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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/9/16

Prophetic Worship - The Corruption of Praising God

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The Bible says that David and all of the house of Israel were celebrating before the Lord as they transported the ark back to Jerusalem. They were worshipping. Yet God was clearly more concerned with the manner of worship than the act. You see Uzzah was not supposed to touch the ark. God had ordained that only the Kohathites were allowed to transport the ark and Uzzah was not a Kohathite. Additionally, it was not meant to be transported on a cart but rather on the shoulders of the Kohathites by using poles. You may be saying what's the big deal? Uzzah was ordered by his king to do this and was only trying to prevent the ark from spilling onto the ground. Why couldn't God just be happy with the worship that was being offered? That seems to be the logic today as well with things like "prophetic" worship. They think that God should be happy with the worship regardless of the manner. They think that their zeal or sincerity makes up for their blatant disobedience to the Word of God. They are dancing spiritually naked before the Lord and like Uzzah before them; they have no idea how offensive their false worship is. This is not new beloved. God has had to deal with this before and not just with Uzzah:

Take away from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen. But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. -- Amos 5: 23-24 (ESV)

Worship is a natural outpouring of love for God but how can we say we love Him while not obeying Him? As Jesus once lamented, why bother calling me Lord if you refuse to do what I say? Claiming God forgot something in His Word and is now imparting new revelation is blasphemous. There is no need to rely upon our hearts when we have His Word! Beloved realize the insidious nature of this scheme from Satan. If we are to believe that this form of expression is indeed prophetic, then we put it on par with the Word of God and thus diminish the Word! The other major problem is it is a slippery slope. David probably thought the cart was a safer way of transporting the ark; no big deal. Uzzah probably felt honored and never could have imagined the ark falling over onto the ground. His reaction to stop the ark from touching the ground was surely benevolent but the reaction from God sure wasn't. His intentions did not matter. His heart did not matter. His worship did not matter. All that mattered was his disobedience. The slope is slippery beloved. There is a huge difference between saying how much we love God and how much He loves us. There is an even bigger difference between saying I love God and I am a lover for God. Consider these lyrics from new worship star, Nikki Mathis, who was recently heralded by Charisma News as a "prophetic worshipper."

I wanna be an extravagant lover

An offering, a sacrifice for thee

I find in you my passion and pleasure

Til I am consumed with the spirit of burning

A laid down lover

That's what I wanna be

Mathis has cited Jesus Culture, Misty Edwards and Rick Pino of all people as her influences, which explains the softcore pornographic nature of her lyrics here. You shouldn't feel the need to shower after worship. Mathis openly admits that the sound of worship is changing.

"It is being used in a real raw place, because that is what this generation wants. And to reach the lost, we have to get real and raw and worship that is not fake will cause others to worship." -- Nikki Mathis

How unscriptural and narcissistic. Getting "real and raw" may sound really cool or even profound but it is spiritually vacuous. Ironically the fake worship she rails against is this notion of prophetic worship. By definition it must be fake or God is a liar. God did not just realize He forgot to tell us something so He whispered it to Nikki Mathis' heart to tell us. Mathis however unwittingly reveals the deception she is under and is spreading like a cancer through the body of Christ:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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