Or ask the father who was driven out of Trinity Church by an enraged Mark Driscoll. This story can be found at the first link. The long and short of it is that this man's 15-year-old son was dating Mark Driscoll's 17-year-old daughter and they apparently kissed once. This is where the story and Mark Driscoll apparently gets unhinged. Tales of abusive behavior and false rumor spreading ensue, forcing the family to flee the church. If this sounds familiar, it is similar behavior he was accused of in Seattle, which his elders were going to rebuke him for before he fled from church discipline. Is it any wonder that he has learned nothing from his abuse at Mars Hill? Is it not time that we start holding our church leaders to the minimum standards set out in the bible? The key verses are Paul instructing Titus about the organization of the local church. Paul exhorts him to appoint elders in every town. These people are to be above reproach, the husband of one wife, with their children as believers too. Not open to a charge of debauchery or insubordination. They must not be arrogant, quick-tempered, a drunkard, violent, or greedy for gain. Rather, they are to be hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. They must hold firm to correct doctrine and rebuke those who do not. These are pastoral and elder qualifications that God has set out, yet somehow we have allowed people like Mark Driscoll to rise to prominence. The purpose driven church has taught us to seek out cult of personalities who have the gift of speechcraft, which if you notice - is not one of the qualifications! We need to stop seeking to be entertained from the pulpit so the next time a Mark Driscoll shows up he can be dismissed instead of elevated. Continue to pray for his victims in Seattle and pray for the new folks being victimized in Arizona.
Reverend Anthony Wade - may 10, 2021