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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/31/16

The Bible Exposes the Network of False Prophets Leading People to Hell

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Partner with God. Partner with the Creator of the entire universe. How staggeringly arrogant can you get? But this is where the real danger lies in following such egregiously false teachers and prophets. They are selling you a relationship with a false Christ. Singing Friend of God does not make you a friend of God. If He is not your Lord and Savior first then He most assuredly is not your friend. He is not your buddy. He is not your wingman. There is also no voice to "tune into." If you want to hear from the Lord then open your Bible. If you want to hear Him audibly, read your Bible out loud. Lastly with this revealing statement, our job is not to shape the world around us. But this is the sales pitch the network always makes. Throw out the bible in favor of relationship. Trust your feeling and desperately wicked heart. Go deeper into intimacy and hear what He is saying when it is really your deceitful heart speaking. Change your world because of it. Here is the promo from Bolz's own page:

Next week our brand new E-Course, Translating God, with Shawn Bolz premieres and we couldn't be more excited. God is doing something on the Earth that He not only wants us to know, but also help communicate to the world! Come learn and grow in your prophetic and gift and watch your environment transform around you!"

There is no learning a gift from the Holy Spirit. He either has given it or not. You cannot grow in it. You will not be transforming the environment by learning how to falsely prophesy either. This is all false prophet network 101. It is time for discerning Christians everywhere to walk away from it. Recognize that untold thousands of people will end up in hell for following this kind of nonsense. There is a real price to pay for false prophecy. In Pentecostal circles, prophecy these days has been reduced to psychic tricks and parlor games. Clairvoyance and future telling is not prophecy beloved. It is time for us to dispel the basics of their system.

In the Old Testament, prophets were needed because there was no organized written down Bible. There were sacred transcribed copies of the Torah but most "Scripture" was passed down verbally through generations. If God wanted to speak directly to His people, He spoke through a prophet. He had a really simple system so everyone would know the prophet was from Him. If what he said came true, then he was a true prophet. If it did not he was false. We no longer live under the Old Covenant however. We have the full counsel of God provided to us in the Holy Bible. The final revealed will of God is contained within His Word. It is amazing that we believe God to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent yet somehow think that He forgot to tell us something and is only now revealing it through someone trying to make a quick buck off of it. False Prophetess Jennifer Leclaire just recently claimed that God gave her a profoundly important prophetic message for the body of Christ about the angels of abundant harvest. Yet to find out about it, you have to buy her new book. Do not take my word for it beloved. We always turn to the Bible for our answers. Today's is found in the key verse:

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. -- 2Peter 2: 1 (ESV)

What powerful proof that the entire modern day false prophecy network scheme is just an unbiblical scam. Just as false prophets arose during the Old Covenant, before there was the final revealed will of God, so too we will face false teachers. Whoa, wait a minute. Why does God switch in mid sentence? Because in the Old Testament, the people of God had to rely upon the prophets to hear from the Lord but in the new we must rely upon teachers who will teach us the Word. The Word of God is the final prophecy of the Lord. We do not need these snake oil salesmen pretending God forgot to say something and has chosen them to speak to about it. What about the gift of prophecy then? What about it? It clearly is still in operation so therefore prophecy today is to point people back to what God has already said in His Word. Shawn Bolz, Bill Johnson, Bethel, IHOP, Jennifer Leclaire, the NAR and the rest of the false prophets' network are prophe-lying everyone straight to hell. They are selling a buddy-Jesus that cannot save you. Whether it is a $50 e-course or a $125 DVD set; it doesn't matter. They may truly represent a great spiritual movement but it ain't the Holy Spirit that is moving.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- December 31, 2016

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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