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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/13/22

Mario Murillo - Scattering People Away From Christ Through NAR Dominionism

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How ironic that the man who swears his evil political choices are all "good" would choose to lean on Isaiah 5:20. It is Mario Murillo who chooses darkness for light, every single day! The accusation about the elimination of the first four amendments to the Constitution is really quite ridiculous but let's play along. Does God care? Do you think the Creator of the universe cares one whit about the quartering of troops? Do you think Jesus cares about protecting the rights of 18-year olds to buy machine guns? Sure, a free press, religion, and speech are great rights to have but does God care if they exist? Does the gospel change in China or the Sudan where these rights do not exist? Does the cause of Christ change? This is what dominionists fail to see. His kingdom is not of this world. Sorting through his nonsense about viper eggs, we see that both political parties rush to shed innocent blood. Whether in the womb or on the battlefield for profit, God cares about the lives lost. Do want to know how you can tell Mario Murillo is not representing Jesus? It is the usage of carnal political terms such as "Marxist." God could care less about Marxism versus socialism, versus capitalism. I know we like to think that capitalism is somehow God ordained but it is not. There is no better Business Bureau in heaven. If you worship God then you will NOT worship the things of this world. That is the very first Commandment, not amendment. Commandments mean everything to God. Amendments? Not so much at all.

"I am sick to death with those who refuse to call the church to action. Let me put it plainly. You have two choices: Either cast your votes to restore democracy to America, or make a plan to move your family to somewhere safe. I am also sick of those pastors who refuse to come to this obvious conclusion. When you hear them screaming, "Mario Murillo is an extremist!" remember that we got to this point of desperation because of the lukewarm voices who refused to admit the approach of danger. Remember when California told us not to use our Bibles? Pastors did not galvanize a resistance to stop it. Remember when marriage was destroyed? Again, there was no national firewall of righteous leaders to intervene. Then they told us to close our churches, even as they condoned mass protests that led to violence and helped spread the virus. Again, there was no unanimous action from American church leaders. Then they told us that we couldn't sing. Telling us that we must stop worshiping God was a test balloon to see how fast they could force the church underground. So what is next? Will they pass laws to extend the church-gathering ban indefinitely? Will they move on to dictating not only when we can meet and when we can sing, but will they also dictate what we can say? Will we finally find ourselves being ordered to read from a script that will be, in effect, a repudiation of our faith in Christ?" - Mario Murillo

Did you get that? Let me translate for you. Murillo is saying either vote for only Republicans or you and your family will not be safe! Gee Mario, nothing extreme about that at all! Do I remember when California told you to not use your bibles? Hmm, nope because they did no such thing. Marriage was destroyed? I must have missed that. I could swear that people are still getting married to this day. Notice the next complaint is directly out of the Republican playbook. The various protests that occurred in this country have nothing to do with the state deciding that indoor gatherings would help spread the virus. Also, let's not allow this lie to go unchallenged. Churches were not asked to close. They were asked to not hold the normal weekly services, which would be a literal petri dish for the spread of the lethal plague infecting this world. Many churches defiantly thumbed their nose at authority in violation of scripture. Untold numbers of sheep were fed into the COVID woodchipper and have died as a result. I think of pastor Loren Sandford who was anti-virus and vaccine for months bragging that no one in his church was sick even though they kept meeting. Soon however the entire church came down with COVID including Sandford, who would die from it. It was not that churches were told not to sing but rather to not engage in dangerous behavior for the sake of the health of their sheep. Too many NAR dominionist pastors took up the Republican Party campaign against science and against the health of their own congregants. It was not a test balloon you idiot. God did use it however to reveal who the hirelings were in His pulpit and you have been exposed. Do not follow men like this beloved who cook up wild-eyed conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality.

"Remember, we are here because of an incurably wrong-headed sense of political correctness. Well, my brothers and sisters, that season is over. The gloves must come off. The righteous must rise up with a single roar; a noise that is unified and unending must rise from the church. For years we have been told to just sit back and let it happen. We were told that it was "all in God's hands," even as we ignored God's words. God has chosen to honor prayer. God rewards those who seek to stand in the gap against national evil. I'm borrowing one last verse from Isaiah, which tells us our great predicament: "Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor" (Isa. 59:15b16a)." - Mario Murillo

Not surprising that Murillo does not understand how to divide the word of truth. The Isaiah verses deal with the nation of Israel, not a secular nation. What is more telling however is the assertion that all things are in "God's hands" is so summarily dismissed. This is a trademark of the NAR dominionist who believes God somehow needs their help to achieve His purposes. God does not need our help. He does not need our legislating. He does not need our vote. He is God! He certainly does not need our intercession on behalf of Republican Party. How sad.

"God is shocked, and rightly so, that the American church is still wandering, wavering and weakening in the face of an invading enemy. And, yet, there is great hope, because God's army is rising and its numbers are growing at this very hour. Notable Christian leaders are no longer worried about protecting their reputations, but are taking up a new anointing"a nation-saving anointing! With every atom of my being, I am exhorting you to take action. To those who have no stomach for war and are oblivious to the fact that we are already at war, please spare me your empty excuses. The American church must rise up now. We are about to be bound and gagged by a rogue government. Whatever confidence you have in my ministry"whatever level of trust I have earned"must now be put on the line. Join us in this great struggle! Join a cause so noble and right that it is beyond belief that every Christian in America is not involved. This is the hour. You will never pass this way again. Speak now, church, or forever hold your peace." - Mario Murillo

Forcing a nation to pray to a God they do not believe in does not "save a nation." Legislation cannot "save a nation." Only the gospel can save people out from the nation and the world. There is nothing noble in pretending we are in a war that we are not in. There is nothing noble in Mario Murillo's false cause. Beloved this is serious for anyone who understands end times theology. This is the great apostasy in action. Mario Murillo does not lead the church. He is a leader of the apostate church. Every person he manages to lead to his cause is one he draws away from Christ. The bible says we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away from Him. The worship of this country is the last idol of the church age. It will fuel the great apostasy as more and more people leave the cause of Jesus Christ. Guard yourself beloved. Mario Murillo does not represent Christ. Mark him and avoid.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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