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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/16/17

The Anatomy of a False Teaching and the Dangers Within

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"His showers will be on you not later but soon. He is up there watching us. He is aware just wait and see the powers of His hand and the reason why He is mighty."

"Do not despair, your breakthrough is coming!"

I am not suggesting that people be negative to this poor woman but there is no patron saint of employment first of all. Secondly, her breakthrough may not happen in the next 14 days. Thirdly, God's answer is sometime no and sometimes the answer is not now. This woman was further encouraged by these responses of blessings showering her but what happens on July 1 when the eviction notice comes? Followers of Osteen clearly do not have spiritual maturity to realize the truths of Scripture so one of two things will happen. This woman will either blame herself for a lack of faith issue or she will blame God. Either way, she will probably walk away from the church that betrayed her. The church that told her that God was commanding blessings over her life as they were chaining the doors to where she used to live. If you really want to see a reprobate mind who thinks they are saved through Osteen's preaching, check out this response to his post:

"Joel you are an amazing preacher and I love listening to you. I was married for 18 years to my husband and he can't have any kids and I wanted to so I decided to give up in life and went to drive my truck from Canada to the west coast in the US. My trainer and I became friends and he was married for 15 years and says he can't have kids too. He went to the doctor for treatment but nothing helped so his wife gave up on him and they divorced. So we started dating and ended up living together and as we go to work every day I would read my bible and pray ask God to bless me with a baby and to see if this man could give me a child. After a year and a half I went to the doctor and they told me I was pregnant. God answered my prayers and my partner could not be happier. -- Osteen Follower

Wow. So let me see if I have this right. You were married to a man who physically could not have children so you left him and divorced him after 18 years. You then met a man with a similar problem whose wife left him and divorced him for the same reason. You did not get married but moved in together, fornicated in sin, read your bible every day, prayed to God for a baby and when you got pregnant you attribute it to God blessing two divorces without cause and a lifestyle of complete disobedience to Him and His Word. The people who responded to this woman all praised God and said amen! Are you kidding me? This is what happens when you sit under gross false teaching. There is no question this woman fancies herself saved but even though she claims to read the Bible daily she is ignorant to what it teaches. Why? Because without the indwelt Holy Spirit to lead her into all truth she cannot possibly fathom the things of God. That He hates divorce. That sexual immorality is not allowed. Instead it all puppies and rainbows because that is what Joel Osteen teaches her. That you believe you can live in abject sin, pray for God to bless that sin, and then when something happens think God answered your prayers is frightening. Why? Because she will be one those people in Matthew 7 standing before the Lord on the last day only to find out that He never knew her. Instead of "well done" she will hear "away from me, you who practice lawlessness."

So what is the anatomy of a false teaching? Let us go back to the Osteen post, which is taken from his latest sermon. This week Joel is selling the notion that you are commanded to be blessed. The first aspect we see that is in nearly every false teaching is a mangling of the Word of God. A twisting of the Bible to fit the teaching. Joel rightly states that Deuteronomy 28:8 says the Lord will command the blessing upon you." He left out the context however. Is Deuteronomy 28:8 a blanket promise for Christians? Or course not. The first context Joel omits is the key verse today -- the first verse of the chapter. This verse contains the condition for the promise held in verse eight. So it is not just that He commands the blessing over you and have a nice day. No beloved first, you must faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that He has commanded you today. What day? The day Moses is referring to is the day in which he was speaking. What are all of the commandments he is speaking of? In order to understand that you need to read the entire Torah for context. The first five books of the Bible. Moses is referring to the Mosaic Law, which consisted of 613 different laws. Are we starting to see the problem of citing only verse eight? Beloved, no one was able to keep the Mosaic Law and if you broke one of them you were guilty of all 613. This is why God sent Jesus! That is the real preachable point but Joel does not want to focus on Jesus so he takes one verse that sounds good to itching ears and ascribes promises to it that God never made you or me. Why not randomly take a different verse from the same chapter and sees what happens:

The Lord will make the pestilence stick to you until he has consumed you off the land that you are entering to take possession of it. The Lord will strike you with wasting disease and with fever, inflammation and fiery heat, and with drought and with blight and with mildew. They shall pursue you until you perish. -- Deuteronomy 28: 21-22 (ESV)

You see what Joel doesn't want you to know is that there 58 verses of curses God commands if His laws are not adhered to. These are only two of those verses. Deuteronomy 28 is a fantastic chapter to preach on to show the underpinning of the great plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Not to claim some command of temporal blessings for people.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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