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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/23/22

The Devil and Pastor Smith Goes to Washington - Turning Preachers Into Legislators

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'America certainly wasn't perfect then, but with the emphasis on godliness, righteousness became the public manifestation of the nation's religion. A perfect example of this comes in the form of the Northwest Ordinance drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1787, which prioritized the teaching of religion and morality as the basis for the admission of future states. As it says in Article 3 of the Ordinance: "Religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." This demonstrates how it was understood in the late 18th century where the focus should be in a nation founded for the "glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith."' - David Lane

What Lane does here is despicable and clever. He just asserts that the nation's religion was what we observe today. His example of support however was Thomas Jefferson. Did Thomas Jefferson believe in Christianity? Absolutely not. He rewrote the bible removing all references to the deity of Christ and His miracles! Jefferson did not believe that Jesus Christ is God. Google the Jefferson Bible if you think I am crazy. Lane is practicing a little sleight of hand here with the Northwest Ordinance. This document was not a religious one. The one line he quotes is simply for the encouragement of education. Remember the proponent is Jefferson so he was not proposing actual Christianity but rather this moralistic twist that he had created. By the way, Washington and James Monroe both opposed the ordinance. The last quote here is not from the 18th century. It is actually from the Mayflower Compact, which again has nothing to do with America, it's founding, or governance.

"Given the exemplary model provided by American Christendom throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the current disconnect between contemporary Christians and civic responsibility is difficult to understand. In a republic, civic engagement determines who reigns supreme in the public square. Speechifying is not a denomination of political currency; mobilizing is.

Contemporary Christendom has squandered the Judeo-Christian heritage and biblically-based culture established by the American founders." - David Lane

Listen beloved. One can believe that America is the best form of government in the history of mankind and still not lie about the dark side that isn't all puppies and rainbows. The 17th and 18th century saw vicious slavery, a civil war over that slavery, sweatshops that worked children 20 hours a day as the Industrial Revolution took the country by storm. It overlooks America as the great imperial giant, taking over countries and pillaging their natural resources. Look, we also helped end two world wars and did countless good in many other areas but to pretend these two centuries were just Leave it to Beaver run on a loop is to be disingenuous. The disconnect Lane decries has nothing to do with civic responsibility. It is that the church has determined that only one political party has righteousness and the other is demonic. Not my words! So, people of like faith who have a good discernment realize they are being lied to by politicians and bullied by churchianity. This isn't the 1770s and it isn't the 18th century. It is 2022 and we have enough to focus on today than to waste time reminiscing about the fake history David Lane wants to sell us. Neither political party belongs to God and Jesus would not vote nor care about voting if He were walking the earth. We know this by His completely apolitical life. This is not a war. No one is looking to reign supreme except the faux warriors like David Lane.

"This brings us to Jonathan Cahn's new book, "The Return of the Gods." Cahn says: "The gods of old now dwell among us. They inhabit our institutions, walk the halls of our governments, cast votes in our legislatures, guide our corporations, gaze out from our skyscrapers, perform on our stages and teach in our universities. They saturate our media, direct our news cycles, inspire our entertainments and give voices to our songs. They incite new movements and ideologies and convert others to their ends. They instruct our children and initiate them into their ways. They incite the multitudes. They drive otherwise rational people into irrationality and some into frenzies, just as they had done in ancient times. They demand our worship, our veneration, our submission, and our sacrifices." The battle waged seems to be in the realm of morality, spirituality, politics and culture. As Cahn notes, it is much deeper than just cultural. In its deepest essence, the conflict is spiritual, representing the unbridgeable divide between the debased profanity of the secular god Baal and the purity and inviolability of Jehovah God." - David Lane

I did not see the grift of selling Jonathan Con's new book coming. What is always so deliciously ironic is when God uses these hucksters to prove His own point. This diatribe Con writes can be easily said of the apostate church today. They inhabit our institutions. They walk the halls of government, cast votes in out legislatures, guide our corporations, gaze out from our skyscrapers, perform on our stages and teach in our universities. They saturate our media, direct our news cycles, inspire our entertainments and give voices to our songs. They incite new movements and ideologies and convert others to their ends. They instruct our children and initiate them into their ways. They incite the multitudes. They drive otherwise rational people into irrationality and some into frenzies, just as they had done in ancient times. They demand our worship, our veneration, our submission, and our sacrifices. That is exactly describing the apostate church system! The truly sad thing is that Con and Lane set up this false narrative without even realizing that they are not on the side of Jehovah God. Not even close. They are idolaters in every sense of the word.

"Rather than between Republican and Democrat, the conflict is between two distinct religions vying for control of the public square. Since they cannot coexist, one will ultimately collapse and go down as a consequence of the rise and elevation of the other. From a superficial point of view certain historical developments may seem irrelevant, such as the removal of prayer to Jehovah God from public education in Engel v. Vitale in 1962, the removal of the Bible in Abington School District v. Schempp in 1963 and the removal of the Ten Commandments from public schools, courthouses and government buildings in Stone v. Graham in 1980. In reality, what they did was spiritually depleting America's house, leaving it to be filled with "more wicked spirits," as Christ forewarned in Luke 11:24-26. The void created by the radical Warren Court's (1953-1964) crusade against Christianity resulted in the current dissolute inculcation of youth in the nation's classrooms, which would have been completely inconceivable a mere 50 years ago. It would seem that America's adolescents are being mustered and equipped through public education for war against God Jehovah and His son Jesus Christ." - David Lane

There is only one side couching this in terms of war. In terms of only one side surviving. Realize spiritually this is clearly the work of the devil. Only he wins in this situation where the lost become the enemy of the church. It is evil to its core. The notion that God was somehow removed from schools or courthouses is asinine. It reveals however, how impotent the false god they serve is. Do you honestly think for a second the creator of the entire universe cannot enter your kids' school? He cannot go into the courthouse? What kind of God do you serve? It is always so disheartening after a school shooting or other tragic event for people to muse, where was God? Are you kidding me? He was in every heroic act. He was in every first responder's courage. He was in every professional helping the survivors survive. Can you imagine if there would be any of us left if not for God? Please. The spiritual depletion is occurring across the churches of America today. That is where the problem is because they are focused on nonsense like this instead of preaching the gospel, which according to our key verses is the ONLY thing that has the power of God unto the salvation of man! The world is not to blame for the current spiritual malaise of our kids. The church is because of the spiritual malaise of the parents!

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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