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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/21/16

The Convenience of False Believing - Jezebel Edition

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The Pulpit Commentary agrees and states that the whoredoms are a direct reference to idolatries with no less than 11 cross references. The witchcrafts referenced is probably speaking to the magical arts practiced in the day by many foreign countries including where Jezebel originated from, Phoenicia. Such practices were forbidden in Levitical law yet were spread throughout Israel by Jezebel. But note the key portion of LeClaire's statement here is not based on Scripture but rather on how she feels. She feels that infirmities are part of Jezebel's witchcraft? Well that is great for experiential Christians I suppose but there is not a single verse in the story of Jezebel that actually reveals this. She tries to further buttress her unscriptural feeling by claiming that Ephesians 6 actually lists the powers that Satan uses against us and that witchcraft is one of them. The only problem is Ephesians 6 says no such thing. There is no list of Satanic weapons used against us at all. It talks about spiritual wickedness in high places but there is no list as she claims. So what we have is the typical convenient manner in which someone who traffics in the false for a living leverages some pious sounding rhetoric, throws in some lofty spiritual basis for it but when you peel back the layers you find there is little to no scriptural basis for even the premise. The first verse she references mentions the word witchcraft. She parlays that into supporting a feeling she has and then tries to "biblify" it by flat out misrepresenting an entire chapter of the Bible. Probably hoping the readers would just take her at her word and not do the work of a Berean and actually read Ephesians 6. Here is how LeClaire tries to justify her apparent lack of faith that led to so much illness:

"The Holy Spirit showed me that many times witchcraft against your mind can cause you to focus so much on the symptoms attacking your body that you can't extend your faith to receive God's healing power. In other words, if you aren't careful, when witchcraft attacks your mind you will wind up speaking and thinking about the infirmity rather than speaking and thinking about your healing, allowing the enemy to maintain the stronghold." - Jennifer LeClaire

Beloved watch very carefully how the convenient false believing mind operates in this statement. It usually starts with a declaration of divine revelation because that cannot be questioned without appearing to question God. We see this throughout the world of false teachers, preachers, and prophets. The Lord Told me. The Holy Spirit showed me. When Mark Driscoll wanted to avoid being properly disciplined for the debacle at Mars Hill Church in Seattle he claimed the God audibly spoke to both him and his wife that the discipline plan was a "trap" and that he was "released." What utter nonsense. Just as nonsensical as this statement from LeClaire. I have no doubt that a spirit showed this to her but it wasn't the Holy Spirit. How can we be so sure? Well here are the claims of what the Holy Spirit showed her:

* That witchcraft can attack your mind to get you to focus on symptoms

* That by focusing on symptoms you cannot extend your faith

* That without extending your faith, you cannot receive God's healing power

* That the illness is a stronghold of the devil

Wow, that sure sounds super-spiritual. The only problem is none of it is actually found in the Bible. None of it. So why in the world should we believe the Holy Spirit showed her things that are not in the Bible? What these are however, are the foundational teaching LeClaire believes in regarding healing. The same false beliefs shared by Bill Johnson, Mike Bickle, and countless other false teachers and prophets. The false teaching is that God always wants to heal you so therefore if you are not healed it is because you have done something wrong to block "receiving it." Can satanic forces affect our health? Sure but to automatically assume that every time you are sick that is a stronghold of the devil is absurd. Illness came in to the world through Adam's fall, not Satan. LeClaire however was far from done as she accused Queen Jezebel of "releasing word curses" that lead to depression and fear and used Elijah as an example. This of course is after the victory on Mount Carmel we spoke about earlier. Jezebel was less than pleased:

Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, "So may the gods do to me and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by this time tomorrow." Then he was afraid, and he arose and ran for his life and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there. - 1Kings 19: 2-3 (ESV)

So was Elijah afraid? Absolutely. Was he depressed? So much so that he asked Lord to take his life. The sleight of hand Jennifer LeClaire employs here is in claiming this was a "released word curse." That is not supported anywhere in the text. Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah. He was well aware how many prophets of Yahweh she had already killed. He was afraid naturally and fled into the wilderness where he was overwhelmed. In his discourse with God you can sense Elijah's weariness and loneliness. This was not a word curse. That is not only conjecture on LeClaire's part but it is silly conjecture designed to continue to over spiritualize instead of trying to actually hear what God has to say through His Word. But LeClaire is not interested in what God has to say. She had an agenda this entire time. She wanted to excuse why she was sick so much when she espouses healing on demand. She also wanted to attack her critics, something of a habit for Jennifer. So what better way than to blame her own illnesses on those who would dare speak against her. But how to do that? Simple. Lay the false foundation of the "released word curses."

I believe people can release witchcraft word curses against you. I more than believe it, I know it because my inbox is full of them every week. People curse me, my family, my ministry and more with the wicked words of their mouth--most of the times these are Christians. - Jennifer LeClaire

Once again, her basis is her personal beliefs, which is all this article has been from the start. It is completely unscriptural. She had two problems. One is her propensity for illness when she claims true believers should never be ill because God guarantees healing every time. The second is she doesn't like being called out for the false prophetess she clearly is. In one article she kills both with one stone. One large unbiblical stone. She conjures up the Jezebel Spirit to do her bidding. It wasn't her lack of faith that caused all of her illness because she believes infirmities are part of witchcraft! How convenient. Who is causing all of this sickness? Who is speaking these word curses over her life? Well it must be those mean critics of hers. Always pointing out her sheer lunacy, prophecies that never came through, or that fact that she cannot properly handle the Word of God. Oh and do not lose sight that lurking in the background of this article is the fact that she has written no less than 3 books on Jezebel, including her latest work. How do I know this? Because she offered a link in the article for people to buy it. You see Jennifer has a lot invested in Jezebel. It seems to cause her to operate with a blind zeal for the false. An utter disdain for the Word of God and true prophecy. A reckless pursuit of what is wicked to achieve her ends. There's a term for that I seem to remember"oh yeah; the Jezebel Spirit.

Reverend Anthony Wade - February 21, 2016

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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