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NAR Dominionist - It Is Impossible to be Non-Confrontational with the Lost

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It is not your job to convict anyone. That is the job of God through the Holy Spirit. Once again, Idleman complaints are right out of the GOP talking points. Wokeness is just another canned talking point designed to "otherize" your opponent. But fine, we will play along. No one seriously is suggesting repentance of skin color, just not a whitewashing of our history. It is not about disliking police but rather disliking the culture of thinking it is ok to kneel on someone's neck for ten minutes until you kill them. Do you think Jesus would be ok with that? It is not about disdain for America but rather a belief that we can do better. Shouldn't we want to? Silence is not support. The cause of the gospel take precedent over any pet political issues. Just look at the arrogance and misguidedness of the last line here. Shane makes no bones about the fact that this entire political discussion is pure carnality. He has chosen one side, the Republicans. Despite being assured by the bible that his side is just as evil, Shane confers a righteousness to them that they did not earn and do not deserve. The other side? They are just "woke." They hate cops and white people. They love perversion. Do you get that today? If you simply have the temerity to disagree with Shane Idleman and vote a different way than he does, then you are all of these things and far, far worse.

'Love of country shouldn't take precedence over love of people, but doesn't loving people also mean loving the country in which they live? What many are really saying is, "If you vote for a mean-tweeting president, care about God-given freedoms, and talk about hot-button issues, you don't love people." With all due respect, that simply is not true! Is it even possible for Christians to embrace a political party without hurting the feelings of the other party? No, it's not. This is the dilemma of Pastor Stanley and other leaders. Instead of asking, "How can we not offend others?" they should be asking, "Are we offending God?"' - Shane Idleman

No Shane, loving people does not mean you have to love the country they live in. Was that supposed to be a serious question? We love our brothers and sisters in Christ, struggling in the underground church in China but certainly do not love China. We love the same facing beheading in the Middle East but do not love those countries. But Shane, you can't be this dense. To try and minimize the thrice married, thrice unfaithful, grab them by the vagina president as simply having "mean tweets" is insulting to our collective intelligence. Once again however, look at the staggering arrogance of the position Idleman has staked out. This country sells you on the notion that there are two sides. One is right for everything and one is wrong, and you must choose. The church however is not in the business of choosing sinful sides and lesser evils. To Shane Idleman however you must choose a side and then examine if your choice has offended God. They both offend God! That is the point! When you alienate half the people based upon carnal politics, trust me, you are offending God!

"A.W. Tozer hit the nail on the head decades ago: "If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used ... there must appear a new type of preacher."

Tozer continues, "The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting." He concludes, "Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the One and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath." God, give us more prophets and fewer puppets! Those who have been called to preach will confront compromise, condemn moral digression and powerfully denounce sin in the hope of reconciling man to God. The world despises them because they challenge the sin the world enjoys. Trying to please a Christ-rejecting world is an exercise in futility. Although ruffling feathers is not our goal, we will step on toes from time to time when we speak the truth. This can't always be avoided, nor should it be. Weak and woke won't turn America around, but neither will pride and arrogance. Speaking the heart of God flows from a reservoir of brokenness and time spent with Him. How are you doing in this area? Whether you're on the Right or the Left, you must be on the right side of God's Word. We need more men like the Old Testament prophet Micaiah, who said, "As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what the Lord tells me to say" (1 Kings 22:14, NLT)." - Shane Idleman

It is sadly ironic that Shane cannot see is own failings in the areas he claims so much revelation in. He is the one trying to please a Christ-rejecting world. At least he is trying to please half of it. It is equally sad that he chooses to invoke Micaiah, one of my favorite prophets from the Old Testament. Of course, the Lord did not tell Shane the nonsense contained in this article. The Lord does not want any to perish but all to come to salvation. His evangelism plan does not start by excluding half the people based upon their voting record nor does He automatically grant salvation to those who vote the other way. It just doesn't work like that. As for quotes, Idleman likes to quote different people such as Leonard Ravenhill. Maybe Idleman needs to not prooftext those he seeks to quote either. As Ravenhill was preparing to leave this earth, his biographer asked him if he had any regrets and his answer blows Shane Idleman's usage of Ravenhill quotes out of the proverbial water:

"If I had spent more time alone with God rather than preaching and planning how I was going to change the world, I would be a very different man." - Leonard Ravenhill

You get that Shane? The bible already tells us how to change the world and that is through the preaching of the gospel. Some will get saved and many will not. Either way it is better than trying to legislate your perceived morality, swear by evil people as good, and wantonly confront everyone who does not vote the way you think is best. That is not religion Shane, it is politics. I am going to close with a quote from AW Tozer, another man misrepresented here by Idleman. Perhaps if Shane had seen this quote he would have thought twice before lumping Tozer in with his carnal beliefs. This is about a good summary of politics and the Christian as I have seen. I pray it minsters to you as well.

"After more than forty years of experience, I am prepared to say that I have never heard or read anything of a political nature, by a preacher, that was any good. When a man of God speaks as a prophet, his message is freighted with wisdom and power. When he speaks for a party, God withdraws His power and lets His servant speak without wisdom. As a prophet, he may call to judgment kings and presidents. Let him obey God and stay by his commission, and he will be God's voice to all men and all parties. Let him seek to identify his prophetic office with politics, or place his power at the disposal of a party, and he violates his office and confuses his own face. Then he speaks as a discredited prophet, and not all his pretensions to omniscience can disguise the babel in his voice! Preachers have been known to go all-out for some newly-come politician because he spoke 'respectfully of God.' Later events made them wish they had ... allowed their man to prove his piety before they fastened themselves on his coattail. Christ is not a member of any political party. He stands outside of and above every party. His kingdom was not of this world." - AW Tozer

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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