"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. -- Matthew 10: 34-39 (ESV)
The Gospel is meant to divide! Correct theology will divide because those who want their itching ears scratched will not tolerate it! Vollotton went on to say that Mike Bickle asked the Pope about some comments he had made that were construed to be universalist in nature; that everyone is saved. Bickle proudly said that the Pope assured him that only Jesus is the way to salvation.
Case closed right? Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Not so fast. Where were the questions about Catholic doctrine that says you need good works in order to be saved? Or the belief that he is Christ on earth? How about their doctrine that Mary is co-redeemer along with Jesus? Or the re-crucifying of Christ every week through the Eucharist teachings? Or the Catholic Canons that teach if you believe in salvation through faith alone you are accursed! Now, I do not expect someone as false doctrinally as Mike Bickle to get these points but he who has eyes should be seeing.
Beloved if this meeting occurred in a vacuum then I would say let it pass as inconsequential. But these are certainly not the first overtures from the apostate church towards this Pope and the false calls for unity. Rick Warren has gone out of his way to unite with Rome. Pope Francis had already met with prosperity false preachers Kenneth Copeland and James Robison. Hillsong has made a pilgrimage to the Vatican through Darlene Zschech. Joel Osteen visited the Pope alongside a Senator from the United States who is a Mormon. Osteen praised the Pope as follows:
"I love the fact that's he's made the Church more inclusive," he said. "Not trying to make it smaller, but to try to make it larger -- to take everybody in. So, that just resonates with me," -- Joel Osteen
Are we seeing yet with our eyes beloved? It is not about making the church larger. It is about preaching the Gospel so people might be saved. We can take everyone in and they will still end up in hell. A point Osteen never preaches about nor seemingly cares about. These are the stones paving the way to the one world religion. Next month there is an ecumenical gathering in Washington DC under the guise of unity and to the charity of the souls of men. The lineup of false teachers is staggering. From the Circle Maker heretic Mark Batterson to one of the global apostate churches in Hillsong. "Together 2016" includes the likes of Andy Mineo who recently espoused the appropriateness of Christians to use profanity at will. Kirk Franklin, who has effectively left the faith and now calls religion oppressive. Francis Chan who thinks Mike Bickle is a man of God. Ravi Zacharias, who is an ecumenical giant in his own right. Christine Caine, the false teacher from Hillsong. Ronnie Floyd who teaches abusive tithing and has led the Southern Baptist denomination so far astray. This is who we are supposed to join hands in prayer with? Of what fellowship does light have with darkness! And guess who has just announced he will join this heretical lineup via satellite? Pope Francis. The organizer of the event gushed with excitement over the announcement:
"That His Holiness would choose to speak
into this historic day is a testament to the urgency and the need for followers
of Jesus to unite in prayer for our nation and our world." -- Nick Hall
No Nick. It is not. It is a call to believing Christians everywhere to open their eyes to see. To see that the foundation for Revelation 13 is being laid today. That the building blocks for the one world religion are being forged today. The signs are all around us beloved. Having eyes, do you not see?
Reverend Anthony Wade -- June 15, 2016