Let's get some things straight James. This segment was not "tinged" with sarcasm. The entire exchange was sarcastic! You know why? Because of the blatant hypocrisy shown by people bragging about their piety but who clearly do not trust their faith leaders to tell them the truth! Robinson and Scarborough were not declaring people were going to hell - they were using the rhetoric of the apostate church against itself! The dominionist church points it accusatory bony finger at the world and screams sinner and then when asked if what they are being taught is true, they basically say, ehh - not really! They also did not "cherry pick" data. They were specifically reporting on this one section of the poll because it revealed the ridiculous hypocrisy of many Christian voters. It is not their job to point out the absurd rationale why so-called Christians think any politician is so much more trustworthy than those that are charged with shepherding their faith. Responsible journalism does not mean journalism that agrees with you James. The poll was real, and the results reported were real. Their analysis was spot on although snarky. There was nothing "wrong" from a journalism standpoint. Responsible journalism deals with the truth and since this poll represented what believers said, both sides were presented!
"Satan is a skilled manipulator who uses various channels, including mainstream media, to advance his own agenda. Similar to how Satan is known for twisting truths, many believe that mainstream media can sometimes promote narratives that are in no way genuinely accurate. This intentional deception highlights the need for discernment and careful consideration, urging individuals to approach media content with wisdom and thoughtfulness to navigate the complexities of information sharing in line with the apostle Paul's warning in 1 Corinthians 11. While MSNBC might attempt to downplay the incident by suggesting it was "joking," the damage has already been done. By choosing to mock Christians and misrepresent their values, the network has demonstrated a troubling bias that does not reflect the principles of balanced reporting and fair representation. It serves as a stark reminder that respectful and truthful discourse is crucial, especially in a media landscape that holds immense influence over public perceptions." - James Lasher
Satan is the father of lies but Lasher is the liar here. There was no twisting of the truth, just the uncomfortable truth that Christian Trump voters believe their own faith leaders at a 42% clip but their favorite politician at 72%. Those are cult like numbers. What James Lasher is hinting at here is for believers to only follow false conservative news. We should be able to DISCERN. The apostate dominionist church, however, wants tight control over information and disinformation. That is the real scheme here in the Lasher article. There was a horrific poll that reveals great hypocrisy on the part of the apostate church. Because they could not answer the results of this poll, they have to lie about how it was correctly covered. There is no acceptable reason why people claiming the mantle of Jesus Christ to say they believe any man over those charged with leading their flock. The only logical reason is their pastor is false and they have been coerced into believing their politics over the word of God. MSNBC was not misrepresenting their values or mocking their faith. They were mocking their hypocrisy. It was a fair representation. The only reasonable critique would be that the sarcasm was laid on pretty thick but Morning Joe is political opinion show, not a news reporting show and James Lasher knows that. Do not lose sight of the lead here beloved. This poll reveals that people who claim to be the church do not actually believe their pastors tell them the truth. If you find yourself in a similar position it is time to find another pastor and a different church.
Reverend Anthony Wade - September 15, 2023