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Pimping Prosperity Under the Guise of Wanting to "Bless People"

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"No one needs to feel bad folks, but we need to break off this religious ceiling, these religious blinders that keep us from seeing the goodness of God. In Psalm 67:1-2, David gives us a verse that straightens this whole thing out. This is actually a prayer: "May God be gracious to us and bless us, and make His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your saving power among all nations." Guys that sounds like revival to me." - Jim Baker

The wickedness continues. So, if you do not choose to focus on God making you rich, then you must have religious blinders on. How insultingly absurd. How does this theology play in third world countries Jim? Oh, that's right, it can't. The Psalm verses have absolutely nothing to do with money. Even the part about God blessing us so that the ways of God are known in the earth. The key verse is from the Beatitudes and Jesus is explaining that we must let our light shine before the world so they may see our good works and give glory to God. It's a shame that when you are so carnal you can only see this in monetary terms. It is not our wallet that is a shining city on a hill. The saving power is the good news of the gospel!

"People lack a revelation of the goodness of God. What if this really became our prayer? What if, like David, we prayed, "God put Your hand of blessing on me so people will see what You're really like?" It's basically saying, "God they won't know what You're really like unless they see Your blessing and Your favor upon me. - Jim Baker

David is not saying that. Jim Baker is. How offensive is it to say that people won't know what God is like unless I am wealthy? Why is blessing and favor only represented here by material goodies? God has blessed me beyond belief for Calvary. Anything after that is gravy. People should know that God has first blessed us by saving us from this sin sick world. They should know we are blessed by our peace. They should know we are blessed because we are not like the world instead of pursuing the material baubles it has to offer. In fact, if all the world sees to know you are "blessed" is money, then they will not want your Jesus for His salvation, power over death and sin, peace and calm in the storm or love grace and mercy. They will only want Him for the money. No one gets saved that way.

"I believe one of the most underrated tools for ministering to this lost world is living a blessed life. Not just material, but in our families and in our souls. And it also includes this material part. Listen guys, in Romans 11, God provoked the Jews to jealousy through the blessing of the Gentiles. Let me just say that broke Christians are not going to provoke the world into jealousy. Blessings are not just financial, but financial wealth is part of it." - Jim Baker

This is typical cover for prosperity pimps. They clearly talk about prosperity in financial terms but then throw some lip service to say, well not just money. Right Jim. Romans 11 is about the gentiles being grafted in because of the disobedience of Israel. It literally has NOTHING to do with money, finances, or prosperity. So, God came for His people, they rejected Him so He offered His salvation to the world. THAT provoked His people to be jealous. Not money. What a butchering of some pretty important theological verses. Now, Jim Baker has made it clear that money makes him jealous but this notion that poor Christians cannot provoke the world into jealousy is an abomination. Realize that provoking to jealousy here means that the world will see us and want to come to Jesus. So, if we do not have money, we cannot represent Christ? This issue is not that money is financial, of course it is, and it could be a blessing. The problem is that Jim Baker is teaching that you cannot be blessed without it. That means most of the Christian world is incapable of provoking an interest in God. That is again insulting and absurd. This is just brutal.

"You might be saying, "I don't know Jim, this just sounds to me like a bless-me-club." Well, Jesus didn't die for a curse-me-club. Truthfully, what is the problem with a bless-me-club anyway? As Christians, when we're blessed do we not become a bigger blessing?" - Jim Baker

Baker is very adept at these cute little sayings designed to throw people off how horrific his teaching is. The underlying problem this entire time has been that Jim Baker has directly correlated the concept of material wealth to blessings. The reality is most people who get more money spend more money. Sure, they may buy some backpacks for needy kids but that does not compare to what they buy themselves. That is why God warned us about the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil. What Baker is proposing is a bless me club and he does so proudly. Never forget that if your theology cannot work in other countries than it is false by definition.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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