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Devotionals    H3'ed 11/1/20

NAR On Display - Perry Stone Ministries Prays to the American Flag

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2. Using 1Timothy 2:1-4, Cutshall now asks for prayer to bring us back to the value system of the founding fathers, continuing the false NAR narrative. The dominionist believes that the founders were a bastion of Christian beliefs but as already pointed out this is beyond revisionist history. They overlook that Jefferson rewrote the bible, removing all of the miracles of Christ and references to his divinity. The bottom line is most of the founders would probably be ridiculed as heretics by the overly judgmental church of today. Let us also not lose sight this is supposed to be a prayer meeting, in a church.

3. Cutshall opens the third segment citing Psalm 33 and stating that we have sinned and fallen short and asks for healing for the nation. Huh? This is the disconnect the NAR never sees. If we have sinned and fallen short as the church, which we have, then the repentance of such and the need for healing is within the church, not the world. That is not what the political agenda at work here wants. The reality is that the church should view the unsaved with compassion. We should see them as being blind and walking in darkness. The political scheme of Satan however is to get the church to blame the unsaved for all of the societal woes and believe that if they would just behave a little better than we would experience "revival" and God would stay His coming wrath. Spoiler alert - He won't. Every day that we are focused on the behavior modification of the lost is another day the Gospel is relegated to second place and that is always a win for the enemy. Perhaps worse however is the "prayer" from the intercessor, which included:

"I come against every lying spirit that is working against our country in the name of Jesus. It has no place. It has no hold. It has no power and I just cast it down from the heavens where they sit right now. I pray that we would not see Democrat or Republican but vote for who stands for your principles and your word." - Intercessor

First of all I am not sure what the lying spirit is doing in the heavens but that aside, this person has no power to cast it down. These are the ramblings of someone who has been taught very poorly by a man focused church to believe we have powers that only God has. The idea of prayer is our bringing to God what we are interceding for. Not to skip God and pretend that we have the powers that He has. You may want to sit down if you are Charismatic, but we do not have the authority or power to declare and decree anything on our own. We cannot shift the atmosphere, command angels, or cast things down from the heavens.

4. Using Isaiah 2:4, Cutshall prays for the rioting to cease in this country. Now we start to see the true political agenda behind this faux prayer service. Have there been riots in this country? Yes, but the vast majority have been people peacefully protesting and let us not lose sight of the reason why. Let us not lose sight of people being executed by the state police force. Where was the prayer for that? Where was the prayer for those people who are hurting? Where is the prayer for the Gospel? You know, the only thing that can truly change any of their hearts? Unreal.

5. The next prayer segment was "against the liberal ideas taught at our universities that lead our children astray" and that "we call them back to their first love." This is such a misplaced prayer. It is the same line of reasoning used by heretic Andy Stanley last year. Andy was lamenting that the youth in his church would go off to college and somehow become atheistic. His conclusion was to no longer rely upon teaching the infallibility of the scripture and instead make humanistic and historical arguments to believe the Gospel. What he failed to see is the same thing that this group of NAR adherents fail to see. The problem is not that the world teaches what the world believes. It is that the church cannot save anyone if it is not preaching the Gospel. So, youth in Charismatic churches start in Sunday school with a Veggie Tale upbringing. They are convinced by their teacher to say the love Jesus so their parents can baptize them before they truly comprehend sin and repentance. They spend their formative teen years having pizza parties and then are shipped off to college where they are greeted with empirical learning. It is not that they give up their faith - they never had it to begin with! So pray all you like about liberal universities. As long as you are not preaching the true Gospel of Christ no one is going to get saved in your church.

6. As if the carnal spirit of politics was not thick enough, Cutshall actually shifts now to praying for Republican party talking points that have no basis in reality. This segment was to pray against the "schemes with mail in ballots and electronic voting." There have been multiple studies of voting that have proven this talking point to be nonsense. Many states have done mail in voting for years, including Republican states, with barely any incident. That did not stop the intercessor from blaming mail carriers and vote counters (which are supervised by operatives from both parties) for destroying votes. So are we following this? A Christian church holds a prayer meeting where they worship the flag and pray against fabricated political talking points instead of speaking the truth and focusing on the Gospel. At the end of this segment, Cutshall lets us all know how he will vote and pretends he is not telling you how to. He claims he will only vote for someone who supports biblical values and herein lies the rub for NAR dominionists and their ilk. Neither party supports biblical values. Neither party cares about the cause of Christ.

7. This segment was simply for Christians to be elected to all positions in government. Within the NAR this false teaching is known as the seven mountains mandate, where Christians are expected to conquer the seven mountains of culture, including government. Cutshall mangles Proverbs 11:14, which deals with Christ being given the nations as an inheritance and transposes it into praying that God give us the nation of America. In a moment of hilarious reality, they pray for "Christians speaking into the ears of the president." The truth is that right now we have a president that the church is deeply in his ears. He even has a spiritual advisor and evangelical advisory panel. So what's the problem? They are all raving heretics! His spiritual advisor is Paula White for heaven's sake! This woman has made over five million dollars fleecing the flock of God. She routinely begs for money pretending God told her to ask for it and is not shy of abusing scripture in the process. For example, she once claimed God told her that 1Chronicles 22:9 meant that you should send her $229. I am not kidding. The rest of his alleged Christian advice is a who's who of false teachers.

The last segment was a call to wake the apathetic church. What happens here is disturbing on so many levels. Cutshall has the intercessors gather around the flag and then invited the congregation to also gather around the flag. Then with hands stretched out to the flag, they all prayed for the nation. As I have stated before this is pure idolatry. It is a violation of the very first commandment to have no other gods before Him. Beloved, this is no anomaly. Perry Stone operates an international ministry. This kind of garbage is being taught across this land and it is leading so many astray. I used to belong to a Facebook group that exposed the NAR but had to leave because so many in the group refused to see how their dominionism revealed their compromise. You cannot serve two masters. Yes this country is the best experiment in the history of pagan nations but it remains a pagan nation. It was not founded on Christian principles and forcing our beliefs upon unbelievers will not win one single soul for the kingdom. Neither party cares about the cause of Christ and when you go full out for one party over the other the best argument you can make is a lesser of two evils. If that is the case do not argue too hard in defense of your perceived lesser evil. Why? Because it is still evil and you might be wrong.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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