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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/7/18

The Age of Christian Offense -- The Scheme of the Devil Reinforced by the NAR

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The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. -- 1Corinthians 2: 14 (ESV)

Yet there came the NAR influenced church playing the victim with screams of persecution that must have made Middle Eastern Christians chuckle before they faced their beheading for refusing to denounce Christ. There were calls for Behar's scalp, protests against ABC, demands for her termination and boycotting advertisers of The View. Because you know, that's what Jesus would do? Except that is not what Jesus would do at all. Yet the offense machine is constantly churning out new offenses to rally around. I read an article today on Charisma News called, "Absolute Proof That Prayer in the Public Square in Under Attack." This was the opening salvo:

"There is a new wave of attack that has been leveled at our country in the wake of the most recent and tragic school shooting in Florida. It is an attack against the one thing that can truly be effective in this issue--the power of prayer."

Yes the real victims of that horrific school shooting were not kids after all but the right to pray in public. How disgustingly self-serving in the name of the Lord. Oh and the absolute proof? The fact that many of the survivors have not welcomed the usual empty rhetoric about "thoughts and prayers." No matter what side of the gun debate you are on does not matter because your first allegiance must be to the Gospel. If the survivors wanted better gun control laws and they see the President offer thoughts and prayers while he has secret midnight meetings with the NRA you should be able to see how that might upset some. Even if you cannot see that, the issue is moot because as a Christian, your job is to not take offense. Consider the key verses today.

The Apostle Paul is teaching in Ephesus and for three months speaking the uncompromised Gospel boldly in the synagogue. Some however remained stubborn in their unbelief and started maligning the things and message of God. Similar if you will to someone like Joy Behar not understanding the spiritual dynamic how God speaks to His people or teenagers who just buried their friends not feeling the power of prayer. Did Paul take great offense, organize boycotts and protests, or even try and argue with them? No. He instead withdrew from the synagogue and reasoned with people in the Hall of Tyrannus for another two years. Why? The reason is given in the text. All the people in Asia had a chance to hear the word of the Lord.

Beloved that is the point of why we are not to take offense when the world behaves like the world. We are supposed to be pilgrims and sojourners through this land -- not residents fighting over political issues that save no one. The enemy has done a masterful job at marginalizing the only thing that has the power to save -- the Gospel. He does so through scientific discovery challenging basic biblical truths. He does so through leveraging the church leadership to alter the Gospel in pursuit of their purpose driven dreams. He does so through NAR teachings which emphasize a love for this world instead of for the cause of Christ. Through Christian offense which ignores false teaching within the walls of the church in favor of being outraged that kids who just saw their friends murdered dare to scoff at the notion of thoughts and prayers. Or becoming apoplectic when a worldly talk show host behaves like a worldly talk show host. We have a higher calling beloved. We are supposed to be ready to give them a reason to hope. Instead we give them the back of our hand and ask if we should call down fire from heaven upon them. We need to remember what manner of Spirit we are while there is still time left.

Reverend Anthony Wade - March 7, 2018

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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