristian policy objectives in both parties. Historically, Republican office holders have been no more righteous than their Democratic counterparts. Note here also the disdain he has for people who dared to take issue with former president Trump. God is not a respecter of person, let alone one of the most immoral, unchristian men to ever hold office. That is what this rant is all about though for Murillo. He worshipped Trump and anyone who disagrees is the enemy.
"2. You will never change them. They are bent on self-preservation. Their mission is to keep their club alive. The Bible doesn't matter to them. American history and the Constitution do not matter to them. The only thing that matters is to maintain their religious charade." - Mario Murillo
You will never change them? Please understand what Murillo is essentially saying here. He has already established that the good guys are the Republicans and the evil folk are the Democrats but now apparently the Democrats can never repent! He is instructing all good Republican Christians to literally abandon and walk away from their brothers and sisters in Christ if they refuse to be as insanely Republican as they are. In Mario Murillo's warped theology, anyone who disagrees with him is heading straight to hell. No chance for redemption. The ironic thing of course is the projection he traffics in. His presentation is a religious charade. He is bringing ungodly things into it such as American History and the Constitution because that is all that matters to him.
"3. Jesus said to look to the fields. John 4:35 (NKJV) says, "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" Pastors should not be looking at how their preaching might offend hypocrites. They should be looking to the fields. Christians should not be obsessing about babysitting high-maintenance believers. They should be looking to the fields. In all of our crusades, there are far more converts than there are workers. We are inundated with souls being saved. Not only that, we have 10,000 registered for our two nights in Tulsa. We have 1,100 leaders registered for our brunch today in Western New York. That's just Mario Murillo Ministries. There are thousands more reporting conversions and miracles all over the nation. Look to the fields! The compromised will tell you that your call to win souls is "divisive." But to choose to postpone soul winning for the sake of human unity is the most divisive thing you can do. Run to the harvest and dump the lukewarm spectators." - Mario Murillo
When you espouse so much false teaching it is only logical that you start to make less and less sense. So forget about the Democrats - look to the fields? But the Democrats are in the fields! I remember when I was saved. The preacher kept reoffering the altar call while God worked on my stubbornness until I fell down at the altar. Thank God the preacher did not think he was babysitting a "high maintenance" person and move on. Mario Murillo is so arrogant. Dump the lukewarm spectators? Apparently, Murillo is confused and thinks that soul winning is convincing people who already agree with you on some political level to hate the libs. Pay attention to the number beloved because I do not doubt them. 10,000 registered and you think they are non-believers? 1100 leaders leading what? This is the arrogantly blind leading the arrogantly blind. He has the gall to talk about being divisive when his opening gambit for evangelism is to dump half the people from the start and not bother with them. Unbelievable.
"4. By staying back, you are choosing lukewarm Christians over your own children and grandchildren. I hope it doesn't take this, but if your daughter comes home from school devastated by what she saw in the high school showers maybe then you'll start fighting.
The Left is after your child. Nothing but revival and direct action will stop them. If you are not taking action against the moral threats that are coming against your family because you don't want to rock the boat at your church, be warned! The Bible has a severe opinion. "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim. 5:8, NKJV). When you stay out of politics out of deference to tepid do-nothings, you are choosing them over your child and grandchild." - Mario Murillo
Wow. Bible butchering and blatant threats. The provision Mario refers to in Timothy is literal provision. Meaning you cannot simply walk away from your family, as Mario is telling you to do in this horrific article. The notion that 1Timothy 5:8 has anything to do with politics is a scriptural assault. It is in the middle of a discussion on how to treat widows! The very people Murillo keeps railing against are those that need the gospel the most. Only the enemy can convince someone claiming to be a "Christian" leader that the mission field should be shunned, mocked, and derided. He is only interested in reviving this carnal land. He wants his comfort by his rules and if you disagree then you are tossed on the ash heap. Is that the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Do not fall for his quasi-spiritual bullying. Mario Murillo does not represent Jesus. He represents the Republican Party, and he has made that abundantly clear.